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41  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Pregnancy before marriage, is it a good thing? on: 21-04-2009 02:45 PM
hmmm !! is all about understandin and Luv
42  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: SEX CONTRACT on: 21-04-2009 02:33 PM
lol ... Grin Dats a superrrrrr Deal contract.
43  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: She lick me like a lollipop on: 21-04-2009 02:26 PM
Actually Mazi can Lick Lolipo.. is just a candy, and is made for Lickin  Grin Tongue
44  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: What makes a man lose interest in a woman? on: 21-04-2009 02:23 PM
Mostly is Naggin, Lying, dis-respect, doesnt know her responsibilties as a wife.. it turns d men away from home not just from her alone.
45  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: In a marriage, do you think one person should handle the finances, or both? on: 21-04-2009 02:19 PM
Actually one person shouldnt handle the finances, but in the area where one party cannot afford to support. D other party should be responsible for dat becos he or she knows well about the situation on ground... but if both party are well established with good jobs. they should always support each other in all areas of finances. becos they are already joined together as a man and woman to be one, One in all things. thats the Oath both of them take. Smiley Smiley
46  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why are gurls called baby ?? on: 21-04-2009 02:13 PM
babe...... is just a pet name, like callin sum1... swthat, darlin, sweetie.. some people call names like this as part of showing caring, how much they like / luv d person, wether boi or gurl, as long as the both cares for each other. they can use babe as a pet name for themselves.

But for those who refers every gurl or boi they met along the street as babe, sweetie or darlin, is a way of showin at they really appreciate fellow human with such pet names to show sum respect, kindness & good manner.  i bet u no gurl or boi, no matter how diffcult or harden dis person will be, when u use such word to approch first in order to get hie or her attention must, look ur way.

In my own opinion, use any sweet pet names to each other, no matter who d person is. is worth using.
47  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Pregnancy before marriage, is it a good thing? on: 21-04-2009 03:43 AM
toc900, i really dont understand ur word., wat actually are u trying to test here?? a bucket?? what kind of bucket is that??
48  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Am in love on: 21-04-2009 03:41 AM
i dont think is possible to fall in Love with someone u havent met b4.. wat can u say about the person that makes u fall in Love with this person?? if u said u havent met this person?? think about it.
49  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: She lick me like a lollipop on: 21-04-2009 03:37 AM
Wayne mean in his Music dat sum gurl wanna lick him lick Lolipop. probably gurls do like lickin atimes, becos the way dey lick ice cream alone could simply tell u dat.. make all enjoy the Lolipop tin.
50  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Pregnancy before marriage, is it a good thing? on: 21-04-2009 03:10 AM
na true talk u talk Dkaycy..  is right time the girls defend themsleves from this attitude of some men. findout if the ur man truely loves you or just want to make u child bearing company.
51  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why are gurls called baby ?? on: 21-04-2009 03:05 AM
Billie and Cbee, why both of u are naggin each other here instead of contributing to the question BB 5, It seems u both are draggin on sumtin. try and solve it off the forum or better make a note of that so we can help.
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