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1  Forum / Jobs and careers / ARE YOU INTRESTED IN WORKING REMOTELY AS A FREELANCER on: 26-03-2022 12:43 PM
 If you are interested in working from home for clients, Even if you are a student, or you dont have a skill and have never worked remotely.

Join our free Training class
2  Forum / Jobs and careers / A MUST READ(THIS IS WHAT NIGERIA STUDENTS DO) on: 21-03-2022 08:11 PM
A Must Read

You must be wondering what some Nigerian students do to live large in school.
It is no longer a new trend that some Nigerian students use expensive phones and drive expensive cars, and they are students just like you.

Well, you can be among those big gees and babes in school. What you need is just the right means and direction of how and what to do to benefit you hugely.

I'll tell you about those highly profitable means, which are a verified and proven highly profitable online means of earning passive income online.

There are only a few slots available.

Contact : 09078303625
3  Forum / Jobs and careers / Imagine working from the comfort of your home and making more money than people with offices. on: 20-02-2022 07:59 PM
Imagine working from the comfort of your home and making more money than people with offices. That is what freelancers experience.

A simple job of $1000 monthly will pay you over #550,000 naira. Now while $1000 a month is considered low paying job.

In Nigeria here some Managers do not even earn up to half of that. This my friends is the unfair advantage that freelancing gives you.

What is freelancing and who is a freelancer?

Freelancing means to work as an independent entity rather than be employed by someone else.

A freelancer is a worker who is self-employed and makes money working with different clients. Most freelancers are remote workers so they are able to work with businesses from all over the world and this is what gives you leverage as a Nigerian freelancer.

You don’t have to work with only Nigerians and have your earnings capped but you can tap into  international economies where you can earn BIG

some of the in-Demand freelancing skills include:
graphic design
web design
social media marketing..etc

Don’t miss the growing opportunity in the freelance world.

for more updates, kindly send a Dm
4  Forum / Jobs and careers / How to attract high-paying foreign clients as a freelancer on: 20-02-2022 04:11 PM

If you are a graphic designer, web designer, UI/UX designer, content writer, copy writer, or you are willing to learn copywriting and you interested to work as a freelancer that's working remotely for foreign clients, and you don't know the best way to go about that.

i have an offer for you. kindly send a dm on Whatsapp