This is the kind of question one will ask and most of the time would not get any answer. I believe there is some degree of disability in everyone, though might not be physical. It all depends on the circumstance, type and the degree of disability. So I would say yes, its possible. What about you Sophie?
She made up her mind and took off. You have made up your mind and moved on. Stick to the new and build it and you will get over her. Allowing the former back in will turn your love into a revolving door for her, bcos ones she wants out again you can't stop her and you will be back to square one. You've got to learn buddy!
Ajento, so wetin the former girl go do now? make she start dey cry?
It is very possible as far as you are matured enough to behave mature. whatever one do is a product of taught so never think of something funny and something funny won't be produced. the only problem is when ever her lover comes around or calls it might arouse jealousy in you or make you feel as if you not man enough. ....I've tried before, it works but it is very sophisticated.
It is very possible as far as you are matured enough to behave mature. whatever one do if a product of taught so never think of something funny and something funny won't be produced. the only problem is when ever her lover comes around or calls it might arouse jealousy in you or make you feel as if you not man enough. ....I've tried before, it works but it is very sophisticated.