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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Can two age mates marry one another? on: 1-02-2011 01:37 AM
Age doesn't really matter as far as relationship and marriage is concerned. What really matter between both of them is their level of maturity and their defined meaning of what love and marriage is all about.
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: What can make you slap your husband in public? on: 18-04-2010 12:32 PM
To me I think its really not the question of what did man or woman did or did not do. I think the real question here is what could possibly move two lovers or possibly true lovers raise hands against each other no matter what the situation might be even if the situation get so worst, that the woman or the man in question actually deserved it. Normally one should be expecting something even worst than an ordinary dirty slap if the couple aren't true lovers once the situation get ugly sometimes or often. But if the couples were actually true lovers, those that believe, understand the true meaning of true love and constantly emulating its virtues such as temperance, foreberance, forgiveness, patience, sincerity, honesty, open-minded,            fidelity, kindness, caring, integrity, hardwork, taking responsibility, trusting and helping each other and other virtues..., then if any of such ugly incident mistakenly happened then the other       or his/her partner will be able to handle such situation with more knowledge and wisdom rather than getting into violence or fighting. As we all know, fighting or quarelling don't resolve a  circumstance or situation into a better one, it only make it worst. My advice to wife,husband, lovers or even friends that love quarelling, fighting and getting into violence often is to remember one  most important thing which is: For every valuable or precious thing we want in life, there is price to be paid, you want true love, perfection in relationship, happiness,  peace, harmony, progress, joy,  trust  and fidelity in friendship, good, admirable and sound happy matrimony instead of fight today, truce tomorrow, then we need to let go of our pride and embrace  true love  and always be ready to pay the price such as sacrifice, patience, temperance, foreberance, forgiving each other(and forget). I'm sure the couples who constantly             practice and walk in true love, the level of their relationship will ascend above the level of debating over quarelling or fighting issues and will surely blossom. ..(my belief)                                                                                                                                       