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81  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Woman takes plastic facial transplant after a gunshot from her husband on: 11-05-2009 02:26 PM
An Ohio woman who was the first US recipient of a near-total face transplant unveiled the results of her surgery which restored key features after she was shot by her husband five years ago, before he allegedly shot himself.

Connie Culp, 46, who was left without a nose, a palate or lower eyelids following a shotgun blast in 2004, underwent a procedure last December that lasted 22 hours at the Cleveland Clinic in the state of Ohio.

Surgeons transplanted about 80 percent of Culp's face using facial tissue from a dead woman that was placed like a mask atop her own. Almost her entire face was replaced, except for the forehead, upper eyelids, lower lip and chin.

The team of 11 surgeons who performed the operation said Culp, who was missing bone support and had been unable to eat or breathe without a tube in her windpipe, could now perform functions normally.

"We think this ... procedure has changed her life dramatically," Maria Siemionow, the clinic's director of plastic surgery research, told a news conference.

Although the clinic had revealed the surgery in December, Culp's identity and the incident that had disfigured were kept under wraps.

"Well, I guess I'm the one you came to see today," Culp said after being helped up to the podium.

But, she added, "I think it's more important that you focus on the donor family that made it so I could have this person's face."

When Risal Djohan, a plastic surgeon at the clinic, first looked at Culp's injuries two months after she was shot, "he told me he didn't think, he wasn't sure, if he could fix me, but he'd try," the patient recalled.

"Here I am, five years later. He did what he said -- I got me my nose," she said with a laugh.

Siemionow said the transplant "was the most complex functional restoration in the world today."

"We have transplanted for the first time in the world the largest scheme of the face, which was combined with the bones, with the entire nose and functional units, including lower eyelids, upper lip and including also her palate" she said.

Before the surgery, small children used to fear her and call her a monster :'(. She plans to re-unite with the husband, after he's out of jail Shocked Huh?.

(one picture belows shows her face before the attempted murder by her abusive husband, the other shows her the time exactly before and after the transplant)
82  Forum / Sports / Re: Champions League - Arsenal fan hangs himself on: 6-05-2009 08:43 PM
Quote from: tsentopmat on  6-05-2009 07:00 PM
omg!!!! dat kinda silly though brave and stupid at the same time.

brave, suicide is for cowards, who aren't ready to face the bad sides of life
83  Forum / Sports / Champions League - Arsenal fan hangs himself on: 6-05-2009 06:57 PM
An Arsenal fan in football-mad Kenya hanged himself wearing his beloved team's shirt after their defeat to Manchester United in the Champions League.

Like elsewhere across Africa, Kenyans pack bars for Premier League and Champions League matches, especially those involving Arsenal, Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool.

Suleiman Omondi, 29, was found hanged at his home in a middle-class Nairobi estate shortly after leaving distraught from the pub where he had watched Arsenal lose 3-1 in their Champions League semi-final at the Emirates on Tuesday.

"He took some drinks and broke down in tears within the final minutes of the match," a fellow bar patron, who asked not to be named, told Reuters.

Police said they were called to Omondi's house on Wednesday morning. "What we are gathering is this suicide is related to the Arsenal and Manchester match," local Embakasi area police chief David Bunei said.

Bar attendants said they had to intervene after Omondi lunged at a man who suggested Arsenal would not recover from conceding two early goals. They also lost the first leg 1-0.

Brawls are common in Kenya during football matches and there have been other related suicides reported in the past
84  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Wats wrong is my gurlfriend is 10yrs older than i am on: 5-05-2009 02:24 PM
Love has no age limit
85  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Wats wrong is my gurlfriend is 10yrs older than i am on: 5-05-2009 02:23 PM
Take it easy, bruv.

As long as she likes you and you like her that's not a problem. I would want to go wit a girl older than me but it depends on the age difference. Dont give a f@ck about who's critizing ur relationship, be it ur family members or your friends, as long as she makes you feel happy.

In fact, for you to date a girl like that and make her satistfied, it even shows ppl how mature you are. Most girls won't go out wit men younger than them because the think they aren't mature and they don't kno how to them.
86  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Should there be a law, legalizing same sex marriage in Nigeria? on: 27-04-2009 08:27 PM
Quote from: UBZEEY on 26-04-2009 03:45 PM
SHIT! God, The Almighty created everything for a purpose. He created a woman for man to marry and answer call of nature. Why 4 heavens sake should man decend so low to think of doing it with fellow idiot like him?

Pastor, you are swearing and quoting bible at the same time, what does that mean.
 Besides god didn't create a woman for a man IMO, as a man myself I most say that women aren't depent neither are men, a woman can decide to be a vargin for life and no man would have the right to take away her varginity.
 Anyway, minus religon, I'm OK with gay folks. Beside, liek the bible says we shouldn't others for their own sins, coz we commit sins ourselves. E.g Swearing
87  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Should there be a law, legalizing same sex marriage in Nigeria? on: 24-04-2009 10:40 PM
Quote from: cintas1000 on 19-04-2009 08:31 PM
It is very disheartening that most Nigerians are now copying the life style of the West when it comes to Homosegxwalism and Lesbianism, i want to know if there should be a law granting them the choice of marrying themselves in Nigeria to avoid them dying in silence. I am not in their favor.

