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41  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / hilarious video: mad cow chases covenant university student on: 12-10-2013 12:00 AM
hahahah....the guy saw his life flash before his eyes....
<a href=";v=v-J4OT8HXM4" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win" rel="nofollow">;v=v-J4OT8HXM4</a>
42  Forum / The Buzz Central / Yvonee nelson tweets about iyanya's magic stick, insults karen igho's b**bs on: 10-10-2013 10:02 PM
So just a few days after Iyanya was hacked on Twitter and Facebook, hackers have turned their attention to his ex-girlfriend, actress Yvonne Nelson...and some of the crazy stuff they are tweeting from her account will crack you up. Find them below.....

karen ighotook it personal and insulted yvonne back...see the tweets below...
43  Forum / The Buzz Central / Skelewu dance competition winner announced...see him and watch his video on: 9-10-2013 05:21 PM
His name is moshood abiola bello a.k.a kiddy....and he just took home 3,000 dollars..congratz mehn...

<a href=";v=IF15wchQdzw" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win" rel="nofollow">;v=IF15wchQdzw</a>

44  Forum / The Buzz Central / Wizkid squeezes the b**bs of an african lady on: 6-10-2013 02:27 PM you guys she is actually a statue!
45  Forum / The Buzz Central / Actor, Mike Ezuruonye gets 3 plots of land in Abuja for helping an old lady on: 5-10-2013 10:44 AM
"There was this day I was travelling to Abuja to shoot a movie and I got into the aircraft and met this woman, she was older than my mother. As I made to put my bag in the overhead compartment, I greeted her but she didn't answer me. I just ignored her and sat down. On arrival in Abuja, the woman was struggling to get her luggage from the compartment and I just stretched my hand and helped her to get it. She asked for it without a thank you but I refused to
 give it to her, offering to help her take it down. On getting out of the aircraft, she again requested for her luggage but I said, madam I'll take it to the arrival hall for you and she looked at me with bewilderment."

"When we got to the arrival hall I turned to the woman and handed her luggage to her and as I made to leave, she called me by my name. I was surprised and retorted, so madam you even know my name. But why did you not answer me when I greeted you on board the aircraft. She then said, "Mike, I've come across a lot of your Nollywood mates and they seem to be pigheaded so that is why I always want to distant myself from them." I just smiled and told her I'm not like that."

