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21  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BREAKING NEWS!!! EASTER BOMBING IN KADUNA STATE - 20 People Dead on: 8-04-2012 06:45 PM
Quote from: FinlandGuy on  8-04-2012 04:47 PM
very good question.
22  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BREAKING NEWS!!! EASTER BOMBING IN KADUNA STATE - 20 People Dead on: 8-04-2012 03:35 PM
Quote from: Solidstonez on  8-04-2012 03:05 PM
Those christian you talking abt , tht is a cover they use to disguised themselves, TRUE christian will
Not bomb a church, the bible did not teach us so
likewise d qur'an doesn't teach us to bomb.see i kno its very hard 2 blieve bt ur pple knows hapening.all insults is meant to cause more and more hatred bt its a shame dat we allow our emotions to cloud our judgement and as such we cn see d truth.if dividing d country wil bring peace so be it cos enof of all dis hatred.luk how ur pple are fillled wit it.u nid to control ursefs no mater d situation and if u blieve dat God is able,then watch out and see how God wil deal wit them
23  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BREAKING NEWS!!! EASTER BOMBING IN KADUNA STATE - 20 People Dead on: 8-04-2012 02:46 PM
Quote from: Solidstonez on  8-04-2012 02:37 PM
2 dead, tht is not a good news though is it?
as i am nw my heart is bleeding bcos d real criminals a bein protected.its indeed a sad event bt God wil surely xpose u shud kno all dis insults of muslims and islam wont help solve d problem as no muslim ave bn caught in d act bt many y nt check and put ur house in oda rather dan blaming d inocents 4 d crime of ur pple? Sum1 frm nowhere wil jus call any journalist and say its boko haram and u wil blieve him? Dnt u tink i cn comfortably call any journalist and claim an atack jus to blackmail sum1.wel i smell conspiracy here bt nemesis wil surely gt them sumday
24  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BREAKING NEWS!!! EASTER BOMBING IN KADUNA STATE - 20 People Dead on: 8-04-2012 02:38 PM
CAN and gudluk shud be held muslim has eva been caught in d act bt we've abt 10 different cases where christians are caught red handed trying to detonate bomb in bauchi,adamawa,delta,niger and kaduna bt CAN and d blind security operative wil come out wit flimsy excuse tryn to defend d real boko haram dat they're having internal crisis in their church dats y they wana bomb their has anybdy care to ask who and where did they get d bombs? I smell conspiracy here bt d God we worship neva slps and He wil surely expose d evil doers
25  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BREAKING NEWS!!! EASTER BOMBING IN KADUNA STATE - 20 People Dead on: 8-04-2012 02:28 PM
Quote from: ocheme1966 on  8-04-2012 02:20 PM
       Another bomb explosion on Easter day in Kaduna Nigeria 20 dead
What do we do stop the so called boko haram? I think  Nigeria Government should have special meeting with Nigeria Muslims leaders, all the senior Muslims civil servants, all the Nigeria Muslim CEO and Muslims Student Leaders possibly the so called boko haram leaders too if anyone can show.
 To put an end to this stupid act of  Killing innocent people, destroying of properties, making our loving nation unsafe for people to live, I for one never think Islam religion, Mohammed or the holy Koran are evil. The Muslims youths we grow up together in Zaira Kaduna State are lovely friends. I have school, party and work with Muslims both in Nigeria, Mideast, UK and now USA; I don’t accept all Muslims completely derives joy from taking life of non-Muslims. But I agree the killing of innocent people going on in Nigeria in bomb explosion, most specially in the Churches or in Christian celebration, that cause for a ask question, why no bomb explosion in the mosque?  But the poor Christians end up with pains, sorrows from the unexpected dead of their loving families and destroying of properties. That doesn’t make sense to me. The bomb explosion has taken more than 1200 life of innocent who leaves home never return again or killed in their rooms. That pains, my question is, are we still one Nigeria? If we are how long can Nigeria Christian bear this painful and sorrowful act?

dis poster's report is incorrect.we've only 2 dead okadas and nt 20 as reported.
26  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BREAKING NEWS!!! EASTER BOMBING IN KADUNA STATE - 20 People Dead on: 8-04-2012 02:23 PM
Quote from: FinlandGuy on  8-04-2012 12:27 PM
Nametalkam,this is what your stupid religion Islam is all about,Killing innocent people and destroying their properties.Eevry day by day,dead mohammed and eveil koran keep deceiving nametalkam and ajanni and his brodas.

I wonder what Joy muslims derives from taking life's of people which they cannot give.Yet the claimed to be a religion of peace.Why killing people at their of worship? Why not go to mosque and bomb? Why Why.These 20 people dead now what have done wrong?

