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41  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: SAYING I LOVE YOU on: 2-07-2010 09:45 AM
Quote from: FlyMamacita on  2-07-2010 09:38 AM
Quote from: wunmistep on  2-07-2010 09:06 AM
Quote from: FlyMamacita on  2-07-2010 09:02 AM
there is no such thing as too cute to b gay, most gay r cute...

if u ask me, ur not gay... but if u r gud luck Wink

Dont get d wrong impression,wen they say am too cute 2 b gay, it means i shld find myself a gf rather dan being gay....wat gives u d impression dat am nt gay? its quite fascinating but alot of pple find  it hard to believe...or is it coz am black?
not cuz ur black... i have seen other black gay guys...
but u r Nigerian... tht is why... i dont know no Nigerian guy tht is gay !

Am a Nigerian by birth and i havent been dere in ages...If i lived dere 4 a long tym, dats a different story entirely!
42  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: SAYING I LOVE YOU on: 2-07-2010 09:43 AM
Quote from: xter on  2-07-2010 09:34 AM
Poster,u are gay? Know wat? A man who lost billions of dollars in shares isn't a looser,u are d greatest looser of all time.can't believe u haven't felt d softness of a woman's bossom b4 not to talk of shagging

That your opinion!!!

If you got somthing to say to me...SAY IT STRAIGHT!
*Cuz being all shady is one thing I hate*
43  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: SAYING I LOVE YOU on: 2-07-2010 09:06 AM
Quote from: FlyMamacita on  2-07-2010 09:02 AM
there is no such thing as too cute to b gay, most gay r cute...

if u ask me, ur not gay... but if u r gud luck Wink

Dont get d wrong impression,wen they say am too cute 2 b gay, it means i shld find myself a gf rather dan being gay....wat gives u d impression dat am nt gay? its quite fascinating but alot of pple find  it hard to believe...or is it coz am black?
44  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: SAYING I LOVE YOU on: 2-07-2010 08:58 AM
Quote from: FlyMamacita on  2-07-2010 08:54 AM
Quote from: wunmistep on  2-07-2010 08:49 AM
Quote from: FlyMamacita on  2-07-2010 08:45 AM
i said it 1 hour ago to my grandma...

So u r gay ? When did u come out of d closet ?

Why can't you all accept me for who i am? from the comment av received so far, if i fink of going to Nigeria,am a DEAD MEAT!
but u r not i Nigeria, and u know tht is d reason why u talk like tht... cuz whn u r there u can sit ur ass in prison...

Nobody said they dont accept u... i asked since when u know u r gay ?

Is gay nt acceptable in Nigeria? OMG! anyway tbh i have always fancied guys all my life.....Maybe coz of d friends i had.....But i cant change that coz i knw am not segxwally attracted to Women....Tho i get nice comment from dem dat am too cute 2 b gay Smiley
45  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: SAYING I LOVE YOU on: 2-07-2010 08:49 AM
Quote from: FlyMamacita on  2-07-2010 08:45 AM
i said it 1 hour ago to my grandma...

So u r gay ? When did u come out of d closet ?