They can do so, as long as the church has nothing to do with it. Coz, it's none of my business if someone can even marry an animal
88  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Port Harcourt Ranked Most Dangerous City In The World on: 2-04-2009 03:27 PM
I've was born and raised in PH ever since I was 14 and I can't believe what you are sayin
89  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: tHe wEiRdESt nAME yOU'Ve eVRe heArD..... on: 2-04-2009 03:24 PM
Dadamuga Mazino, believe me, it's a naija name Grin
90  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Nigeria is the best country in the world on: 2-04-2009 03:22 PM
 Grin Grin Grin Grin Roll Eyes Yes, and fishes live without water
91  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: An Italian 'Fritzl' and his son on: 2-04-2009 03:19 PM
Quote from: Abby on  1-04-2009 11:30 PM
so much craziness going on these days  Angry  Angry

 ???What u mean these days?!, hope you know he has been doing it for 25 years, that means he started before I was born
92  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Columbian Friztl on: 1-04-2009 06:55 AM
A Colombian man accused of fathering 11 children with his daughter says he's not guilty because she's not his biological child.

The 59-year-old man allegedly has been molesting his daughter, who is now 35, since she was a child.

Arcedio Alvarez - dubbed "monster of Mariquita" by the local press - has been taken to jail under police and army protection and is being held in custody, news agency Reuters reported.

He denied rape and incest charges when he appeared in court in the central Colombian region of Tolima, saying his daughter was adopted.

"We agreed to have a romantic relationship because we really loved each other. But she was not my own child," the BBC reported he told the court.

The woman, Alba Nidia, told police the abuse started when she was nine. She'd been in her father's care since her mother died when she was five. She says she has given birth to 11 children, three of whom have died. The surviving children, reportedly aged between one and 19, are now in state care.

"I always respected him as my father and he is my father," she was quoted as saying on the BBC.

"He never spoke about (incest), about why we were doing it. Sometimes I would ask him and he would say it was God's will."

She said in an interview with the daily newspaper El Tiempo that a Christian pastor had convinced her to reveal the allegations.

"I took this decision according to the will of God, thanks to a pastor who prayed for me many times," she said in the interview. "That is what gave me the strength."

The case has prompted comparisons with the high-profile case of Austria's Josef Fritzl, who was recently convicted of holding his daughter captive for 24 years in the basement of his house and fathering her seven children.

Colombian media reported that the woman decided to file a complaint against her father when she saw television reports about Fritzl, news agency DPA reported.

"She started to reflect on the issue when she saw the case of the Austrian 'monster'. She realised that what her father was doing to her was not normal," a relative told reporters.

The woman said she decided to file suit after her father beat up two of her children, aged two and five.
93  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / An Italian 'Fritzl' and his son on: 1-04-2009 06:51 AM
ROME - Italian police have arrested a 64-year-old man for segxwally abusing his daughter during 25 years and encouraging his son to do the same, in a case dubbed "Italy's Josef Fritzl" by the media.

Prosecutors in the northern city of Turin have charged the man's 41-year-old son with segxwal abuse of his sister and his own four daughters, aged between six and 20.

"It seems that in this family there was a sort of right of 'droit de seigneur' of the father over the daughter," prosecutor Pietro Forno was quoted as saying by Italian news agency Ansa.

The man's daughter, now 34, was forced to leave school in her early teens and complained to authorities of segxwal abuse as early as 1994, but was not taken seriously.

The father and son, both street traders, have been charged with rape, family abuse, and obscene acts in public because some of the segxwal abuse took place in a car.

Fritzl, a 73-year-old Austrian, was sentenced to life in a secure mental unit this month for locking up and molesting his daughter in a cellar over 24 years, fathering seven children with her and causing the death of his own infant son.
94  Forum / Religion / Re: Is tattoo demonic? on: 1-04-2009 06:35 AM
Quote from: sweetrae on  1-04-2009 02:42 AM
tattoos r just art!!!

My point exactly
95  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 13 yrs old boy impregnate and father a child!! on: 30-03-2009 08:07 AM
The guys , no know wetin be 'Financially' sef and e wan father pekin xD
96  Forum / Religion / Re: Is tattoo demonic? on: 30-03-2009 08:04 AM
There is a verse in the bible that says '....bear the mark of christ.....'
So tattoos can be depending on what the tattoo looks like and what it represents, and they's are there on ones body to show the pride he/she has in one aspect of his/her life.
E.g Eminem has a tattoo of his daugther's face on his arm, which shows the love and the pride he has for his dauther.
There can be religous tattoos, like a cross represents Christian pride, a moon and star represnts Muslim Pride, etc.
So in conclusion not all tattoos are demonic for god sake
97  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Do you know the best punishment for your partner having an affair on: 5-03-2009 10:08 PM
To me the best thing to do to your BF or GF after he/she cheated on you is to flog him/her Grin.

If he/she agrees or you still want to continue with the relationship, flog him/her

If not the forget at him/her and the punsihment as well
98  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: why 2face is pregnanting girls on: 13-02-2009 08:04 AM
It's impregnating not pregnating
99  Forum / The Buzz Central / E be like say Chris Brown don give Rihanna fatally :O on: 11-02-2009 11:39 PM
I heard Breezy
made rihannas life uneasy
it's a lil bit confussin
but because of herpes, she was cruisin for bruisin
never know she was a dirty slut
until she and her man fought
Both of the Chrihana couples didn't come to the grammys
now she's in the hospital like a sick granny
while her dude was in then outta jail
after he paid a 50 thousand box bail
the boy for the ladies
is now like  a dog wit rabies
Too bad
no more fans
no more fame
wit all that shame
I think the herpes story was shit
coz right now I heard it was coz of a message by anotha chick
I so he don't deserve to hit her
and someone shoulld stick his face in a cat litter
100  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: she doesn't want sex again what shld i do on: 26-01-2009 10:41 PM
Huh, life is hard, to bad, u can wank then
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