She asked where I was going and I felt she wanted me to ride with her into town. I told her I was in Abuja to shoot a movie. I then turned to leave but some four or five policemen who must have come to pick her told me to wait. I said what's my own, I've helped her to this place and I want to go. They however insisted that I should wait. I didn't really know who the woman was but the long and short of it all was that she ended up giving me three plots of land in Abuja."
46  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / A president without balls - Femi Fani Kayode on: 3-10-2013 11:08 AM
Permit me to begin this contribution by quoting a portion of an essay that I wrote on September 26, 2011, which was titled ”On Goodluck Jonathan, David and Goliath”. The portion reads as follows.
”A few days ago from the sacred pulpit of the hallowed chambers of the National Christian Centre in Abuja and in the presence of the entire leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan proclaimed as follows- ”I am not David….I am not a general…..I am not a lion…..I will defeat the Goliaths in our land”. These are deep and instructive words yet I do wonder whether Mr. President understands the spiritual and practical implications of what he is saying.
“If he says that he ”is not a David” how can he then possibly slay the ”Goliaths in the land?” If he says that he ”is not a general” how can he be an effective Commander-in-Chief who commands the respect and confidence of his army and his officers? If he says that he ”is not a lion” how can he overwhelm the animals in our jungle that seek to destroy and ravage our land? The lion is a noble and courageous animal that defends it’s pride and family and protects it’s own. That is why it is known as the ”king of the jungle” and that is why our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself is known as the ”Lion of the Tribe of Judah”.
“Every king worth his salt must have the spirit of the lion and the warrior in him to a certain extent. It is a fundamental pre-qualification for good quality and inspirational leadership and that is what distinguishes the pretender and the usurper from a real king. May the spirit and weakness of Ahab not be our President’s portion even though his words seem to have ensnared him. History proves that weak kings and weak leaders always pull down and destroy great empires and strong kingdoms.
“If you have any doubt about that consider what happened to the Roman Empire under Nero, Claudius or Caligula. If you still have any doubts after that then read up on Russian history or watch an excellent old film called ”Nicholas and Alexander” about Tsar Nicholas the 1st, the last Tsar of Russia and how his strong-willed wife and his consistent display of weakness shamed and brought down imperial Russia, destroyed the 300 year old royal dynasty of the Romanovs, led directly to the First World War (which in turn led to the Second World War and then later the Cold War), caused the communist revolution, led to the Russian civil war, resulted in the murder of his whole family and ended in the establishment and creation of the most evil and godless empire that has ever ruled half of the world- the cold and all-powerful Soviet empire.
“That is what weakness, prevarication, inconsistency, cowardice, emotional slavery, inexplicable fear and the celebration of indecision can do. Worst still you don’t boast about such qualities because there is nothing to be proud of in them. Always remember, whether you are a king or a subject, that courage is the greatest of all the virtues. This is wisdom. Would someone please tell our President”.
Once again please take note that the contribution that I quoted above was part of an essay that I wrote on 26th September 2011, almost two years ago to the day.
With the killing of 91 children by Boko Haram in Damaturu a few days ago, the slaughter of 40 Nigerian troops by Boko Haram in Borno state recently, the massacre of 41 school children in Borno state by Boko Haram two months ago, the mass murder of no less than 7000 Nigerians by Boko Haram in the last 3 years and the raging war that is going on in the northern eastern part of our country between Boko Haram and our military today, those words and that counsel that was offered two years ago seem even more relevant today than it was even at that time.
The carnage that we are witnessing in our country today has come as a direct result of the manifestation of weakness at the top. When a President tells the world that Boko Haram are his ”siblings” whom he ”cannot move against”, as he did earlier this year, he is asking for trouble. When a President keeps offering Boko Haram amnesty even when they kept rejecting it and whilst they were murdering his people, as he has been doing for the last three years, he is asking for trouble. When a President installs and supports a party National Chairman who describes Boko Haram as ”freedom fighters”, as he did earlier this year, he is asking for trouble.
When a President announces to the world that he is ”not a lion or a David”, as he did exactly two years ago, no one should be surprised when his people are killed like flies before his very eyes. May God bring us a real leader that can save our nation and may He take away this one who feels no pain and has no empathy when Nigerian blood, nay even the blood of innocent children, is shed with impunity. Under the tenure of our ”lamb” President, more innocent Nigerians have been slaughtered by terrorists than at any other time in the history of our country except during the civil war.
What a mess! What a record! I continue to ponder about one thing though- would the President have been so unperturbed and detached from the whole thing if the children that were killed in their school yesterday morning had been from his Niger Delta area or from the east. It appears to me that simply because those kids were northerners, this President just ”doesn’t give a damn”. What a tragedy! Whether Christian or Muslim, northern or southern, these are only children and they are NIGERIAN children each of whom is entitled to the full protection of the Nigerian state. I have said it before and I shall say it again, Nigeria has become an abattoir of human flesh and blood under the tenure of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and all those who support him should bury their heads in shame. The blood of all those innocent people is on his hands because he swore to an oath before God and the Nigerian people to protect them from such evil. Instead of getting on with his job and doing so he has spent the last few days boasting to the world about ringing the bell in the New York Stock Exchange and receiving irrelevant, illusionary, self-serving and absurd commendations for absolutely nothing from President Barack Obama. May God deliver us!
Permit me to make a painful observation here. I was thoroughly appalled about the fact that when our lamb President was asked about the latest round of killings during his live ”Presidential Media Chat” programme on Sunday evening, he not only told a lie to the world by claiming that only ”21 or 22 students were killed” at a time when the BBC and CNN had confirmed that at least 45 bodies had been found (more were to be discovered later) but he also failed to express his condolences to the families of those that had lost their loved ones. He made the same omission when he failed to commiserate with or express his condolences to the families of the soldiers that were killed in Borno state whilst fighting Boko Haram simply because they ran out of bullets during the course of the battle.
