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Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: "You Are A Widow, Go And Die!" - Adams Oshiomole Lashes Out At Poor Woman |
on: 29-11-2013 09:10 AM
| nigerians we should stop reasonin like a GOAT this is a good and one d best governors what if d woman is violating the law under the pretence of a widow think well before talking
U are a goat also so far u ar nigerian, no matter d crime d woman may comitted he shldnt hav utter dat statement (am not judging him o) but atleast as far as d woman is taking God to beg him on her kneel haba he shld atleast consider her and he shldnt av gone so far like dat... God will have mercy on us in dis country. | | |
Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: "You Are A Widow, Go And Die!" - Adams Oshiomole Lashes Out At Poor Woman |
on: 29-11-2013 09:07 AM
| All of you saying what he did was wrong are very myopic in your thinking. They have given a standing order not to trade at that location because of road accidents, and people keep violating it. Some Nigerians only change when treated like animals!!!!! They have designated trading area but people constantly violate it. keep it up Gov Adams Oshiomole. Keep criticizing kin fun e ni gbarun!!!!!!!
U ar a disgraced to human...assunmin dis woman is ur relative will u be saying somtin like dis, u and Oshiomole is heartless. may God have mercy on you also | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Christian Lady marrying a muslim Guy,is it advisable please? |
on: 11-12-2012 09:54 AM
| I have read every comments of every persons from beggining to the end. hmm some advices are based on heart(emotions), some based on bias(religion differences) and some based on head(experiences). the very wrong of all is d one by heart(emotions) which sophiebaby happened to be d head of dis category. to my lady concerned, here is my advice: marriage is not just a union but more than union. it is not a game dat u can play. it is a live-long relationship. it is an institution dat is established by God. Selecting a life partner is very crucial and paramount. now going to d main business which is marrying some who does not share the same religion with u. u need to ask urself some questions like, what is his religion beliefs? are they conflicting with my religion beliefs? what is d religion perception or practices about/of marriage? what will be d effect of religion differences on our future and unborn children? my dear concerned lady, ur life partner determine ur home, ur future children and most importantly ur final destination( Dr D.K Olukoya, g.o mfm). now I shall be biased dis time cos it a must do for me and wat I will be saying is nothing but d truth. some personalities like sophiebaby advised based on "EMOTIONAL FEELINGS". but do they knw dat L. O. V. E. does not exist in Islam dictionary? I advise all of d Christians to try to get access to d their book. u will see how they feel for people who do not practice their religion. a guy or a girl talked of if d guy is a devoted Muslim and d girl a devoted Christian dat d marriage will be peaceful and longlasting. That is one of the GREATEST LIES ever told!. infact it is fallacy of incompatibility! a devoted Muslim will never think of marrying a Christian girl at d first place. to me d bokoharams, al-qeadas among others are d devoted Muslims based on d doctrines of their concerned lady, can u cope with polygamous family cos it may happen along d line of ur matrimony since it is part of their marriage practices? I could remember when I was having a chat wit a Muslim northerner girl, disguising myself as Muslim, on 2go, the girl told me dat she hated how Muslim men treat their wives most especially d polygamous nature of Muslim marriage. then I told her dat but dis was d teaching of prophet Mohammed(SAW), she replied" a lady like can not tolerate polygamous family or marriage, dats why I luv d Christians they stick to one wife and treat their wives as treasure", she continued, "if not for d fear of being killed or neglected or being d black sheep of d family Christian guy will be my life partner" sophiebaby said she read a book bla bla bla my question is, who wrote d book? what religion does d person belong to? is d book scripturally backed up? put dis into considerations before recommending it or justifying it. my concerned lady, A WORD IS ENOUGH FOR D WISE.
thanks | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Christian Lady marrying a muslim Guy,is it advisable please? |
on: 7-12-2012 05:26 PM
| my dear the truth is hard but better tell,u are lucky at least u have a means to ask peoples openion be4 going into it and situation have not force u into it,that is the chance i never have and i am regreating it till today which alway lead me to tell my children that they will never have anything to do with a muslim man,the fact is that its hard to see anything good coming out of a muslim man marriage unless sometimes if he dont have parents and strong muslims family around.we are two different people in our knowledge and believes about GOD,when we are busy preaching peace they are preaching vengance,when we are preaching about faithfullness in our marriage they are preaching about marrying many wives which leads to problem and lost of many lives in the future,just little out of many differenceses we have,its ur choice but as for me NEVER NO WAY becos have been there before and have seen many people also be4 and it can never work no matter how u try since u people are 2 diference people with different mentality and way of life unless he gives his life to christ later.
