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Mr and Mrs Pascal Dozie

Mr Olutoyin Okeowo and Mr Biodun Shobanjo

Mrs Olufunlola Aderinokun(The Deceased's 1st Wife)

Ndi Okereke Onyuke

Pastor Itua Ighodalo

Designer, Remi Lagos

Mrs Salamatu Aderinokun (The Deceased's 2nd Wife)

Governor Ibikunle Amosun and Wife(Ogun State)

TY Bello

Michelle Obama showing her football skills

Michelle Obama observes kids joggling the ball

Michelle Obama giving an address to students at the University of Cape Town.

Michelle Obama and her daughters visit the Emthonjeni Community Center in Johannesburg

Michelle Obama does pushups with Desmond Tutu

Michelle Obama showing love and support

Michelle Obama demonstrates while her daughters Malia and Sasha read to other kids

Michelle Obama dancing with kids

Nobel Prize Leaurate Archibishop Desmond Tutu

Michelle Obama and her daughters visit Nelson Mandela

Michelle Obama having a nice time with the children

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