Well, coming from a Polygamous home, I know how cruel this stepmothers can be, they'll go to any length to have only their own child/children in the house. I was a victim along with three other step children. They didn't get disowned though, but when the constant heat from my step mum got too much, they had to leave. In my own case, I thought I did everything to satisfy my dad but in the end, I ended up in the streets, In her first attempt on me, I remember we got back from school.. Federal Govt. College Odogbolu, myself and her daughter who she had with another man before meeting my father, that her daughter resided with us and got more attention than myself ''The true son of the house''.. Usually she slept in her mums room but things changed this very holiday as she was asked to move into my room and my dad saw nothing wrong in that, but I knew immediately that something was up.. She was 15 back then and I was 14.. That night she got back from her mothers shop and I was fast asleep so she laid by me, unknown to me that she was there by my side, I just threw myself around on the bed touching her body, since she was awake, she saw this as an attempt from me, I can swear she couldn't wait for the sunshine. As soon as the first cock crowed, she was in her mum's room.. Luckily for me, I had also gotten up to go and urinate and the toilet was very close to step mum's room, so I heard their conversation, they were both happy their plan had worked and they were now waiting for my dad to wake up so they could go report me.. Lucky me, as soon as I heard this, I knew going straight to my dad to tell him what had happened was a very wrong decision so I went and saw an elderly man who happened to be my dads confidant and I told him what has been happening and what I had overheard that morning. As soon as I got back in, my dad was already boiling, I am sure he was ready to send me packing or something but before he could say a word, I ran upstairs and called the man I had just told everything, he called for my dad and told him everything I had reported and made my dad understand that it was completely wrong for that girl to move into my room, cos even if I didn't have it in mind to made love with her, it could end up happening. I won my case that day.. in 2002 my cousin who did have a relationship with that same girl was accused of getting her pregnant (5 months pregnant) we were all sure it wasn't my cousin who did cos that girl was a nympho and I could remember vividly how my own very friend f**ed her in her mothers room, on her mothers bed, tore her pant and bra like a bitch, while we watched from the windows, I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.. My fathers decision was, my cousin should never ever come back to that house or move anywhere close to anyone of his children.. Later, that same bitch confessed to my cousin that it was her mum who set everything up and that if she hadn't brought my cousin into the picture, my dad would have sent her packing... Hmmm...! In 2003/2004 I was finally disowned and it was the handwork of this same step mum... Many evil step mums out there, my dad was a very lovey man but he was blinded completely by what we all still don't know till today..!!! So I won't be surprised if that step mum succeeded in setting that boy up... I've seen it all happen from my childhood to my teenage years....!!! Sorry to bore you guys with my story...!!!
this ur story got me horn..@ some point