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1  Forum / The Buzz Central / Nadia Buari Flaunts Her Hot Bikini Body on: 28-04-2014 12:51 AM

Nadia to me looks more like a goddess, Jim Iyke calls her Space…

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2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / My uncle has been sleeping with me since last year— 12-yr-old girl on: 27-04-2014 09:57 PM

A young man of 32 by name Wayas is currently being interrogated by the Rivers State Police Command over an allegation brought against him by his 12-year-old niece that he had been having carnal knowledge of her since 2013.

The girl was said to have been living with the suspect since she was a baby, after her father’s death. At that time, Wayas and his wife, who had been married for a couple of years, were yet to have a child of their own so the baby girl automatically became their daughter. Therefore, it was surprising to many that the man could turn to segxwally abuse the girl regarded as his daughter.

According to a reliable source within the community, the case of defilement was reported to the chairman of Finima Youth Congress, Comrade Aladiokuma Hart, who in turn notified the DPO and took the girl to him to be put in protective custody.

The suspect, Wayas, was alleged to have threatened to kill the girl if she should expose him and had continued abuse her segxwally until she could no longer keep things to herself.

Speaking with Crime Reports on her experience in the hands of the man she called father, Karen said: “Anthony is a father to me. He is my father’s brother. My father is dead and my mother is in our village at Adamawa State, married to another man now. I don’t go to school. I finished Primary Six and was supposed to start JSS1 but I was not sent to secondary school by my uncle. I usually stay at home to do house chores. I would then take my cousins to school and come back home to work. I would go back to the school in the afternoon to pick them.

“My uncle started sleeping with me in 2013. How it happened was that he would leave for work in the morning and come back in the afternoon while his wife is away at work where she works as a cleaner.

He would take the children to the big room, asking them to stay there, and would take me to the small room. He would remove my pant and push me on the bed.

“He would then remove his trousers and bring out his manhood. He would then put it inside me and sleep me (sic). I can’t count the number of times it has happened. When I told the wife, she threatened to return me to our village

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3  Forum / The Buzz Central / Rachael Oniga: How A Woman Snatched My Husband on: 27-04-2014 03:23 PM

Veteran Nollywood actress Rachael Oniga in this recent interview with the Entertainer revealed how her darling husband, now late, divorced her for another woman.

She also discussed her journey into Nollywood and many other issues:

Interview excerpt:

On how she joined Nollywood, she said

“I started in 1993 after I got separated from my husband; he’s late now. I was a fulltime housewife and before then a computer programmer. After the separation I just said I was not going back into the labour market. So, I went into business trading, traveling and buying things and all of that. Fortunately, I met Uncle ‘Layi Ashadele and he said to me, ‘why don’t you try acting?’ So, I gave it a try and I was invited to the set of Memorial Hospital. That was how the journey started.”

So why didn’t you remarry?

I believe so much in myself, and when I got over the shock of the separation and all that, I made up my mind that I was going to make a statement without a man. I wanted to prove that a hardworking woman could make an impact and with God’s grace I have come a long way.

There’s been no scandal around you. How were you able to handle that?

The truth is that when you’re focused and you know where you’re going to, you’re likely to succeed. I made up my mind then that I wasn’t going to remarry. I was determined to make it and make all men including my late husband know that with God by her side, a woman can make it in life without a man’s support.

That means he hurt you real bad?

Yes. During our years of courtship and marriage, I never suspected that we would just break up like that or anything could ever come between us. Back then he told me everything. I could tell you where he was at every moment; I trusted him so much.

Did you ever get to meet the other woman?

It was later, much later and when I did I was like ‘did he leave me because of this thing?’ I don’t know how to put it but men don’t really appreciate what they have until they lose it.

 What advice do you have for women in similar situations?

Just believe in yourself and with hard work you will get there. God is always faithful. I killed my emotions and I said to myself ‘Rachael, your kids must go to the best schools.’ It was just work and my children.

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4  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / SHOCKING: The Names Of Boko Haram Sponsors Exposed   on: 27-04-2014 12:34 PM

We are living in interesting times in Nigeria and nothing should be taken for granted any more:
Few days after a popular spiritualist, Alhaji Goni who his based in Adamawa State, threatened to make public the names of Boko Haram sponsors in the North, another spiritualist said he has already exposed them.
“I had told President Goodluck Jonathan those behind these nest of killers (Boko Haram) through several publications. I have asked the President to arrest them before now because they said that since power did not return to the North after the 2011 general elections, they would make the nation ungovernable.

“The spirit of the creator is against them. They are going to be dealt with. I will call them to order in the interest of innocent Nigerians, enough of the bloodletting.

"If President Jonathan had listened to the advice I gave him two years ago when I was at Aso Rock, all the killings by Boko Haram would have stopped. After my visit to the villa, the bombings stopped but because those in government did not continue to tap from my spiritual grace, the bombers returned...

“Nigeria belongs to all of us. As Living Perfect Master, I cannot be here and all these continue. I am challenging the Northern leaders to an open debate in a national television. Let them swear by the name of the Creator and all the seven elements of the earth that their actions were not the direct reflection of Boko Haram onslaught.”

Those are the words of the Guru Maharaj Ji, the Spiritual Leader of One Love Family with headquarters in the capital of Oyo State, Ibadan. He said he had already told President Goodluck Jonathan who the sponsors of the sect are. Guru concluded by saying that some former military rulers, a former Vice President, and some leaders in the North are the ones funding the deadly group.

So, what is Oga Jonathan waiting for before taking action? Or could it be that he doesn't believe the man?

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5  Forum / The Buzz Central / Why I Exposed My B00bs At The Restaurant ––Actress Jesse on: 27-04-2014 12:33 PM

I cannot really tell the mind of people but I guess some see me as a controversial person, while others see me as an innocent girl. I am just one lovely person who appreciates people no matter their belief and nature.

