Well: drinking beer or any other alcoholic beverage (Alomo Bitters, for example), is not a sin. The sin is 'drunkenness.' Drunkenness is equivalent to 'gluttony.' To be moderate with drink and food is what the bible recommends.
Besides the above, exhibits are usually in the court's holdings or (correctly), with the Police who ensure that such material evidence is presented in court as required by law. Why should the exhibits for this case be held by a lawyer such that an alleged crowd could repossess evidence already presented to the court?
Hm! A badly written report. On the one hand APC supporters are dragging the bags of evidence. On the other hand the defence team (PDP) is dragging the bags of evidence. Pray, who is dragging the bags of evidence as alleged?
He may have a point: he may not have a point. 40% of all firstborns appears too large a percentage. He should submit his data for verification as this is a direct attack on the composition of the family. Haba! Is deceit this common as concerning the family? I'd like to think he is biased based on his personal experience.
Google searches excepting where you use special characters (to control search returns) show related returns (from photo posted here showing Google search).
Perhaps a look at the website (if there is one) dedicated to the centenary celebration may clarify poster's position???
Pretty complicated tale. Girl knows a man I'd married and goes out all night with him when she knows his wife has travelled. After much, much and the exchange of Nood photos (leaving nothing to the imagination), our girl still thinks this man is a knight in shiny armour.
If you ask me, naivety is what has been posted here by this party. The conclusion is obvious from the beginning. A girl permits a man such a degree of freedom and does not expect any other activity is very difficult to believe: in children perhaps, certainly not in an adult fully aware of the consequences of her action.
In all, there are more questions than answers here. This incident is not fully comparable to Cynthia's situation.
If only . . . if only Nigerian politicians will learn to respond to issues in as matured a manner as we read in the above news article. Can we see our politicians referring to opposing party members as President Obama has:
" As my predecessor, President Bush, once put it: “They are a part of American life.”
Bush is Republican & Obama Democratic. O! well, good one for President Obama extending an escape route to persons who otherwise may remain in total obscurity. This is real hope at work.
A surprise to many, it appears from the comments I looked at. consider: if the source of the stream is bitter, why expect sweet water? News is only "news" when the facts are unusual. Examine Christianity, examine its origins, examine its foundations and the answer to the dilemma presented in the above write up will reveal the light.
Osaze played football, Mr. Coach. If you're not sure, you may replay the match tape. I hope you and your team do better in the next match against Bosnia.