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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP? on: 22-07-2008 12:40 PM
well it depends on d level of trust u guys av 4 each other cos i am presently avin a distance relationship aswel but its not a problem 2me cos i trust him n he has neva given d impression 2 think dat its not goin 2work make sure u trust ur partner n dont listen 2 outsiders too. always communicate n find a way 2 see even if its once in a blue moon lol!
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHY U SHOULD TRUST YOUR GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND on: 22-07-2008 12:33 PM
i dont see any reason why two people should be dating when there's no trust.its very painful n it hurts when u discover dat ur partner doesn't trust you cos it makes u feel as if she or he's not taking d relationship serious by not puttin d trust!.always trust ur spouse cos it makes dem feel save n also helps in relationships. its goin 2 help u aswell cos once u dont trust ur spouse,he or she wld be dissapointed n u may loose him/her through dat.
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Do you support or are you against abortion? on: 22-07-2008 11:58 AM
m against abortion cos i believe its a very big sin in d sense dat GOD actually gives children 2 be born n not 2be aborted n d most painful part is dat wen d guys av fun dey dont always think about d result istead dey do it without any prevention and eventually destroy anoda soul.isnt dat bad cos its in d bible dat "THOU SHALL NOT KILL".lets always think b4 we do anything guys![/color] [/i]
4  Forum / Relationships & Romance / wat would u do if u find out dat ur fiance has been sleeping around with ur sis on: 18-07-2008 10:02 PM
isnt dat a jamb question pals
5  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Can u date a guy that smokes heavy and drinks? on: 18-07-2008 09:55 PM
it depends,cos if its a guy i really love,then i'll try my best to change him before goin out with him but if he refuses to change then i'l av to let go cos i can never date a drunk n a heavy smoker! nah!!!
6  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: why 2face is pregnanting girls on: 11-07-2008 01:28 PM
i feel he's feeling too cool n i dont think wat 2face is doin is proper cos i dont see anyreason why he should be pregnanting ladies all over the world.he should get a wife n settle down 4 cryin out loud n dos ladies should pls zip up 4 idibia n stop disgracing others.cos m sure wit all dis some ladies are still willing to av his baby.isnt dat stupid? n 2face is loved everywhere so he shouldnt stop damaging his image o!