Nametalk dem just wan raise d topic, dem neva put am 4 floor not 2 talk of 2 dey read am... so make u dey get ur news correct...
D reason y 9ja no go fit sign am be say, we be signatory 2 so many regional and international instrument wey grantee d fundamental rights of every person wey dey inside our 9ja...
Make u ask countries like Senegal, Gambia, Uganda, Burundi, Kenya just 2 name but few wey wan try am b4 wetin dier eyez see b4 dem quick quick surrender...
Gay, Lesbian, Bisegxwal and Transgender people are peace-loving people, kind hearted and sympathetic, dey mean no harm, dey are only in dier world of dier own...
Dey are protected under the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights'. It is dere 'Freedom of Choice of segxwality...'
I am 100% STRAIGHT but i also equally believe as a Human Rights Activist, in the Dignity and Right of the Human Person...
She will be charged on 5 counts of criminal charges: 1. 4 disobeying d law of God; dat man should be d head 2. violence against husband 3. husband battering 4. unlawful overthrow of house headship; and 5. body size advantage