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1  Forum / Politics / Re: Shocking: al-Qaida declares JIHAD in Nigeria! can they succeed? on: 18-03-2010 06:51 PM
Hi Ajanni
I tot u people say Islam does nt preach violence and adhores shedding of blood?  U have destroyed your own country and is inviting Jihad to Nigeria to destroy it. Only a stupid person will listen to U.  Apart from the Northern part of this country, where else have U seen Christiabn killing people of other religion be it in the eastern or southern part of the country?  This is a food for tot for U.  I believe it is your so called stupid leaders who are the architect of this mischied using the confusion to destabilise Jos so dat tey can gain upper hand at the end of the day but it shall not succeed.
Also how on earth do you no that those who wee killed in the first instance are mostly muslim is it written on their face.

why is it dat u people are all over the world associated with violence and blood. Please it is time to have a change of heart and i do not believe anybody can fight for God who created and know us all.  We can only see our immediate front but God can see and hear uss all at the same time and attend to our needs at the same time. Is that not ausome.  Who can beat that.  U can not fight for God let Him do his things His own way and stop taking life that u cannnot create.  It is very previous before the eyes of God.
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: guy what are you going to do if you meet girlfriend as a virgin at the age of on: 28-11-2008 03:11 PM
if i meet a girl at 25 as a virgin my God i will adore her beos it is very difficult to come by in this jet 21st century age.  i will alwys believe watever she tells me and trust her to the end.
I wil nt force her but will  beg her to give me the singular honor to disvergin her and will nt hesitate to mary her if she is in support.
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: The Difference Between Sex and Romance on: 28-11-2008 03:07 PM
Na weting self.  This na adult education.  Sex is having intercourse that is both parties accepting to make luv which either lead to pregnancy and there is a lot of pleasure in it dan romance.  it is d fulfilment of a relationship. While romance as it sound sis just a fowl play like touching sensitive parts of the body and dat is all.  Cary go