Why can't you all accept me for who i am? from the comment av received so far, if i fink of going to Nigeria,am a DEAD MEAT!
46  Forum / Relationships & Romance / love and pain on: 2-07-2010 08:22 AM
Have you ever been in love? Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They don't ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like 'maybe we should just be friends' or 'how very perceptive' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love. But how do you live without it. You want to have love, but all it does is hurt you. It does make you vulnerable. You can’t do a thing about it. Love is so confusing. If you try it, it will hurt you will feel vulnerable is it worth all the nights alone crying and screaming out your pain. But the pain is what makes you remember all the times you had, the times you want back. They wear able to get in under your skin, how wear they able to do that, why did you let them in, now you are alone, hurt, sad and want to end your life. It is pain without love, but would you rather feel pain then nothing at all. The pain for love is just something that most people don’t understand. The pain is what just makes you feel them even when they are gone. Wishing you could move on. Does it feel like your heart is ripped in two and your days seem dark and alone? Have you given all your heart only to see it torn apart?  Do you feel they do not care As if you were never there? Do you feel you can't trust again and left in continual pain? Do you feel you must face tomorrow All alone, with so much pain? Is there hope or is there no hope. You feel stupid for loving them. The pain gets inside you, rips you apart leave you crying in the darkness. Relationships are like glass.  Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together. But Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go. They say that time heals all wounds but all it's done so far is give me more time to think about how much you miss them. The scars you can't see are the hardest to heal. The scars you can't see are the hardest to heal. The scars you can't see are the hardest to heal.  Some people give in to the pain the ones who can bottle it all up will last for just a few years. Then it will get to you. When first we fall in love, we feel that we know all there is to know about life.  And perhaps we are right. Love unexpressed is a crime against the heart. How do you tell the one you love that you love them when they tell you they just want to be friends. A new wound makes all the old ones ache again. She is on your mind all the time is it hard to get her off your mind, so what do you do when you are in love and you don’t know what to do? You can tell her. If you are friends with her that will help your changes with her.
Everything you know about breaking hearts, you learned from them. The moments may have ended but the memories last forever. You promised yourself you wouldn't think about broke it the first day... True love? You used to believe it existed, but when you’ve had your heart torn out and thrown on the floor, you just don’t care anymore. . Why do you keep on loving someone can walk into your life and it is not until after they walk out that you realize that they were even there. It hurts the most when you can actually feel your heart breaking. The tears you wish to wipe away will run unchecked for another day. Alas, that is the price you’ll pay. We are never as defenseless against suffering as when we love. Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I’m only falling apart. (Sigh) now you don’t know what to do. You love them but, what now do you tell them do you stay quite do you leave them alone till someone comes up and takes them. You are better than whoever takes them from you, in every way. But why did they pick them over you, why aren’t you good enough, why are they better then you? What is true love, and why is it so hard to get? You need to be somebody to get the one you want.

- "Total Eclipse of the Heart
47  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: SAYING I LOVE YOU on: 2-07-2010 07:21 AM
Quote from: eddybabs on  1-07-2010 11:36 PM
Quote from: wunmistep on  1-07-2010 08:07 PM
Quote from: erikaakpan on  1-07-2010 08:05 PM
Quote from: wunmistep on  1-07-2010 08:00 PM
Ok so I am a Graphic art and design student and I am researching into people saying I love you to others. I wanted to ask people when the last time they said i love you was whether it be in a good or bad situation and where they were and what they were doing on the time. If it was a phone call where was the phone call made from.
I am creating a really lovely book of peoples responses to this question and just wanted to get some feedback from online forums.
I myself am in a relationship where I say it to my partner alot but he doesnt like to say it all the time as he feels its looses meaning.
So if people would like to contribute and answer this question if you have a spare five minutes then any responses would be grateful.

Thank you.


i hope this isnt coming from u

I am Gay!

i am homophobic and i cant help it... so for that reason i say phyuk u and phyuking phyuk u fool... and go and rust in hell... phyuking gay... i hate gay ...
I believe that being gay is not a choice but is a combination of genetic and other biological factors
48  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: SAYING I LOVE YOU on: 2-07-2010 07:12 AM
Quote from: sa-fire on  1-07-2010 11:55 PM
lmao! so dis guy is gay? y do i find dat hard 2 blive?
Coz am Cute Smiley
49  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why don't men like overweight girls? on: 1-07-2010 10:20 PM
Quote from: dirtykid on  1-07-2010 10:19 PM
Dude !! :O :O You wanna blind me
LOL Cheesy
50  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why don't men like overweight girls? on: 1-07-2010 09:58 PM
Quote from: dirtykid on  1-07-2010 09:47 PM
so whats your point gentleman ? Should we all like the same thing? what has happened to the word choices ? remember that another man's meat is anther's poison.