Islam and muslims every day by day keep cursing pains and sorrows to people for no reason.Should you come here to say that Islam is a religion of peace May this incidence that happened today be your portion forever.

Religion of Pieces are you people not tired of killing innocent people and sucking blood of people? When you you seize from killing and taking life's of people for no reason?

When me or my babe open reality, KB,Joe,Arsenal,Bachelorette says the truth about ur religion,you Mohammedans take it as insult.You people sucks;Fucck islam,fucck mohammed,fucck evil novel book called koran.

madman is ur name.jus bcos few pple are spoilt doesn't mean u shud generalize it dat all northerners are boko haram afteral in all d cases pple are caught they are all igbos trying to detonate bomb jus to cause civil way and justify a way to divide nigeria.yesterday u pple pour curses on d poster 4 publishing 2 igbo cocaine dealer and critisize him 4 generalizing bt u're here insulting all muslims and islam.wel u beta ask CAN and gudluk to stop their bombings b4 God expose their evil act to d world
27  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom (Page 28) on: 7-04-2012 10:16 AM
Quote from: biancaflexy on  7-04-2012 08:11 AM
ure actually a dumb assd brain. Cnt bliv ave bin wastin ma tym 2 tlk 2 a nonentity who cnt evn speak common gud english. Gues u neva wnt 2 skul at all or probably ajanni hired u 2 help pack d feaces of his cows in d north.
oh my God c dis bitch o.all of u are dsame full of insults and hatred.wel i  undastand ur frustration bcos dats d general family business in ur tribe which means u cn go to any extend to defend evil.poor gal
28  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom (Page 28) on: 6-04-2012 11:53 PM
Quote from: Armedrobber on  6-04-2012 11:41 PM
you're hypocrite !!, why don't you practice what you preach ??
I've followed all your comments all this while you're "d*1*ck"
cn u show me anywhere i insult anybdy's parent? Wel i tink i kno ur problem and its dat orientation.abeg leave me mek i sleep.cos am nt yahoo yahoo who slp on internet..wish u vampire dreams
29  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom (Page 28) on: 6-04-2012 11:37 PM
Quote from: chiamanda360 on  6-04-2012 11:06 PM
u hv to tank dem 4 bringing drugs(medicine) u will use to cure ur fathers madnéss
u kno i observe something in dis forum.y cnt ur pple comment,or contribute in any topic without insulting people's parents? Hey prostitute ur welcome bk
30  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom (Page 29) on: 6-04-2012 10:57 PM
Quote from: Armedrobber on  6-04-2012 10:37 PM
criminal or not I think I'm way better than all your family rolled into one,
Your parents are animals,so I have no inhibitions  against insulting them !!
Swines !!! Angry Angry Angry
wow kid u dnt even stand a chance near me when it comes to affluence.u c dis further shows ur a kid.lemme tel u skuln in malaysia or uk doesn't mean u're anytn.u dnt even know me.afteral how cn i expose mysef to an armrober who may later harm me
31  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom (Page 28) on: 6-04-2012 10:40 PM
Quote from: ajanni on  6-04-2012 10:32 PM
i am sincerlly lives very comfortable much better than you, even if i should lives in father,s house waiting for a reminants from him as you have said, thats even much better than being an armed robber in the foreign land, your enjoyements is just for a while when mine is life time , stupid good for noting old man
ajanni u can see my point.he can't even engage in constructive arguments on a social ntwork without insults.and dats becouse he doesn't know how to socialize and aproach pple.hey kid if u dnt know how to contribute to any given topic y nt hide ur face and observe how professional critics operate its a shame indeed
32  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom on: 6-04-2012 10:34 PM
Quote from: Armedrobber on  6-04-2012 10:25 PM
you fcuking retard from the planet APE, you're a joke !! Are you gonna take all this barrages of insult as a compliment??
 Man you must be incredibly dense !!, it's not a matter of who chose to defend evil, you're an idiot for generalizing your comment labeling all " Igbos criminals " there's a difference between hate speech and simple comments devoid of prejudice and tribalism, your careless comment is what happens when in-bred Apes like you ,who are socially inept are allowed to roam the net unchecked,but I'm sure by the time this is over you'll learn how to get your recklessness under control
Your sententious rhetorics about me being an Armed robber is nothing new to me,if you really want to get under my skin try a different tact,otherwise just fcuk-off !!! Angry Angry Angry
i now believe d UN report dat says nigerians are one of d saddest pple on earth.u jus vindicate them cos d hatred in u is so pronouced that u cnt hide it anymore. U saddist.wel hmm y'al lemme slp.jus continue wit ur other busines i.e yahoo yahoo while am asleep.wish u vampire dreams.tongue!!
33  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom (Page 28) on: 6-04-2012 10:08 PM
Quote from: phyukinjoe2 on  6-04-2012 09:57 PM
Another display of shallow and porous brains that are so dumb and sit in fathers house and wait for left over foods from them...and you think that life is just all about that. need to wake up from your slumber and hustle for yourself and stop depending on the little groundnut farm your father owns.     you are just a useless illiterate, ignoramus, camel fcuker, jihadist, terrorist, suicide bomber, al qaeda cow,  and  hopeless gay.

