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1  Forum / Religion / Re: I can prove christianity is fake on: 18-02-2011 04:25 AM
Quote from: DELAT on 17-02-2011 09:19 PM
The old christian are real but what we are having now is fake.A lot of things were changed in holy bible.
what was changed?  Please list them.  thanks.
2  Forum / Religion / Re: I can prove christianity is fake (Page 28) on: 16-02-2011 08:00 PM
3  Forum / Religion / Re: I can prove christianity is fake (Page 28) on: 16-02-2011 04:42 PM
4  Forum / Religion / Re: What are the differences and similarities between Islam and Christianity? (Page 18) on: 16-02-2011 04:41 PM
reading  Grin
5  Forum / Religion / Re: I can prove christianity is fake (Page 27) on: 16-02-2011 08:22 AM
Quote from: ajepakoromance on  2-02-2011 10:06 PM

simple, bcus the  bible was copied from ancient manuscript to create false, the gnostic manuscript, the book of the dead, the book of sofia, the kabalah and many more..Read for yourself and compare yourself..

Another reason is, those that wrote the bible are occultist, this people are guided with first hand information written in many ancient manuscript..They foretell future events in the bible, as a means of excuse to justify their wrong doing..
Book of the dead, sofia, kabalah are not in the bible.
6  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Are the Nigerian IGBO people from the jewish descendants on: 16-02-2011 04:39 AM
Quote from: ifesomanya on 15-02-2011 10:33 AM
Quote from: dguy on  7-11-2008 12:01 AM
Quote from: tolexo on  6-11-2008 06:08 PM
its not true oooo,   or is it becos  'Abia' was mentioned in the Bible ?
is that y they thought igbo is from jew ?
is igbo people jewish
Igbo language is the Living Word of the Ancients.
7  Forum / Religion / Re: What are the differences and similarities between Islam and Christianity? on: 3-02-2011 10:16 PM
Quote from: tererachie on  3-02-2011 09:56 PM
people people people....whether being a Christian or a Muslim infront of whoever/whatever created us we are 1....because this arguement was brought about by a person who seeks confusion amongst man-kind you should give him/her a confusing answer as well..this is the same with a person who asks,"what was there first, the egg or the hen"...some questions need not to be asked on physical ground but in spirit....deep inside your soul whether being a Christ-like or Mahommad-like you must ask yourself the difference and the uniformity and keep it to yourself instead of bringing about this commotion..
personnally i support a person who is proud of his/her religion but does not tek advantage of it to insult others..being a member of a physical religion with the greatest population worlwide does not mean you the ryt ones and being a member of the least populated religion does not mean that you are the meek and perfect
religions are just bigger branches of denominations but it does not mean that you are one way or the other different to each other,what matters most is that we respect each other in the way they are and stop trying to dig deep ,for some things are not meant to found out.
i am a Christian and i was born in Christianity,get me ryt i dont wanna tek advantage of it, but if i had been born a Muslim and migrated to a One religion country with everything the same as mine with the exception of the NAME, will i not tek part in it?Huh?
it all depends with your capacity of thinking and reasoning if you  >:(think differently from someone else please please please do not come along to people to start unneccessary cold wars,some people are suffering becoz of this and instead of digging their problems this way i would suggest that people/someone finds a better solution to settle them other than putting off a fire with petrol like this Wink ;

When I died, the only person that took me the Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father, was my Lord Jesus Christ.  Let those that have ears hear what the Spirit is saying.  Jesus Christ knows the way to Heaven.  Allow Him to teach you about Himself and about our Heavenly Father.  Jesus Christ is the truth, the way and the Life.  No one can come to the Father except through Him.  Jesus Christ reveals the invisible God to Whom He Loves.

8  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Sarah Jubril Takes Jonathan To Court on: 1-02-2011 02:49 PM
Quote from: D-GodFather on 31-01-2011 11:58 PM
We do not have the full details as to the reason she is suing the President or the Party?  We need additional information from the poster.  Insulting her is not the key.  Encouraging women to join politics and speak out is important.  The society is made up of both male and female.  In the eyes of God, we are all sons, joint heirs to the throne.
9  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Sarah Jubril Takes Jonathan To Court on: 1-02-2011 02:45 PM
Quote from: Pointzero on 31-01-2011 09:26 PM
Quote from: kenyawest on 31-01-2011 06:24 AM
Quote from: JzeeWiz on 28-01-2011 05:32 PM
As the saying goes:What a man can do,a woman can do more better but as in this case:a woman can never rule(be a president in naija).Let her know that and Goodluck J pass her level abeg!
Nigeria will eventually have a woman President.  They will have a woman president once they realize that the men cannot handle the job and too much corruption.  Give a woman this job and you will see Nigeria healed and on their way to greatness.

see wetin u dey talk...............make u no make dat statement where people dey b/4 dem beat u.
comon IBRU CECILIA...............a bank CEO steal money wey federal government no fit steal,dis 1 no be allocation or revenue.
dis 1 be say she rob people money deposited in OCEANIC.............una own self go worse pass
@Pointzero - I doubt it.  Male politicians have stolen billions for their great great great great great grand children to the billionth degree.