Some other thoughts from the community:

There are many men who like overweight women. It's only the most shallow kind of person who buys into that "it's the media's fault" crap. It is far more likely to be one's personality or low self-esteem that that men find unattractive. Confidence is THE key to being irresistible. After all, if you don't like yourself, why would you expect anyone else to like you?
What society in general considers attractive is equivalent to what is healthy. In impoverished societies that extra weight would be considered attractive. The same thing goes with tans. In our culture, at least before the cancer craze, a tan was attractive since it was a sign of an active healthy life. In the past, however, tan skin was the sign of a laborer, and was not considered attractive.
It's not that men don't like overweight girls. It's that men, just like women, are social creatures. You probably wouldn't date a guy that most other women would consider a geek, even though you might find him attractive for one reason or another. Study after study has shown that men prefer women who have meat on their bones to those who resemble a certain hotel heiress. And study after study has shown that despite a women's body size, men prefer women who are smart, easy going, not prone to depression, are confident in themselves and their mate, etc.
The average size woman wears a size 10 to 14. Of course, how size 14 looks on you depends much on your height. A woman 6 foot tall could weight 145 pounds be as thin as a super model. But a woman 5 foot at 145 is a little chunky.
Also, men prefer women who appear to be healthy, and capable of producing healthy children as it is a man's animal instinct to reproduce his DNA. It is a known fact that if you are "morbidly obese" (and I choose that term because some doctors don't understand that simple obesity does not mean unhealthy) or too thin, you are unhealthy, and thereby not likely to either conceive, carry or give birth to a live healthy baby. Overweight doesn't always mean unhealthy just as thin doesn't always mean healthy.
You can be a "bigger" woman and still be healthy. Your health shows in your skin, hair, nails, eyes, and attitude.
Also, keep in mind that a majority of men do not marry supermodel thin women. And they don't marry women who are obsessed with their looks, whether she be obsessed with how good she looks, or obsessed with how "bad" she looks. If you're weight is causing you or could cause you some health problems, then your concentration should be on losing weight to help or prevent those problems. Once you do that, everything else, including the interest of men, will fall into place, no matter what size you are.
Take heart ladies: a poll posted on MSN about 1-2 years ago about men's preference in women showed that American men actually prefer a woman who is somewhat meaty over the anorexic bimbo types; and this was by a clear majority in votes.
It is definitely a cultural phenomena. In many countries, women who are "overweight" are considered desirable. Thankfully, for many women there are increasing numbers of weight diversity tolerance groups. Be confident in who you are. A slim waist may attract for a moment but a WIDE smile will enlist a life mate.
Look at ads for beer or football, pick up a Playboy, or turn on Cinemax after about 11pm and you'll see what is culturally defined as "sexy". A man (usually younger) who objectifies women and sees them as objects of gratification is probably less likely to value a woman's other qualities over her appearance. It's not so much that men don't like overweight women, it's that men are visual creatures and "sexy" is very culturally dictated (if you don't believe that, take a course in sociology). Those aforementioned media types dictate what sexy is and overweight is not "sexy". But those are anonymous sex objects, so a man may find a larger woman sexy for her mind if he actually gets to know her.
Men do not generally like looking at overweight girls. This does not mean they cannot like an overweight girl. Compensation is almost always possible and it can and is applied to all types of situations in life. A charismatic overweight girl has more of a shot with a man who is seeking someone to connect with than an uncharismatic beautiful girl. Similarly, this same uncharismatic beautiful girl has better chances with a shallow man seeking pure sex than does an overweight yet charismatic female. This is of course, assuming the obvious fact that many of us are products of culture and our perceptions are invariably influenced by culture. Still, our perceptions of beauty and our perceptions of a wonderful person are not the same. An overweight girl can be liked by men; however, she may find it necessary to compensate in some respects in order to compete with and surmise over her thinner female peers.
Some men actually do like overweight girls. Just be proud of who you are, realise that you are beautiful, powerful, and let your inner confidence shine through, and you will attract many men who didn't even know that they would consider a larger woman. Be bold within your own skin. (Incidentally, I am not going to lie to you, I am currently on medication to lose weight, prescribed by my GP, but that is only for health reasons. If there was no health risk with being large, I would stay as I am.)
I'm presuming it's because we are not primarily attracted to overweight men either. Men and women are vastly different but we're so alike in many other ways. It may seem harsh but you are more likely to get noticed if you are a comfortable weight. If you are happy with the way you look you project a positive mood. That's life. Men are superficial and so are we.
