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21  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Strippers in Lagos state arrested on: 8-11-2009 06:21 AM
wetin be their concern? its only those who want to see them goes there,. why the whole noise, let d biz be jare Govt wey never porvide its own amenities dey disturb purb,
22  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Strippers in Lagos state arrested on: 8-11-2009 06:20 AM
wetin be their concern? its only those who want to see them goes there,. why the whole noise, let d biz be jare Govt wey never porvide its own amenities dey disturb purb,
23  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why does SEX sell???? on: 3-11-2009 08:38 PM
because it is false to say u dont like it except u r reali reali religious
24  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Man marry 4 wives in one day..... pure madness. on: 14-10-2009 08:40 PM
Tinks dts d bestt way of avoiding runs...d man try, is not easy to segxwally satisfy one babe, now talk of 4..bros i hail u!
25  Forum / Education / Re: ASUU to call off strike, Wednesday on: 5-10-2009 09:29 PM
Na wao!!! where went NLC all these days? may be ASUU were eating alone
Thank God all d same, congrats to u students, we no come see the Abuja Nood party
26  Forum / Religion / Re: Does jesus has brothers ? on: 5-10-2009 09:24 PM
do we need to scater Naija pal for religion? why u wan know//are u separated 4rm Jesus?
27  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 700,000 versity students to walk Naked in protest on: 3-10-2009 05:13 AM
why not if thats wt will make Yaradua to Listen
28  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: How can you know if a guy loves you? on: 10-09-2009 09:48 AM
Its not easy, just keep praying. u can arange a brother he dosent know to come pose as ur BF, d way he reacts will tell u all
29  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: why are igbo girls fair and more prittier than other tribes in Naija? on: 14-08-2009 06:48 AM
ask dem guys wey don taste d Ibo gurls,,,were they sexy enof? dem fine too wen fair anywway
30  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: LETS HAVE A PARTY on: 16-05-2009 02:59 AM
bright idea..hope no restrictions, lets know when u fix the date and venue ok bros
31  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 11 yr old Girl impregnated by for 44 yr old man on: 16-05-2009 02:56 AM
i am speechless..wetin be all dis? culture? or what? men dt man deserves penisputation...ah ah abi prost.. no dey him area?  9th wonder in naija
32  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: incest on: 29-03-2009 09:05 PM
she is speakin from experience abi?
33  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Wat is wrong if i kiss my G.F on the street ?? on: 29-03-2009 08:58 PM
y not bang her on d street too...d saying goes"y peep ur bride from d window wn she is everly coming to u wholesale!!
34  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: homosegxwals on: 29-03-2009 08:50 PM
i tink Lesbos and sutus av mental dimesia... whats d fun in dr to f**k urself wit atificials wn d main tin dey somewhere dey wa o!!!
35  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: I am scared of having sex on: 29-03-2009 07:51 PM
com 2 tink of it...d guy don wait 3 years, nnaa make cojeal no kill am, girlie if he is "serious " abeg make him taste am...
36  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: What should a man do to make his woman ALWAYS GO CRAZY about him on: 29-03-2009 06:56 PM
Just give her a surprise gift..or an outn, drafta, do it real deep
37  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: I am scared of having sex on: 29-03-2009 05:15 PM
sex is mre honourable when u are married...taste only when d ring is on odawise odaw ite ofe'
38  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: What is your purpose at Naijapals? on: 29-03-2009 05:12 PM
fun..just fun...and to c how far i can count dem
39  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: I am scared of having sex on: 29-03-2009 05:01 PM
Sex is more honourable when u r married...taste only when u r sure, he may just have put u on trial...
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