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1  Forum / Religion / Re: SPEAKING IN TONGUE on: 27-06-2011 05:09 AM
The Word of  God states that there is no private interpretation of Scriptures. As it relates to speaking in other tongues, of course the topic is very controversial, but the Scriptures clearly demonstrates the work of the Spirit of God as shown on the Day of Pentecost. It does not take a theologian to read Acts 2:1-4 (and that's just one Scripture) and gain knowledge as to how the Holy Ghost operates. I want to add that there is a huge difference between the experience as shown in Acts 2:1-4, Acts 10:44-48, and Acts 19:1-6 and that of I Corinthians chapters 12 thru 14. First and foremost, the Book of Corinthians speaks about the gift of tongues also known as the gift of diverse kinds of tongues.  It's a spiritual gift in which, if God chooses, He will endow that gift within a person. However, the individual must first have experinenced the baptism of the Holy Ghost, which was first poured out on the Day of Pentecost.

Now, in the Book of Acts, the emphasis is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in other tongues is the manifestaton, or evidence that the 120 disciples received the Holy Ghost. For example, Acts 2:4 states "And they were FILLED with the Holy Ghost and BEGAN  TO SPEAK in other TONGUES as the Spirit of God gave the utterance (or ability). It is very important to understand that before a person could speak in tongues that they must be filled first. Altough there are many people that fake speaking in tongues and that there are churches that actually coach people how to speak, the Holy Ghost is nevertheless real. Many people who say that they are Christians claim to be Spirit filled, BUT where's the evidence? Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? (Acts 19:1-2. 

2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: CAUGHT RED-HANDED on: 26-03-2011 10:23 PM
Hmm! I think that I saw this scene somewhere before.  Oh yeah, this is taken out of a movie. "The man who butchered his lover for sleeping with his ex-wife". 
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Marriage Proposal From a Boxer>> Should i Say Yes? on: 26-03-2011 01:11 PM
Quote from: jsensini on 25-03-2011 03:16 PM
why are u complaining ... a boxer propose to marry u ? its simple as ABC ... u scared u cld use u as a training puching bag,
if he does its part of the relationship ... u can never hve it all .. there are happy nd bad momnts in relationships .. whn the happy time comes.. u enjoy it, on  the contary u as well keep faith ... bcos e no go dey sweet all the time..
my conclusion .. if u love him i mean the ( BOXER ) marry and and face all the thin wey go follow .. i hope u no forget .. In sicknes nd in health ,richer nd poorer till death do us part .. dnt misudersatnd the quote .. its evrytin in one be it gud or bad.... so .. gud luck

[/quote  "If he does its part of the relationship. . . u can never have it all?"   Any man who hits a woman is a coward. No man should ever, ever lay his hand on his wife. That's not love. Period.
4  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Marriage Proposal From a Boxer>> Should i Say Yes? on: 26-03-2011 01:07 PM
Advice! If you truly love him and he loves you, marry him, BUT, seek professional counseling first. I'm an ex-professional boxer myself and I get upset at my wife, but I never laid a hand on her. However, she's smacked me before lol (I'm not kidding).
5  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: 4 Things Women Do That Freak Men Out! on: 26-03-2011 12:48 PM
Hey listen. Please tell me that this isn't true for all Nigerian women. I'm an African American male and I married a Nigerian woman. Now, she is a sweet person but I must say that at times she can be very, very demanding and fussy at times. And, that really upsets me. Wjem we began dating some time ago, she wan't like that, but things changed. What the heck is going on? Are most Nigerian women fussy?
6  Forum / Religion / Re: Who Is The Holy Spirit and How Do You Receive Him? on: 21-03-2011 12:48 AM
This is a great question in which many people struggle with. There are many attributes and surnames that depicts who God is. He is known as the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Spirit of God, Spirit of Christ, Comforter, The Father and Jesus. The names are all synomonous. The Holy Spirit is also called the Comforter, which Jesus promised to those who would receive Him. The Comforter comes from a Greek word that means Parakletos, or in English terms "Helper".

It is very simple to recieve the Holy Ghost. All one has to do is repent of one's sins, turn from their sins, and believe that God will fill him or her with the Holy Ghost (Spirit). How does one know when he or she receives the Holy Ghost? Well, there is an experience which is both objective and subjective. It's objective because those who witness a person receiving the Holy Ghost will see that person speak in other tongues as the Sprit of God enables him to do so. It's also subjective because the transformation occurs within a person. Though the sign of speaking in tongues is audible, the person who receives the Holy Ghost will know beyond a shadow of doubt that something wonderful took place in his or her life. When in doubt, read about the promise and the fulfillment of the promise from the Father: Luke 24:46 - 53; Acts 1:1 - 8; Acts 2:1 - 4; Acts 10:44 - 48; Acts 19:1 - 6.

Now, there are many who will try to refute this argument and that's ok. But, God's Word demonstrates this experience. Better yet, don't take my word only.  Ask the Lord Jesus Christ and he will guide you into this truth.
7  Forum / Education / Re: what is love? on: 21-04-2009 11:07 PM
These are the definitions of Love:
1.  I'll wait until we're married. I won't violate my fiance in any way.
2.  I'll love my wife or girlfriend inspite of and not just because of
3.  I love my girlfriend so much that I'll wait because true love can wait. Lust can't.
4.  Love is more than a feeling.  Love is an outward act.  ex: I love my wife or girlfriend so much that I buy her flowers, take her out to a restaurant, run the water so that she can bathe, etc.
5.  I love my wife of 15 yrs so much that I promised never to breach our marriage (True!)
8  Forum / Religion / Re: our pastors dont preach salvation again rather it prosperity.why. on: 21-04-2009 10:54 PM
I don't mean to sound judgmental, but the reason why some pastors don't preach salvation because they lack the salvation (deliverance) experience.  One can't preach what he doesn't have.  Here's the bottom line: Many pastors need to be baptized with the Holy Ghost.