It's all very simple, women who are the correct weight for their height are healthier than fat women. This means that genetically they are stronger, are more likely to become pregnant and survive it. Result: better babies and more of them.
A person likes to know they are with someone who's not too lazy to at least take some sense of care of themselves If they don't take care of their own body, there are reasons. Medical, depression, poor self esteem, poor health, not caring, lazy, bad habits passed down form who raised them. Maybe these are not all reasons for it, but they are many associated with it. You need to like yourself before anyone else is expected to.
People who take care of themselves want to know they are going to be with someone else who feels the same way. Maybe they like the fact that their woman takes pride in herself and has a sense of who she is. Men who are normal find this even more sexy and a turn on. Overweight women, more than a size 10, are often suffering from mental illness or they are lazy with no personal pride. The lady on a man's arm is a sign of his own self esteem. If she is fat or obviously older than he is then the guy has problems. Sorry to sound like a pig ladies but this is the truth. Any man or woman who is not sloppy or a mess mentally wants a person to be with that is like them and men like a nice looking woman on their arm. We are visual creatures. If the babe has a terrible personality she won't usually last but decent looking men DO NOT WANT a woman who doesn't take care of herself to at least a reasonable consent and a half way decent looking man will not have limited options to pick from.
The majority of men like all girls, thin, fat or in between. The thing is, it is harder to be slim than it is to be fat. You must work for it, live the lifestyle necessary to achieve it. Therefore, it is something a woman has worked to achieve which gives it merit. Working to make herself attractive has given her confidence. Confidence is attractive. Men are socially conditioned to prefer thin women. But, I firmly believe that if a heavy woman lives life well, cooks as well as she eats, is active and happy, then she should have no problem landing a good man.
In all honesty, men do not have an exact preference, whether slim, thin, chunky chubby. Overweight falls within all those categories. Men, will find a woman attractive for many reasons other than what the scale says. I can be attracted to a thin woman or a chunky woman. If a man finds a woman attractive then it really doesn't matter. I think for this particular question we have to remove two parts.. "men" being ALL men and "overweight girls" being women who can fit under many categories. I have dated women from 100 pounds to 160 pounds and they were all very beautiful to me, they had their own figure that fit them as an individual and made them physically attractive. No two women are the same. Now I have answered this question with regards to overweight and the categories of body type that fall under being overweight. Obesity is now considered a illness here in America and has serious health risks associated with it.
Some do. Also, it depends on your definition of over weight. I agree that partially men are conditioned to like the model types. I disagree that women should be 5'6 and 110. Men who want that better either make a lot of money, be extremely charismatic, or get used to disappointment. That sort of ideal is unrealistic and likely unhealthy. It could be said men who like really thin women like them because their commitment to such an ideal shows their commitment to serving mens desires above their own whims. Also, muscle weighs more than fat so you don't just want to consider total weight (like a figure of 110) but total percent body fat.
More importantly though, most people are drawn to confidence, and people who perceive themselves to be overweight are often lacking in self-confidence. Realize your other qualities, or if you can't get past it find some way to lose the weight. Many times obesity and/or over-eating are related mental disorder, just like anorexia and bulimia. And the most common disorder is depression. It is nothing to be ashamed of as it affects millions of regular people, but if you are suffering from depression or anything similar you will want to seek help whether from a network of friends and family or professional help.
If you are depressed because of your weight, it is hard to lose it because depression makes the ambition to exercise difficult to muster and the alluring of filling the pain of your depression that way you fill a hunger. If you cannot be comfortable with the you that you are (or if you doctor tells you that there are serious health risks related to your current weight) join a support group. Whether you watch Oprah, pay a service, belong to an on-line community, or a enlist a group of friends families and neighbors, find a way to feel supported in being the wonderful you that you are and realizing that if you want to lose weight you can. Just don't obsess about what you think men think and think for yourself whatever it is that you think about it.
Use your other qualities! Wear make-up. Dress nice. Fix your hair different. SMILE. They will notice.
Men are visually stimulated. In the beginning everything had to do with survival of the fittest. So a woman with broad hips, large Bosom s meant that she will probably carry and deliver a child well. Being overweight is a sign of in activity/POSSIBLE laziness, who wants that when we are trying to survive? Fast forward into the future, with your modern air brushes, makeup etc. and all men see are these made up air brushed clean looking women with hard muscular bods. That appeals to the basic self preservation/child producing need, but for what ever reason the made up fake girl also looks appealing. So the media and culture have influenced modern man to think that you have to not only be not fat, with a body that looks healthy enough for work and child bearing, but be flawlessly beautiful -- and fat is a flaw.
