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1  Forum / Politics / Organizational Change: 6 Things You Must Do To Become A Very Effective Leader on: 16-01-2010 01:47 PM
All progress is the result of change. But not all change is progress. Some changes don’t make any sense. In fact, some leadership behaviors actually create more stress for yourself and your coworkers.

So what works?

Based on my 22 years of consulting and speaking to organizations around the world, I’ve found six things you must do to become an effective leader in the midst of change.

1. Don't beat yourself up.

You did not cause the tough, changing times in your industry, and you could not have predicted all the changes coming down the pike. The nature of change is unpredictable.

For example, who could have predicted the change in fashion? Do you remember when clothing tags were worn on the inside? Now if you go to the malls, you will see many teenagers wearing them on the outside.

Who could have predicted the change in lifestyle behaviors between generations? Do you remember when safe sex meant your parents did not find out? Now some parents "equip" their kids for sex.

Or, who could have predicted the change in the marketplace? The great movie mogul, Harry Warner, couldn't in 1922, when he said, "Who the ---- wants to hear actors talk?"

The founder of IBM, Tom Watson, Senior, couldn't in 1943 when he said, "I think there is a world market for about five computers."

Ken Olsen, the President of Digital Equipment Corporation couldn't in 1973 when he said, "There is no reason for anyone to have a computer in his house."

So don't beat yourself up for not being able to predict or prevent tough changing times. This will deflate you, and you need to be out there motivating your colleagues.

2. Keep your coworkers’ hope alive.

Effective leaders project an optimistic view of the future, even during times of change. Your colleagues need to know that you believe a better day is coming. However, you also need to provide a realistic assessment of the obstacles that your organization must overcome in order to reach that better day.

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