Bombing Victim Being Rescued

Bombing Victim Being Rescued



Gender: (m)
Posts: 2

2-09-2011 03:47 PM
One teaches in islam is, you should love your neighbour as you love yourself.This is political violence not islamic.   
Last modified by: muhammad abubakar 2-09-2011 03:49 PM

Gender: (m)
Posts: 2

2-09-2011 03:43 PM
My brother islam is a religion of peace. As you said they are ignorant of the religion and it's practice.

Gender: (m)
Posts: 11

28-08-2011 08:23 PM
All we are seen are signs of end time, war every where, it is a shame that those bombers are ignorant of  what they are fighting against, all d weapons and technology today are product of western education that they fighting against. Ignorant people. Can any man fight for God. is islam religion of peace war because this no sign of peace. Stop killing innocent people

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