Still, not all men see fat as a flaw. And we do need to take in to consideration the saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and know that every culture has a so called different view of what is and isn't pretty, (Though I think we could take what we Americans consider a beautiful girl, and show her face to the world and there would be a general consensus that she is beautiful, and visa versa).
I lost a large amount of weight and am not getting asked out constantly and turning heads . With all this you would think happiness would come but no, all the guys hitting on me are vulgar, nasty boys. They sit around making fun of fat women on the beach while they have fat rolls hanging out. So maybe you should consider that the guys that don't like overweight women aren't anything to be worrying about anyways. I would rather be obese than put up with the segxwal harassment that comes with being thin.
Men like different things at different times in their lives. What is important to them now may not be important later. Younger men, for the most part, don't really know what they want. Socially they may want a "Barbie" for their friends' to admire.
Regardless, you shouldn't change yourself for anyone, but if you are not happy then you should consider some changes. Weight in general can be unhealthy on your body and emotionally unhealthy.
I know what it's like to be fat. I weigh about 320 and I am beautiful. I notice that my friends who are all thin and hard bodied have the same problems finding dates that fat girls do. However, I do think it is easier for a man to date a thin woman, because society does say that is more attractive and I think it's hard for men to set themselves apart and risk being ridiculed.
The thing is all about confidence. No one wants a person with a low self esteem. Also, there is a difference between being a few pounds overweight and being morbidly obese. If a person is obese, no one is going to be attracted to that person because of several factors. One that would keep me from dating an obese person would be because there would be a greater chance of that person being taken away from me if I fell in love with them.
If you are a woman of size, needing the permission or the validation from any human to secure your confidence in being sexy is a false sense of security. If you are woman start from there, we have innate ability to render a man helpless! But in order to do so you have embraced the WOMAN you are, despite the package she comes in. Women of size get over the question of your sexiness and become it mind, body and soul. The answer to this question begin with you and that's what matters.
It's all genetics kids. We have been "programmed" as we evolved to be attracted to the healthiest and the strongest. There is a certain waist hip ratio that we unconsciously see as healthy and ideal for child bearing. Larger women can fit this ration. It depends on how the weight is distributed.
Men do not only like thin women. This is a misconception that has been brought into light by women who are not confident in themselves. Most men don't have a certain type. They like women of all sizes and shapes. Our bodies, whether large or small are who we are. If people -- not just men -- cannot accept us and praise us for us, then they are not worth knowing or having in our lives. Everyone no matter what they look like externally is beautiful. It is ignorance that makes us ugly.
Firstly, a common misconception women seem to have brought upon themselves is the importance of weight in a relationship. Younger people in Grade school and middle school and sometimes high school (Specifically depending on the maturity of the individual) Will not date an overweight girl. This is, in psychology, referred to as "Social Dating", As a generalization, immature individuals have tenancies to date for looks, Mature individual date for the good reasons. That is a generalization about 80 85% correct. But the problem is, today, Women striving for thinness. Most men want NOTHING to do with those overly thin women, because it reflects on the self confidence of the individual, The personality, and through mutual preferences (She puts herself at risk to be thin) This reflects on what she is seeking in a man (Looks looks looks.) However, this is subjective to circumstances, as some woman are naturally thin, so basically, this question isn't a good one to ask if you're looking for a serious relationship. If you follow the traces of relationships and their psychological patterns, you will find that relationships that began based on looks or "Social Dating" tend to fail or dissolve anyway. You've heard it before, you'll hear it again, Be Yourself, it works better than anyone who hasn't tried it could imagine. Being yourself makes every piece of your personality fall into an order that others will find more desirable
It boils down to choice. Everyone has a preference and if someone doesn't like you then move and quit worrying about one person, or two, or three, or a hundred. If you like being overweight, be overweight, find someone who likes you the way you are and quit bitchin'. Accept who you are or change it.