thank you | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Christian Lady marrying a muslim Guy,is it advisable please? |
on: 7-12-2012 09:11 AM
| U shud go and read Amos 3-3,or have u forgotten the verse in the bible that says we shudn't be "unequally yoked with unbelievers?" Wot type of children do u want to raise? Ur children will jst end up being confused as to whether to be xtians or muslims(If the guy doesn't force u to convert). Our partners shud also help us make heaven,can a muslim help u make heaven.we all know that the bible says that"Jesus is the way,the truth and the life",will ur muslim Bf or husband understand this? Ask urself all these questions.
thank you | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Christian Lady marrying a muslim Guy,is it advisable please? |
on: 7-12-2012 08:59 AM
| I once read in a book, ‘Marriages are made in heaven, but the forms are filled on earth.’ Rightly so; when we are in search of a life-partner we create virtual forms in our minds, filling out details of what we want in a partner and what we don’t. Most often than never, we prefer to go with someone who follows the same religious belief as we do so as to make life a lot easier for the two of us. Well, in spite of all our efforts to not marry a person of a different faith, we end up falling in love with someone who does not follow our religion. What’s next? Are we willing to go all out and fight the world (parents and future in-laws) convincing them that the two of us are meant for each other? Are we ready to discuss the issue with our partner on how the two of us will manage the situation once a child comes along? Yes, there are loads of questions that both individuals need to answer to themselves as well as each other and if they are willing to go the whole nine yards to make their inter-religious marriage a success.
There are advantages n disadvantages in an inter religious marriage. now what you are to look at is..What are the steps to be taken for the success of an inter-religious marriage? Before entering into a mixed faith marriage, it is imperative that the both individuals discuss various aspects of such a marriage before they enter into one. Here are a few steps they need to follow: 1. Be true to yourselves and one another: From the very onset of the relationship, it is imperative to be truthful about your religious inclinations and desires. When both individuals are firm on the option of multi-religion, that is, each one not only following their respective religion, but also participating in their spouse’s, or if they choose to form a ecumenical family, then can there be a healthy marriage. Both individuals should respect the other’s religion and remember that every religion teaches goodness and love. Once both individuals discuss which path they wish to take, then only can they approach their parents and seek the latter’s blessings for their marriage. 2. Convince parents: In many cases, individuals who are involved with someone that follows a faith different from theirs, is afraid to approach their parents for fear that their partner will be rejected. It is quite natural that parents would want their child to marry someone of their own faith as they are aware of the various inter religion marriage problems. Parents only want what is best for their children. No parent enjoys seeing their child in pain. They want to make certain that the decision you’ve taken is the right one, which is why the tantrums and buckets of tears. That time will pass. Introduce your prospective partner to your parents and allow them the opportunity to get to know him/her. Let your parents know about your future decisions as far as following a religious faith is concerned. 3. Discuss about children: An important aspect that needs to be discussed by both individuals is their children. This should be discussed before the wedding as this is one of the many inter religion marriage problems. Ask yourselves and each other:
*Do you wish to teach good values and morals to your children referring to both religions? *Do you want your children to decide on which religion they wish to follow? *Do you want your first child to follow their father’s religion and the second to follow their mother’s?
Take note: do not force your faith on to your prospective spouse. If they themselves want to convert to your faith, it is their decision.
There are confusions, intolerance, and also there are varieties of Inter religious marriages
Thank you very much sophie, may d Lord continue to be directing ur path. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / can i trust him again |
on: 13-09-2011 11:33 AM
| pals i need ur opinion..... I alwayz accuse my guy of one lady in her place of work dat he is dating her and always telling me to TRUST him dat there is notin btw them,dey normally send text to each other and calling every nit but he said i should take him for his word that there is notin...after som month i cahnge to him not pickin his call and dont go to his house.....he now called me down and explain everytin that has been going btw him and the lady and said is the lady that want him dat and he cant send him away like dat cos of his job... Now pals, do you want me to continue TRUST him again or wat??? lately last week now d lady has started callin again and he said there is notin wrong by pickin his call and he is not the one calling her... am fed up and he is telling me again to Trust him that there is notin btw them again that they are just friend... pls help me,wat should i do,should i put my trust in him again or i should let him go??? ur response will add value to my life...pls be serious | | | |