As an actress, can you act nudé?
I'd go any length to act nudé, as long as it goes with my terms. It would be between me and my employer.

The craziest stunt you ever pulled?

That would be showing off my Bosom  in a restaurant. It was a bet of truth and dare...

Frank Artus, a Ghanaian actor, and I are friends but we are not dating each other. One guy kept seeing my display profile on Blackberry Messenger and asked if I was crazy about him, and I said yes, because he is kind-hearted. I am single and waiting for the right man that God has ordained for me.

Your Ideal man
My ideal man is someone who has the fear of God; someone who is caring and romantic. Above all, he must be well-to-do; he must have achieved what it takes to face responsibility of matrimony. I like my man to be mature, presentable in terms of speech, dressing and looks. He must be intelligent too.

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6  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Actress Laide Bakare In Big Mess, Husband on The Run, EFCC Takes Over Property on: 27-04-2014 12:28 PM

This is a serious matter. My dear ladies, marrying a super rich man is a good thing, but are you ready for all his hidden issues and secret dealings that could come out when you least expect and change the status quo?

Few weeks ago, Laide Bakare's husband, Alhaji Atanda Orilowo told us that he is not on the run and that the EFCC did not follow due process before declaring him wanted. He said he is around and will go to court to put a stop to the intimidation by EFCC and settle all the issue once and for all.

But, funny enough, that did not happen. And EFCC say they didn't see the man and the money he is accused of embezzling is in billions. Now they have obtained a forfeiture order on all his choice property, including his big filling stations in Lagos and the new boutique he opened for actress Laide Bakare...

His mansion in Ibeju Lekki will also be taken over by EFCC. They say Alhaji Orilowo is still on the run and that all efforts to trace him in his known houses have proved abortive. MTN staff are serious with the case and they want to make sure he account for the billions given to him for their estate (Y'ELLOW ESTATE).

In fact, as you read this, a court order has been placed on two of his filling stations in the Ajah area of Lagos.

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7  Forum / The Buzz Central / What Kim Kardashian Has Done To This Naija Babe on: 27-04-2014 12:26 PM

One thing is clear: some Naija ladies are good at copying blindly. So Kim K is this one's role model?

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8  Forum / The Buzz Central / I Am Tired Of Having Children —2Face on: 27-04-2014 12:18 PM

2face Idibia may have disappointed his female fans with his latest declaration that he was tired of having babies and that he wants to concentrate on his marriage to Annie. 2face said it was time for him to give more time to his wife and ensure that the family gets the best of his attention as they continue to grow together.

2face who was the star of the night at Gbenga Adeyinka’s Laffmatazz in Ibadan last week Sunday appears to have turned a new leaf judging by his utterances during his performance that kept the entire crowd inside the Kakanfo Inn dancing and yelling for more. Many top musicians and comedians had performed that night before 2face and 9ice took the people to another level entirely with their popular track, ‘Street Credibility’.

Shortly after his duet performance that night, 9ice left the stage for 2face to take over, and the African Queen crooner did not disappoint his fans who had waited patiently for their man to perform.

2face took the excited crowd to a new level with his hit tracks, such as nfana ibaga, Street Credibilty, Implication and many more.

But what some people have been saying after the show was 2face’s frequent usage of spiritual words like“receive it” and “take it” while his performance lasted. A development which suggested that he may have forsaken his old ways. It was said to be an indication that his wife Annie is working hard to change his husband to the man she wants.

When 2face was asked if the words he was saying on the stage ironically means that he was planning to have more children, he was quick to deny the insinuation with a strong warning that he was done as far as having babies is concerned. “I am tired of having babies. At this point in my life, I want show my family all the love and support they deserve. I love my wife and there is not going to be anything like have babies outside wedlock.

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9  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Women With Wide Hips Are Easy To Get, Have More segxwal Partners on: 26-04-2014 09:11 PM

A new controversial study revealed what the most feminine party of your body tells about your personality and why hips don’t lie.

To understand whether the diameter of the woman’s hips reflects her nature and relationships with the opposite sex, the British scientists oferred 148 women to participate in their research.

The average age of the participants were between 18 and 26 and all of the women had at least one segxwal partner.

Also, they had to give answers to rather sensitive questions such as:

The age at which they lost their virginity;
The number of segxwal partners they had had;
Emotional significance of segxwal relationships they had had;
Then their body parameters were measured: hip circumference at the widest point and the waist circumference at its narrowest point. Hips wider than 36 centimetres were classified as wide, while hips below 31 centimetres as small.

The study has found that women with wide hips are more likely to have one-night stands and more segxwal partners in general. And the wider the hips are the more one-night stands a woman had.

According to researches, such a phenomenon can be explained from the biological point of view, as the birth process for such women is generally easier and less traumatic than for the smaller-hipped. Whilst women with smaller hips psychologically programmed to avoid any potential fatal childbirth-related injury they eschew impermanent segxwal contacts. The research is published in the Archives of segxwal Behaviour.

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10  Forum / The Buzz Central / “Please Stop Blaming Lola, She Was never The Cause ‘ Jude Okoye Tweets on: 26-04-2014 04:18 PM

Jude just tweeted this. There’s been a lot of nasty comments about Lola and Jude wants it all to stop.

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11  Forum / The Buzz Central / OMG!! Check out Tiwa Savage's wedding dress (Photos)   on: 26-04-2014 04:17 PM

Oh my! I have died and gone to heaven. This is one of the most exquisite wedding dresses I have ever seen. It's breathtaking. What a beautiful, stunning bride. See a pic of the groom after the cut...

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