It doesn't matter who likes you and who doesn't if you aren't happy with you somewhere on the inside. If you hold yourself in high regard, well others will follow suit. But I do believe that part of the reason SOME men might not care for the overweight girl is because sometimes being overweight is like carrying around extra emotional baggage. Just like dating a woman who is freshly divorced, hasn't worked out her issues, or the woman who cheats, or whatever. It doesn't have to be overweight, but that is just like any other kind of emotional baggage, unless you start to deal with the reasons, and start to deal with getting some self esteem, and feeling better, and treating yourself better, no guy is going to want to deal with that. But on the flip side of that, there are confident overweight women, who do feel ok with who they are what they are about and where they are at in life.
Women go for guys that are tall and well built. So why is it a "crime" for men to seek out women that are sleek and smooth. To the women out there: When was the last time that you found a short guy attractive? Very few, no doubt, just like there are very few guys that go for overweight women. I am so tired of this double standard; it is wrong for a man to want an attractive lady, but the women can shun guys that are short/fat/no money.
Very overweight = not in control of her appetite = bad hygiene emotional problem; clingy in relationships; no fun; and/or whatever. Fat is hardly ever the only problem, we generalise, like women, to save time
Don't give me the crap about how men are "conditioned" by the media. The media simply presents what people like, they don't create it. There is no media conspiracy to make people attracted to skinnies. Otherwise people wouldn't, themselves, be getting fatter all the time.
Being overweight is a changeable issue, sometimes being overweight is determined by the inescapable family skeleton, but you could still change the way you are outwardly projecting yourself. So if you are overweight and eating a double quarter pounder, you surely aren't caring for yourself. If you don't like the way you are treated because of your image- change it if that's the attention you want, you can't expect to get the attention women have been working for years to get. Take care of yourself and wear clothing that flatters your body and be yourself, if you are a slob that's how people will view you. First impressions are everything- no matter how thin or big you are.
It is all on the way you carry yourself, if you carry yourself like you don't like yourself then why would others, make people realize that big is beautiful. When you start to show the utmost confidence in yourself others will start to see you in a different light. I carry myself like I am beautiful and that is how others will see me. But their are all different types of men out their, some want only heavyset and some want only smaller women. Just have confidence in yourself and you will start to see. Never let anyone tell you that you are ugly because you are heavy or that no one wants you because you are heavy. Look if you got it flaunt it, show the best qualities, if it is your smile always keep it on, dress nice and fitted, don't wear something that will drown your body out or make it look like you can fit about 50 other people in it, just because you are overweight don't mean you have to dress like you cover 50 people. Just show people your true self and they will come to like you.
Men do not like overweight girls, like women do not like short guys. For example, most beautiful women will not look at bloke (even if she is attracted to him) if he's too short. A fairly good looking man even at 5 ft 8 will have to try harder than a counterpart at 6ft 2 of equivalent attractiveness. Flowing from this observation, a pretty 5ft 5 girl at 140lbs will not be popular as an equivalent 5ft5 girl weighing 115.
Whilst relationships are inevitably a compromise it should be noted that human beings are extremely superficial and do indeed judge a book by its cover. Individuals are picky because they can afford to be it's that simple.
I often find that overweight women have low self esteem and deep seated confidence issues (even if they will not admit it). This is similar to short guys.
Because most men are shallow and don't let themselves get far enough into a relationship past the physical part to enjoy and appreciate what a woman is or is not. They believe that sex will be better if they visualize they are sleeping with a Barbie doll. Sadly still, most men today, at least at first, don't want an intellectual or emotional relationship, they want a physical relationship and it's hard for them to visualize being physical with someone that doesn't fit their stereotype, thus, they never get that far. Men are not the only ones that don't like overweight girls or people. The vast majority of American people are fat phobic. They have preconceived ideas about fat people, that they are lazy, unmotivated, eat too much, are sloppy, don't like to do anything physical, are unhealthy, don't take care of themselves or "have issues." Sometimes this is true and sometimes not, but it rarely is decided based upon a scale.
Women (and men) ARE fatter today than ever before. This is well documented. So when you hear what size the average woman in America is, doesn't mean that's an appropriate size. It means that most are overweight. The biggest question is, "why do women WANT to be overweight?" People who treat their bodies with respect and care expect those important to them to do the same. If I hear once more how not liking fatties is "shallow," I'm going to scream! It's not shallow, it's biology.
51  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Why don't men like overweight girls? on: 1-07-2010 09:32 PM
Men and overweight women:

