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21  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: why are so many successful black women single on: 30-12-2009 02:16 PM
Quote from: RosemaryI on 30-12-2009 10:37 AM
Quote from: Priceless-jewel on 30-12-2009 12:42 AM
Is becos they ve nt met me@poster
Quote from: diplomatik on 30-12-2009 12:43 AM
oh really?  and whats so special abt't say it..u're priceless right.. Huh?
  Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss
they are just grieving to succeed, arrogant and can't imagine themselves being ordered around by any man.
a spirit like that is in every woman, it's left for u to suppress yours. Cool

Kaii.. so u dey plan to dey supress men ? i c  Shocked
22  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: why do girls close their eyes while kissing on: 30-12-2009 02:14 PM
Coming around to kiss and close eyes. anyone around for the close eyes kissing ?
23  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: can u marry from your village on: 30-12-2009 02:12 PM
I no dey marry na by force  Roll Eyes  Roll Eyes
24  Forum / Forum Games / Re: You're Banned on: 9-12-2009 02:53 AM
for excess Hugs
25  Forum / Forum Games / Re: Rate the person above you!! on: 9-12-2009 02:52 AM
1+5x2 divded by 12 = ?
26  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Reasons Why Many Nigerian Women Look Unattractive To Men on: 9-11-2009 09:17 PM
Afrykan Queens are super for sure. come over here and see where people spend so much time and money just to get sum artifical butt and boobs, spend time in solarium to get toned. simple to be like Mama Afryka.

Thumbs up all da Afrykan Queens here in NP.. una dey bam !!
27  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why American & European Women Value Nigeria Men on: 9-11-2009 09:13 PM
@Dirtykid i like ur opinion alot Smiley)

what kind of thing is niger women carrying then... very funny people here Smiley
28  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Hello on: 9-05-2009 05:54 PM
Quote from: myriam on  3-05-2009 11:27 AM
Have found this forum and must say i am happy to be right here now ....

We missed u alot.. Oh where have u been 4long..
welcome Home... enjoy d beautiful view and posts as well.  Grin Grin Grin
29  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: new lagos on: 9-05-2009 05:52 PM
Why he dump em there?? he should make a place for them and take care of em there by providing em food, clothes, medicals etc. not making another state suffer dat.
30  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Kenya women stage 'sex strike' on: 9-05-2009 05:48 PM
Quote from: Evalastin on  9-05-2009 04:57 PM
chei! Na oil n cream go suffer  Grin Grin Grin Grin ; Shocked :oD Grin Grin Grin Grin Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Grin Grin

how d oil n cream will suffer.. let us know, so we will inform the companies to close as well. Grin Grin
31  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: sex wit a married man on: 9-05-2009 05:46 PM
Quote from: myragonza on 21-04-2009 03:17 AM
a married man with a small cuckoo

maybe d guy get big cuckoo like horse, but the gurl tin is still as big as Hippopo own. Imagine wetin will make the man scream dat kind thing out to d girl.
32  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: sex wit a married man on: 9-05-2009 05:43 PM
Where is d poster?? u dont have to be shy oooo. just show ur head.
33  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: why do girls like handsome guys? on: 9-05-2009 05:30 PM
every gurl likes em handsome... but not all handsome are cool.
34  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: I Love These lyrics on: 9-05-2009 05:15 PM
Quote from: Akpan01 on  6-05-2009 07:27 PM



where did u learn dat Huh?
35  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Pregnant Nigerian-British woman faces Laos death penalty on: 9-05-2009 04:49 PM
what about Nigerian Government, what have they contributed about this issue.. becos the lady involve is Nigeria/ british citizen, Nigeria government should as well show concern over this. no matter wat. I hope our govt will learn and try to change, imitate from other countries how to protect her citizens around the world. Giant of Africa for mouth.... lol !!
36  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: I love kissing but my Bf don't like it on: 25-04-2009 02:39 PM
Rockin Sammy, im really suspecting u ooo, becos wit ur few words here, it seems u already learn how to kiss ur sweet BB005.

anyway thnx for forgiven her already for puttin this issue on here. return million kissesss to her then.
37  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: I love kissing but my Bf don't like it on: 25-04-2009 03:18 AM
when will u make that test of kissin another in his presence,, so i will try to be the one u will kiss. i bet u, i will make him to be too jealous and learn how to kiss u every moment, just like u want. lol !!
38  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Re: I sleep naked, is there anything wrong with me? on: 25-04-2009 01:39 AM
i dont see anythin wrong with sleepin naked. if u are comfortable wit dat. go on and enjoy ur sleep.
39  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: sex wit a married man on: 25-04-2009 12:32 AM
Regarding this ur post. ( I had sex wit a married man 1 time and he said i am the worst sex of his life and that my stuff is too loose. wat shuld i d? )

U didnt actually mention wat d man said is loose, many things can be loosed. many people here was just writing and writing. but u still didnt let us know wat d man discovered loosed. maybe is something dat could be tighten back.

let us know exactly wats d loose is all about.
40  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why are gurls called baby ?? on: 22-04-2009 02:37 AM
Quote from: gonzo45 on 21-04-2009 02:13 PM
babe...... is just a pet name, like callin sum1... swthat, darlin, sweetie.. some people call names like this as part of showing caring, how much they like / luv d person, wether boi or gurl, as long as the both cares for each other. they can use babe as a pet name for themselves.

But for those who refers 2 every gurl or boi they met along the street as babe, sweetie or darlin, is just a way of showin dat they really appreciate fellow human with such pet names to show sum respect, kindness & good manner.  i bet u, no  matter how diffcult a gurl or boi, when u use such word to approch d person first in order to get his or her attention dat person must, look ur way.

In my own opinion, use any sweet pet names to each other, no matter who d person is. is worth using.
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