By way of contrast not only was he quick to offer his condolences to the government and people of Kenya for the terrible carnage that was inflicted on them by Al Shabab last Friday when 68 people were killed (I guess that to him Nigerian blood is not as expensive or as important as foreign blood) but he was also quick to offer the Kenyan government military assistance. If President Uhuru Kenyatta decides to accept his offer let us hope that our lamb President will give enough bullets to the soldiers that he will send. Our boys are deeply courageous fighters and they certainly deserve that much. They also deserve to have a Commander in Chief that inspires them, that watches their back and that gives them the very best. May the souls of all those that have been killed by Boko Haram in the last three years rest in peace and may the Lord take the leadership of this nation from the lamb and give it to a lion king.
Permit me to end this contribution with the following observations. As crude and unpleasant as it may sound the question must be asked – does our President have any balls? Is he really a man? Does he have what it takes to fight a war against terror or is it that there is more to this than meets the eye? Is there a sinister and diabolical conspiracy and plan to ensure that elections do not hold in the northeast and the northwest in 2015 given the fact that those areas are very hostile to the suggestion that Jonathan should return to power that year? Is this whole thing planned and contrived or is it a case of chronic incompetence, ineptitude and weakness? Does Jonathan believe that it is in his interest for the north to burn and for northern blood to be spilt? Is the mindset of those that are pulling the strings of the view that since the problem has been (to use the President’s own words in his last media chat) ”localised” and ”contained in a certain area” the government can sit back and watch the locals slaughter themselves whilst they continue to drink champagne in the Villa and fantasise about 2015? If that is the case has it not occurred to them that their fellow Nigerians live in those areas where the problem has supposedly been ”localised” and is the blood of those fellow Nigerians not red as well? Are they less Nigerian because of where they were born and who they are? Are the people that live in the villages and countryside not as important as those who live in the towns and cities?
Whatever is really going on here God sees all and anything that is not of Him will surely fail. If it is nothing but weakness and incompetence that has resulted in this unprecedented carnage the President will answer before God for violating his solemn oath to protect the Nigerian people from enemies within and from enemies without and if it is a conspiracy to encourage and create turmoil and chaos in the north just to ensure that they are excluded from the vote in 2015, both Jonathan himself and Nigeria as a whole will reap the consequences. It is worth noting that that is precisely what happened in Mali in the elections that took place before the north was taken over by the Islamists and it led to a full scale civil war. Any attempt to exclude any part of this country from participating in the elections in 2015 under the guise of lack of security or Boko Haram will result in the same thing with catastrophic consequences for Nigeria.
Yet as Napolean Bonaparte once said, ”we must never account to conspiracy what can easily be explained away by incompetence”. It is more likely than not that the situation that is folding in the north-east and the feeble fight that our government is putting up against Boko Haram over there is down to Jonathan’s weakness and nothing more. So when asked the question is our President capable of fighting the war against terror my answer would be that I am afraid that I doubt it very much. He just doesn’t have it in him. As the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair once said about John Major, his predecessor in office, he is just ”weak, weak, and weak’’.
I am a great believer in strong government and I am one of those that have always believed that President Olusegun Obasanjo was one of the best, if not the best, and most effective leaders that we have ever had in this country. I say this not because I had the honour and privilege of serving in his government but because, when it comes to his record in public office, the facts and figures speak for themselves. Not only are they outstanding but also they are yet to be matched and since he left office in 2007, everything has gone to the dogs. Love him or hate him one thing is clear- not under Obasanjo’s watch would 7000 innocent Nigerians be massacred at will in the space of just two years by a bunch of murderous and heartless terrorists. He would have known exactly what to do and how to do it to put a stop to such callous lawlessness and anarchy right from the start. Equally significant is the fact that such was his love for Nigeria that regardless of the region, ethnic group or religious faith that the victims came from, espoused or belonged to, his response to the terrorists would have been swift, decisive and utterly ruthless. He would have had Boko Haram in ”shock and awe” and the whole world would have marvelled at it. This is because in Obasanjo we had a President who not only had balls but who also had the courage, heart and guts to match them.
The greatest error that we as a people ever made and the worst tragedy and misfortune that has ever befallen us as a nation is the fact that a meek lamb ended up taking a throne that was designed and prepared for a lion. The unfortunate consequences of that tragic error and misfortune are there for all to see. The shedding of the blood of even the youngest, the most innocent and the most vulnerable in our society by Boko Haram on a daily basis is an eloquent testimony to that unsavoury fact.
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47  Forum / The Buzz Central / 2face thanks annie idibia for marrying him on: 29-09-2013 05:31 PM
This couple are really giving the media a good time with their regular romance show off. Tubaba took to instagram to thank his wife Annie, for marrying him.
48  Forum / The Buzz Central / Beverly osu's BF, Angelo now in Nigeria on: 28-09-2013 05:31 PM
Beverly osu's boo and former BBA mate, Angelo has landed in Nigeria for her birthday bash that holds today....
49  Forum / The Buzz Central / Video: Samuel Eto'o and davido dance skelewu together on: 27-09-2013 01:38 PM
Samuel is a very good dancer.....
50  Forum / The Buzz Central / ''i love davido's music'' - Samuel Eto'o on: 27-09-2013 01:28 PM
Chelsea pointman, Samuel eto'o fils caught with Omo baba olowo and his hkn gang in London recently.. the 2 stars had a good time getting to know each other and eto'o also expressed his love for davido's music.