Men don't like overweight women for the same reasons women don't like overweight men. For the same reason some people like blonds, some brunettes, some like short women, some like tall men. Same reason why you're attracted to some men and not others. It's not all about conditioning, its not all about the media.  Grin
52  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why many white couples get divorced.and started Looking for another Reletionship on: 1-07-2010 09:25 PM
Go and carry out a survey in da street of Colorado. Fingers crossed X
53  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: SAYING I LOVE YOU on: 1-07-2010 08:28 PM
Quote from: moneyinbrakemi on  1-07-2010 08:21 PM
Quote from: wunmistep on  1-07-2010 08:07 PM
Quote from: erikaakpan on  1-07-2010 08:05 PM
Quote from: wunmistep on  1-07-2010 08:00 PM
Ok so I am a Graphic art and design student and I am researching into people saying I love you to others. I wanted to ask people when the last time they said i love you was whether it be in a good or bad situation and where they were and what they were doing on the time. If it was a phone call where was the phone call made from.
I am creating a really lovely book of peoples responses to this question and just wanted to get some feedback from online forums.
I myself am in a relationship where I say it to my partner alot but he doesnt like to say it all the time as he feels its looses meaning.
So if people would like to contribute and answer this question if you have a spare five minutes then any responses would be grateful.

Thank you.


