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Rihanna dancing on an Old Man (Not just any kind of Dance)

Rihanna Still dancing on an Old Man (Lap Dance)

Rihanna @ Kadooment Day carnival

Rihanna.... Bad Girl!!!!!!!!

Rihanna doing her thing...

Rihanna @ Kadooment Day carnival

Rihanna Performing on stage....

Rihanna Rude Boy

Rihanna @ the beach

Rihanna @ the beach

eLDee  2C  MI  2C  Jesse  Jagz  and  Banky  W  shutting  the  Barrel.JPG

MI  2C  eLDee  2C  Banky  W  and  Jesse  Jagz  with  a  Barrel  dating  back  to  1934  281  29.JPG

MI  gets  behind  the  bar  to  make  a  signature  cocktail.JPG

Policemen barrikade the 7up junction leading to the Secretariat


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