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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Strong Report Reveals That Jonathan Used Bullion Van To Loot N67.2Bn Cash From CBN on: 21-09-2015 11:31 AM
I always say Nigeria was designed as a fraud and this fraud was and is incorporated in her laws, constitutions, norms . The gains of that fraudulency started with the British and passed to Northern Cabals who were in most similar situation as the British were, in the last dispensation it somehow got into the hands of Jonathan & co.but instead of concentrating on correcting it he was distracted and also carried away with the spoils so started too late via the last National Conference to begin to address that fraud. If jonathan & co did the above, i bet u IBB, Abacha, and even Obasanjo got away with X5 of that. We have to address the fraud called Nigeria for such stories not to repeat over and over again

2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: My Skin Crawls When My Husband Touches Me on: 12-03-2013 11:54 AM
yr problem is no different from what most Nigerian women put up with. But bcos of yr higher paycheck u feel y've earned some marks to deserve better. if yr hubby does not or cannot appreciate the right balnce of  yr relationsip then he is a fool who deserves whats coming for him. The bible allows divorce for men on the grounds of chastity, decide  4 yr-self if it applies for women.  Anyway hope you keep us posted on how it all resolves.
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: GUYS: Do you expect something in return from ladies you give gifts? on: 23-01-2012 03:17 PM
yes to feel her greed/xter quotient based on her reaction
4  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Are Tall Ladies Sexier Than Short Ladies? Why do Nigerian Men Like Tall Ladies? on: 5-09-2011 04:09 PM
from experience tall girls more frequently turn out a disappointment- may partly be  bcos they are more visually promising. on the other hand short girls more usually turn out as a pleasant surprise, more likely to  get u hooked  despite urself; but on one or two instance that a tall girl, intelligent and good mannered, was not a disappointment, scheming to marry her for keeps  enters my mind very fast.      
5  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: FRANK EDOHO(who wants to be a millionaire) IS A BEAST----wife on: 14-07-2011 12:16 PM
Quote from: maryclaret on 13-07-2011 10:18 PM
Any man who beats his wife is a coward. Why doesn't he go to his fellow man and fight so that we can know that he's a strong man? Kposhi Kposhi. Can't stand abusive men OR WOMEN.  Angry

all men can fight senseless bloody wars , but some require much propelling; its same with beating a woman, all men can do it; the propeller in this case is emotional doldrums and a  woman; condescending to beat a woman is like condescending to make love to her during her unclean period, she has used your emotions to make u weakling;  you maybe excused if you were drunk but letting it happen again and  again means u have become a weakling.  seek help if u have to; but personally,  i would disentangle myself and emotions from the fray. women can be so sweet to let one overshadow that whole
experience for u.  
6  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: 6 Traits That Men Find Sexy...!!! on: 23-06-2011 04:46 PM
Quote from: ashimah on 23-06-2011 03:41 PM
NA ONLY MEN DEY FIND SOMTHING FRM WOMEN SELF?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh??

sexy to women is  2 simple things  -money& power;
7  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Sex with the Kids Around: on: 10-03-2011 12:39 AM
since u r married continuue, it would be easier to explain abt sex only in marriage as baby grows.
8  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Four Different Types Of Women on: 23-02-2011 03:27 AM
Quote from: lagosgirl on  9-02-2011 05:18 AM
am a wifeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

sorry but u cant define yourself, not even by what a whole lot of guys would tell u,they really do lie. your definition can only be credible as a third party.
9  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Four Different Types Of Women on: 23-02-2011 03:16 AM
Quote from: eanu on 22-02-2011 05:26 PM
I will not allow myself to be experimented on any other thing defined in your post other than wife. I will not give such non-material husband man a chance for such. I am a virtuous woman..

just goes to show. some wives are actually just ho's for procreation and family affiliation. while some wifeys are too distracted and recede as boos
10  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: FG To Pass NEw Minimum Wage on: 12-02-2011 04:37 PM
Quote from: sammy999 on 12-02-2011 04:09 PM
Quote from: ezesunny on 12-02-2011 03:21 PM
now they wake up, as they watching what happen to Tunisia and Egypt

dont mind them. although the nigerian public doesnt have the stomach for that kind of protest.
dont be so sure. for 30yrs Mubarak & co probably assumed so
11  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Again, Spain deports 60 Nigerians on: 12-02-2011 04:26 PM
Quote from: larryjones1962 on 12-02-2011 03:31 PM
OK GUYS i get job for una after the interogation ,just reach me on nija pas.

thats d spirit my guy
12  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Can u turn a wh*re into a house wife? on: 11-02-2011 09:02 PM
Quote from: queenestar on 10-02-2011 06:42 PM

   Well if u are very sure she has change then no probs, but u must 1/2 a prove to show dat she has changed.
  But if she neva change and u know say she neva change and u won put her 4 house, well am sorry 4 u cos
  dat na disaster becos when u put am 4 house she go become worst than wh*re.

at first. so u must brace to accept much pain , tears and  maybe blood upfront- which is ok if u r sure yr love for the wh*re is that crazy
13  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Four Different Types Of Women on: 11-02-2011 08:28 PM
Quote from: busayobaby on 11-02-2011 06:23 PM
guys need sex, holla me  08030621003 with pay
could u repeat that slowly Cool
14  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Videos Of Claudia Aderotimi AKA Claudiyah Carmell Before Death on: 11-02-2011 08:02 PM
this would have made some happy - organized and tight as  against flabby & big. its a pity
15  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Four Different Types Of Women (Page 2) on: 9-02-2011 03:08 AM
Quote from: lovesuzi on  8-02-2011 11:28 PM
boo can turn into wife ........ i think

actually even bitches and ho's. And wifey you'll be surprised are replaceable. And 85% of women had been someones' ho, bitch, boo or wifey at different time. the only real tragedy is d ones that can bare up this absurdity all at once all their life. they are the type that ruin men.    
16  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: It is Urgent, Pls Advise Him.......... on: 9-02-2011 02:14 AM
i disagree with the idea that its a good thing the woman confessed. some knowledge debases u. i think the confession is a second selfish unkindness on the woman's part, the first being the act itself. why debase another with your own debasement. on what the man should do, i think its better to chose a conscious repercussion against the woman, so that both of u dont bear a more likely destructive unexamined and unconscious repercussion
17  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: HELP!!! I AM PREGNANT FOR HIM BUT HE........... on: 19-12-2010 08:19 PM
The girl used the guy's weakness against him. I'm sure she got money fun and good company from the whole thing and may hope to continue getting it even after the guy's marriage. . There's this  proverb that says- there seems to be peace in the family  bcos the bastard child has not come of age.He at least should have used CD to protect himself from himself.
18  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: ADMIRING MARRIED WOMAN on: 16-12-2010 06:56 PM
Quote from: sophiebaby on  8-12-2010 05:02 PM
Quote from: onyiis on  8-12-2010 04:54 PM
Quote from: sophiebaby on  8-12-2010 04:51 PM
me i love it more when they stare at me ...
kai i remember last week as i dey drive go houx
one married man just dey drive dey cut eye 4me
na im i just show am my ring for hand
na im d guy show me en own too

la lolo
just goes to show that under right opportunity .....

so wetin come happen ?  Grin Grin

19  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why are you in a relationship ? on: 9-12-2010 06:32 PM
this question always remind me of native Indians who apologize to animals: sorry for killin you, but i need the meat 
20  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Guys: How Do You Woo A Woman? on: 20-11-2010 04:13 PM
from experience  i never woo one lady i like at a time, wooin  atleast five of her type at the same would help keep my cool and playfulness.
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