little groundnut farm is far beta than being involved in henious crime like armrobery and cocaine pushing which is ur clan i love farming.and its beta to b a farmer wit dignity and personality than to b rich tru robery,rape,drugs,rituals etc
34  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom on: 6-04-2012 10:03 PM
Quote from: phyukinjoe2 on  6-04-2012 09:50 PM
you just displayed how dull and gullible your brains forgot to learn that hausa girls has the largest population of prostitutes in sub-sahara africa, go to cities like kano, maidugiri, katsina, kaduna, taraba, adamawa and yobe and see the large number of hausa prostitutes that service both almajiri, bus conductors, mai suyas, mai rago, mai shanu etc  while your men who are illiterates are busy fcukin cows, camel, donkeys  and goat.....after taken some powders of burantashi.
    i pity you useless and dumb muhammadeens because your lives are ruined by poverty, illiteracy and ignorance.        fcuk abokis...fcuk them all

did u just say poverty? Hahaha hmmm.i dnt even kno dat word mayb u cn help xplain it to me.guy dnt try to deviate from d main topic by concentrating on only insults.sori enh it wont work on us
35  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom (Page 28) on: 6-04-2012 09:50 PM
Quote from: ajanni on  6-04-2012 09:42 PM
exactly , that idiot , is time is very numbered now , the idiot operates even in foreign land .the animal is in the Malaysia now doing robbery and drugs tarnishing the image of good people of naija , how i wish the authority there could identify him as a loose biafran on the run  
dnt wory very soon nemesis will caught up wit u imagine how dis kids summoned enof courage typing nonesense all in d name of defending evil jus becos his tribes were involved? How on earth dis kind of human bein exist in naija when they're supose to be in niger,chat or somalia.wel dis d only place d kids cn try their guts cos they've low self esteem
36  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom (Page 29) on: 6-04-2012 09:40 PM
Quote from: ajanni on  6-04-2012 09:36 PM
you are a products of a leakage sperm now , your mother never tells you this?
stupid boy . bastard
hahahaha i bet d small is crying.plsss ajanni give him a break.atlist pity d kid.and also abeg allow him parents.cos i know they're good pple and regreted having his type as a child
37  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom (Page 29) on: 6-04-2012 09:36 PM
Quote from: Armedrobber on  6-04-2012 09:27 PM
Nope, I fell down from the skies!!!
  Goat humping bastard !!! Sad Sad Sad
can u imagine how one can feel very comfortable in insulting pple's what an orientation? Its a shame.wel we all know only bastards behave this way.ok and criminals too.
38  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom (Page 28) on: 6-04-2012 09:26 PM
Quote from: ajanni on  6-04-2012 09:20 PM
old fool
aljanni i dnt tink  we shud even respond to d kids.cos they can go to any length to legitimize their cocaine hapy and proud dat i leave a crime free cocaine pusher joe and armedrobber who spend most of his time planing evil needs divine interventions.wel joe or wateva i await to c how u intend to kill me.hmmm typical boko haram.lunatics
39  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom on: 6-04-2012 09:21 PM
Quote from: phyukinjoe2 on  6-04-2012 09:12 PM
useless and local desert camel fcuker........i will personally castrate you in the public.       moron
u were busy with ur 419 business during d day while ur prostitutes were bluffing they invited all their igbo thieves and armrobbers to come and defend their evelish act.its a pity that u guys choose to defend evil.u've been vibrating since as if u are also a drug pusher.oh sory dats ur family business.wel both phyuknjoe and u armedrobber as ur name implies just exposed ursefs to d world as indeed 419ers.wel i wil take all ur insults as compliments.keep up d good work
40  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Igbo Drug Traffickers Inject Liquid Cocaine Inside Condom on: 6-04-2012 09:07 PM
Quote from: phyukinjoe2 on  6-04-2012 07:28 PM
You always keep commenting like a fool.......shut dat rabies infested mouth before i shout it up myself.     baboon.
dog keep on barking
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