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51  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Governor Fashola apologizes to Igbos over deportation saga on: 27-09-2013 12:32 AM
Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola (SAN) on Thursday offered an unreserved apology for the misunderstanding generated by the alleged deportation of some destitutes to Onitsha, Anambra State.
The state government had been accused of dumping 70 beggars at Onitsha Bridge on July 24, a situation that generated public outcry and bad blood.

Fashola, who spoke at the silver jubilee of the Igbo socio-cultural think tank, Aka Ikenga held at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, Victoria Island, insisted he has no problems with the Igbos.
He noted that the largest herds of cattle he received when his father died was from the Igbos.
Fashola said:

I came here to say to say thank you for the honour done to my family and the memory of my late father. People who clearly do not understand the actions taken and words spoken are those I owe an explanation. 
I cannot take the Igbos for granted because we have built a relationship based on tolerance, mutual respect, love and trust. That relationship was built by our ancestors and I put a lot of value in that relationship.
I offer an unreserved apology if the actions taken had been misunderstood. But I think the basic issue Aka Ikenga must address is why people feel compelled to immigrate from one part of the country to the other? Is it the case that some lack the resources to develop or perhaps some parts are endowed with enormous resources but not adequately managed? How can development be so difficult from the zone that has produced people like Nnamdi Azikiwe, Alex Ekwueme, Ike Nwachukwu, among others?
As political storm gathers, there are contact spots but like in football, contact spots have rules. Those who are victims of our shortcomings as professionals in and out of government should not be pounced. A day like these calls for deep reflection about issues of our loyalties. Are we more Igbo than Nigeria or we are more Nigeria than Igbo?”

At the event were the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Anyim Pius Ayim, who represented President Goodluck Jonathan; House of Representatives Deputy Speaker, Chief Emeka Ihedioha; Catholic Bishop, Mathew Kuka; former Minister, Gen. Ike Nwachukwu; President Aka Ikenga, Goddy Uwazurike; former ambassador George Obiozor and President of Ohaneze Ndigbo, Gary Enwo-Igariwey.
Others included the former President Aka Ikenga, Chief Chris Asodoka; Director, Lagos Business School, Prof. Pat Utomi; Captain Emma Iheanacho; Nollywood artistes, Onyeka Onwenu and Kanayo O. Kanayo.

Fashola called on residents in the state to embrace Residence Registration Scheme (RRS) to enable the government meets its obligation to them.

see more here:
52  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / ''That photo of me kissing charly boy is FAKE!'' - Denrele on: 22-09-2013 11:12 PM
Denrele Edun was on Ebuka Uchendu's 'Rubbin Minds' this evening where he spoke on his segxwality and relationship with Areafada,Charlyboy oputa.

Denrele described himself as a segxwal outlaw. he also said the picture of him kissing Charly Boy which went viral sometime ago was photoshopped.
53  Forum / The Buzz Central / Bimp and Angelo evicted from big brother on: 18-08-2013 08:33 PM
Melvin all the way
South African representative Angelo and Ethiopia’s Bimp were evicted from the BBA house this evening.Dance teacher Angelo Collins entered Big Brother because he realised that life is too short and “one shouldn’t limit the things you want to do”. If he wins the grand prize, he will start a small business, help an orphanage and help his mom and family with a better life.

Angelo describes himself as “tall, dark, adventurous and handsome” and attributes his confidence to being relaxed and comfortable in his own skin. He dislikes arrogant, self-centred and rude people, preferring people who are confident and know what they want in life. Viewers can expect “a lot of craziness” from him, believing he has a funny personality and will make people laugh.

Ethiopia’s Bimp has become the 21st Housemate to be Evicted from The Chase. After what has been a confusing night that saw all three of the Eviction Nominees being called into the Rendezvous Room, Live Show presenter IK revealed to the Housemates and to Africa that Bimp’s Chase has come to an end.

