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1  Forum / Religion / Re: ''Jesus Did Not Die on the Cross, He Was In a Coma'' - Sheikh Gumi on: 8-04-2013 01:14 AM

WHY is one religion putting down another.

We, no matter what our religion is, are called to love God, love neighbour and love one another.

What is gained by putting down another religion.   God is called by many names and we are all HIS or Her (since God is spirit) chidlren.
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: 5 Good Things and Bad Things About Nigerian People on: 8-04-2013 01:01 AM
No nationality is either all good - or- all bad.   We are human beings first, then we live in a country.

Work on yourself...
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: There are more good people at Naijapals than bad people on: 8-04-2013 12:59 AM
We live every day around negative and positive people.

Stay away from the negative ones and when they say, "This is bad,"  come up with a positive statement....or life is terrible, then say,
It would be terrible if you were blind, could not walk etc.  Show a good example to negative people.

If someone is negative....This is terrible....   ask them, o.k  how would YOU change it to make it better.
4  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: If the choice were yours, would you have chosen to be born to man or woman? on: 8-04-2013 12:39 AM
We need to balance who we are.....the male and the feminine side.....

A true man is also gentle and loving and respectful to women.      A true woman gives praise, and is gentle and kind and respectful to her man.

We need to be strong and gentle no matter what sex we are.

I think most girls/women in this world (because of their lack of rights) would wish to be a man.    Girls sold into sex trade would also wish this.
Women who are raped would wish to be men the next time around.
5  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: If you were the President for a day, what would you change in the world? on: 8-04-2013 12:35 AM
I would invent a gene where nobody could hate, kill or rape another human being.  The 'new' gene would present God (of all religions) as a God of LOVE and this would be evident when everybody loves and never judges another.
6  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Gambian president to homosegxwals – “If we catch you, you’ll regret you were born on: 8-04-2013 12:33 AM
Using God to condemn others is, in my opinion, evil.   Homosegxwality has been around since humans were created and is in every country.  When a regime is so hateful, homosegxwal men and women hide.  What this man does not know is the rich contribution of homosegxwals to history - Michael Angelo, Leonardo Da Vinci.  Lesbians do not be ashamed of who you are....God made you for a reason...maybe to test the hatred and ignorance of this man.  Loving another person is never evil....Most religions were founded so many years ago, when humans had no idea of genes, science etc.
Come and visit my site:   Look at the number of women, both homosegxwal and heterosegxwal, who have contributed to society, science, medicine, space travel, literature.   This man contributes little - but hate.  Be proud of being born and enjoy life.   paula
7  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: OMG: 6 Men Arrested For Gang-molesting And Infecting 12-Year-Old Girl With HIV on: 8-04-2013 12:27 AM
Vengeance is not the way to end this kind of violence towards men who gang rape.  We need male leaders that are respected in the community, on television, on the soccer field, in politics and these strong men must make television commercials or records to tell their fellow men to act like men.

You are not a man if you gang-rape a child.  You are a sub species of a human being.  A man has compassion and cares for all of nature.

Come on men, look at your friends, your classmates, your family and SPEAK UP AND SPEAK OUT.

I am a lesbian living in Canada and I am shocked at the 'corrective rape' mentality of many men.  I blog about such violence on my website: stories4hotbloodedlesbians (this is not a porn site).  Please don't tell me I have no right to comment on African affairs, I am a person, human that lives on the same planet as you.   These are my sisters and you are my brothers.  We are one human community created by a loving God.