i hope this isnt coming from u

I am Gay!

I sorry for you cos you too small for that kind play!

Am serious...All my life i have always fancied guys and i cant help just help it,Coz i dont judge people based on their segxwality...Av got loads of friends that are either gay,lesbian,bi or straight. I also dont judge people by the pigment of their skin or texture of their hair but rather by the content of their character.x
54  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: SAYING I LOVE YOU on: 1-07-2010 08:07 PM
Quote from: erikaakpan on  1-07-2010 08:05 PM
Quote from: wunmistep on  1-07-2010 08:00 PM
Ok so I am a Graphic art and design student and I am researching into people saying I love you to others. I wanted to ask people when the last time they said i love you was whether it be in a good or bad situation and where they were and what they were doing on the time. If it was a phone call where was the phone call made from.
I am creating a really lovely book of peoples responses to this question and just wanted to get some feedback from online forums.
I myself am in a relationship where I say it to my partner alot but he doesnt like to say it all the time as he feels its looses meaning.
So if people would like to contribute and answer this question if you have a spare five minutes then any responses would be grateful.

Thank you.


i hope this isnt coming from u

I am Gay!
55  Forum / Relationships & Romance / SAYING I LOVE YOU on: 1-07-2010 08:00 PM
Ok so I am a Graphic art and design student and I am researching into people saying I love you to others. I wanted to ask people when the last time they said i love you was whether it be in a good or bad situation and where they were and what they were doing on the time. If it was a phone call where was the phone call made from.
I am creating a really lovely book of peoples responses to this question and just wanted to get some feedback from online forums.
I myself am in a relationship where I say it to my partner alot but he doesnt like to say it all the time as he feels its looses meaning.
So if people would like to contribute and answer this question if you have a spare five minutes then any responses would be grateful.

Thank you.

56  Forum / Relationships & Romance / How much time for lust to go away? on: 1-07-2010 07:43 PM
I've been asking my question myself for several months. I met this person over 5 years ago. We were friends, then close friends. Until I started to develop these feelings (2 years ago). I put some distance between us. Hoping they will disappear. But things went worse. Now we are in touch again and I can stop thinking and imagining.... I sometimes feel there is a reciprocity. I mean I feel all this segxwal tension in the air and it's so hard to overcome. There are some things that would make a relationship between us impossible, which I rather not disclose here. I just want to know how to get rid of these feelings.

57  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Hi there how far would you? on: 1-07-2010 07:08 PM
How far would you be prepared to travel to meet someone? Kiss Not sum1 who's related to you talking about date.
58  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Are the forums dying ? on: 1-07-2010 06:57 PM
No offence to anyone...there are some great people in these forums but am I the only one thinking they are not what they used to be ?

When I joined a few years ago this place was buzzing with activity...loads of posts and some great discussions.

I probably won't be popular for saying this but it seems to have gone downhill..................Now it appears that some others have left or been banned because of arguments in seems a shame that it all can't just be put behind us like grown ups...this is forum suicide !!! Angry
59  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Cheating :'( on: 1-07-2010 06:52 PM
Do you think a relationship can survive after one of you cheats ?

For me it just couldn't.....I tried but the trust was broken and the thought of what she had done was constantly in my head and things were never right again.

I believe that if you really loved someone you wouldn't cheat on them. What your view on this?
60  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Advantages of Being Single on: 27-06-2010 12:26 PM
So many people are depressed, sad, and lonely because they don’t have somebody.

They think that once they finally find someone, they will be happy -- and they will have no troubles. Well I’m writing this for all of you people today.

It may be true that having someone can help add to your happiness and fulfillment. I believe that can occur and does occur when you find the right person that suits you.

But I can also recall a lot of people that are in relationships and they are miserable. They’re not happy at all. In fact, it’s like they are in prison. Many of them are trapped and they’d give anything to be single. They’d give anything to be in your shoes today.. Yes, there are advantages of being in a relationship, but I want to point out to you today some of the great advantages of being single.

 - You can do whatever you want, whenever you want. No questions asked. No guilt about doing it either. You don’t have to make excuses. You don’t have to call your girlfriend to check in on her or ask her permission to go somewhere.

- You can fool around with as many women as you want.

- You can have a lot of fun.

- You can go out to places that you otherwise couldn’t go to if you had a girlfriend.

- You can have fun and spend time with your friends. A lot of married people don’t have a lot of time to spend with their friends anymore.

- You can really focus on your career, education, fitness, and goals.

- You have time to improve yourself and become a better person.

- You are free. You don’t have anything holding you down or back.

- You don’t have to listen to any bitching.
So the next time you start to get down because you’re not dating someone, remember to enjoy the time that you are single. Before long you’ll be married and settled down. Enjoy it while you can.

Another thing, once you do find someone to settle down with, know that if you don’t bring happiness into the relationship, you will never be happy in that relationship in the long run. Don’t depend on someone else for your happiness -- that is no way to live.

Only you are ultimately responsible for your own happiness.

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