As soon as Bimp sat down, IK wasted no time in probing the Ethiopian about his beef withElikem. The ousted Housemate shared that he does not see eye to eye with the Ghanaian because Elikem has grown increasingly cocky in the House. “He has changed,” Bimp insisted.
54  Forum / The Buzz Central / Kemi Olunloyo trashes south south musician who asks her for S*x on: 18-08-2013 05:58 PM
Kemi recently ranted about one random south south guy who asked her for sex,

see her facebook post below,

Dear Nigerian men. Since I arrived here a year ago, I have had 18 segxwal requests from many of you and each was MARRIED. I have all records and some were caught by bloggers on my pages. From all the yogurt u wanna splash on my honeypot then lick it off (BTW, they use whipped cream in Canada>>not available readily here) to offering pics of your dicks, its CLEAR that Nigerian marriages is a waste of phyuking time. I am not that kind. I don't phyuk with anyone's marriage cos if u phyuk with mine if I ever get married in my lifetime, you will see Tupac and Biggie for dinner.
I do NOT have a Private life. it is PUBLIC. Public figures must never be private then they have something to hide. The reason Lanre Rhodes and I didnt work. No more sex requests. It is LOW and you are the reason Nigeria is #2 for HIV in Africa.

Now I will begin posting some stories.
Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo
P***Y FOR PROMOTION is the title of this post.

Van Victor Odigie
Hello madam i am victor by name an artist from south south nigeria (goldbird) is my stage name please i will love to chat with you
Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo

July 7
Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo
About what? I dont chat online. Not even in this inbox. If u need to promote your music. U should go to and send my staff your email for rates. If its a question about management and PR, I no longer rep anyone except my sons.

Van Victor Odigie
Ok thank you very much but apart from promotion i am also in need of sponsor i am ready for anything because finance has been my problem please i know you are capable please any condition please

July 7
Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo
You need to blow your trumpet out there. The music biz is not for anyone. I am getting into music myself and My network is overseas. U need to get a good manager who can help you. You have to go and look for investors. Good luck

Van Victor Odigie
I know its not for anyone that is why i need a boss to back me up
I will like you to have a feel of my music, maybe we can work together

July 7
Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo
I charge ppl for that. Reviewing music is very expensive but I stopped that sorry. Good luck.

July 8
Van Victor Odigie
why cant you help your boy? any way tell me about the illiuminati

Van Victor Odigie
Hi i saw your post i arnt holy either why dont you just take me as yours in replacment of sex toys we are on same page i can do it for you

Van Victor Odigie

Can i eat your puccy and give you my dick down? Am serious.

NOW!! Victor, you are fake and need to stop this behaviour. When a woman talks about using sex toys, u dont offer her your dick. My inbox is never private. If u want privacy, leave Facebook. You came to me for a professional relationship. Is this how biz turns into pleasure for Nigerians? You want to suck my honeypot in exchange for music promotion?Huh?

Explain yourself and dont tell me your acct was hacked! I will post the screenshots! Young men, stop this behaviour. This is why the whole country is infected with segxwally transmitted diseases.
55  Forum / The Buzz Central / How Toyin Lawani stole her bestfriend's man on: 18-08-2013 03:57 PM
Toyin Lawani and her light skinned BFF who is in the entertainment industry have parted ways and the parting was so messy that the dust it caused has refused to settle down.

The CEO of tiannah styling recently granted an interview on inspiration Fm where she mentioned that her ex was married as at the time they were dating,nice revelation only that she forgot to mention which ex it was and olofofo whisperers have decided to help her her explain why she and her former friend are at war.

According to olofofos ''Toyin is celebrating now with her younger lover but stole her friend's joy and
betrayed her so bad that the friend is yet to recover from the treachery.
Toyin and this particular friend were more like twin sisters and really close but alas the unthinkable happened because of Toyins greed for money!'

''The close friend was dating a man of means from the western part of Nigeria and had a daughter who was interested in fashion...that's where Toyin came into the picture..
Toyin's BFF introduced her to her man so that Toyin can be of help to his daughter but she went behind and began dating the man and used malicious words to terminate her friend's relationship.
She began dating the guy and was rewarded with lots of financial gifts one of which is the infinity 'jeep' she is driving around town.

The lover boy whose initials has 'Dokinta' attached to it has the other half of a name which is given to twin children at birth.
Lover boy is into things that have to do with shipping and has an office when you are driving through an area that sounds like 'papa' when you drop the introducing letter.

One of the points to ponder being asked by the olofofos is ''Na the younger lover be Toyin's baby daddy abi na the Dokinta?''
As you read this Toyin and her former BFF are at war and no longer speak.
56  Forum / The Buzz Central / Sprite advert that promotes oral s*x on: 18-08-2013 12:51 PM
folks, pls is this creative or just plain stupid!
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