

Description: Section 23 subsection 4a of the Mini Edict states clearly that, “some trends are not meant for all age bracket”. But, madam, you just flouted this section because you are not dressing your age. Is that a top or a dress? At least, you should have worn something underneath. We are so angry. Therefore, you are banned from appearing in any public function until further notice. That dress should be drowned in faraway River Niger.
And you are
fined N2 million.
Keywords: Sunday Sun Fashion Prisoners - Comic 


Gender: (m)
Posts: 5

21-03-2012 02:19 PM
Is that veins i'm seeing in the thigh?what happened to the knee cap? She had accident?

Gender: (f)
Posts: 0

10-12-2011 10:15 AM
Dis is incredibly a top...............she shudnt have done dis 2 herself.

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