10  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Sarah Jubril Takes Jonathan To Court on: 1-02-2011 02:42 PM
Quote from: chinwangwa on 31-01-2011 11:16 AM
A woman can not do everything as man please.
Example....can a woman stand errect and use her urine and write  A B C D while standing errect?
Can she make her urine a C cove while standing errect?
many things oooooo
Man is a MAN.
Woman is a woman.
They were coved out from our ribs.
God made it so.
Please be busy with your stinking urines and let me get rid of corruption, unemployment, poverty out of Nigeria while you write your urine design.  Stand errect as a man thanks.
11  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Sarah Jubril Takes Jonathan To Court (Page 6) on: 1-02-2011 02:39 PM
A woman is the best thing for Nigeria.  A woman will get the job done.  A woman will create jobs because she  understands that youth needs to work after graduation.  A woman will stamp out corruption and end the good old boys club, just to name a few.  A woman understands that social services needs to adequately provided for those in need.
12  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Sarah Jubril Takes Jonathan To Court (Page 4) on: 1-02-2011 02:38 PM
Quote from: waco on 31-01-2011 11:05 AM
This woman is wasting her time and energy.
even if the primaries is done more than 5o times
she cant get more than 10 votes.
No one knows her, she is not marketable, she has no money,
moreove, A woman can not rule Naija.
A woman is the best thing for Nigeria.  A woman will get the job done.  A woman will create job because she is understands that youth needs to work.  A woman will stamp out corruption and end the good old boys club, just to name a few.

13  Forum / Religion / Re: What are the differences and similarities between Islam and Christianity? (Page 7) on: 29-01-2011 08:29 PM
14  Forum / Religion / Re: I can prove christianity is fake (Page 26) on: 20-01-2011 07:41 AM
Quote from: democrazy on 18-01-2011 06:11 PM
Quote from: PhillipChaffee on 15-01-2011 05:04 PM
Aight I got something for you to think on. You are using logic, reason, and science to disprove Christianity correct? I think we can both agree on that. I think we can also agree that logic and science come from reason, so the way people disprove Christianity is ultimately through reason.

So, what exactly is reason? Webster says reason is "the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways." So reason is being able to think well and figure things out. So for reason to be able to make one thing false, and another true, it must be ALWAYS correct. In other words you cannot question reason, because reason is how we question other things. Reason is transcendent, or it governs all other things. I think we can also both agree on that.

So, where does reason come from? Well according to those who don't believe in a God, it comes from ourselves, it comes from man. Therefore, if we were to create a new way to reason tomorrow, it would have just as much authority as the reason we are using today. But wait a second, we just said that reason, in order to use it, must be transcendent, it must ALWAYS be correct, which means only one type of reason can truly be right if we are going to use it to question all other things. So if we WERE to create a new reason tomorrow, it would HAVE to be wrong, if today's reason is right. But that can't be either, because both come from man, therefore they both are equally legitimate.

In other words, if reason truly was created by man, then it has NO authority to critique other things. To do so it must be transcendent, and to be transcendent it must have not been created by man. Cause if it was created by man, we could change it tomorrow and have no way of saying that today's reason is better or more legitimate than the one we create tomorrow.

Therefore, in order you use reason, a transcendental principle, which we agreed on, you HAVE to believe in some god. Because humans cannot have created reason if it is able to govern all other things. So a transcendental being must have created it in order for it to be a transcendental principle.

I'll admit that most Christians are horrible at defending God, but there are some of us who can. Just some food for thought, tell me what you think.


Does a Cow reason, does a dog reason, does a human reason?.......yes!!!


They all have brains, and can see or perceive things as well as have feelings.

If you say reasoning comes from GOD, you may be right, but I employ you to see that other non-Godly things reason too.

Now my point is this....................

You and I have never seen GOD, But we have experience of life.
You and I have never seen Jesus. You have never seen the spirit world nor a spirit of anyone be it yourself.

Why do you want me to use my reasoning to believe what no one has never seen before, and a knowledge that was introduced by hatred and genocide?

How can a reasonable human, know that many different humans have inhabited this planet for yonks, yet GOD only came to the Isrealites to convey his message to the world? was he scared of the black people, that he never showed himself to them?

Has any other person that you know, or have heard of seen GOD?

So my pal, what is reasoning in the sense of religion? Is it not just a foloow follow to the grave as nothing will ever be known?

Phew!!! let me stop here!!!

@demoncrazy  - I repeat.  I have seen God.
15  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: CHRIST EMBASSY: Worshippers Pay N1,000 To Enter Oyakhilome’s Church on: 17-01-2011 05:06 AM
Quote from: EZACDOMINGO on 16-01-2011 11:32 PM
Please go and sit down.  If we do not judge the body of Christ, who else will?  God judges does that are outside.  We judge those that are inside.


Man of God.  We are all man of God.  We are all Women of God.
16  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: CHRIST EMBASSY: Worshippers Pay N1,000 To Enter Oyakhilome’s Church on: 13-01-2011 08:15 PM
Quote from: udehstella on 13-01-2011 12:19 PM
repent ooooooooh

whom do you want to repent? Wink Cool
17  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: CHRIST EMBASSY: Worshippers Pay N1,000 To Enter Oyakhilome’s Church on: 11-01-2011 08:57 AM
Quote from: mozgal on 11-01-2011 08:52 AM
It depends on the value you place on God's WORD, if you think it must be free to you and others prefer to pay so let them be. After all what is 1000naira US$6.50 are you people so poor that you cannot afford US$6.50. Shame! l give my child more than that just for sweets everyday.
We are to be imitators of Christ Jesus.  All the time while He did His Ministry work on this earth, He never charged anybody.  He drove out money changers from the temple.  He fed the hungry that came to listen to His Ministry.  It did not matter how many thousands of men and women and children, He fed them All.

Freely we received, freely we are to give.  Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

Perish with your silver and gold because you cannot purchase God's power and blessings.  Gold or silver have I not, but in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ be healed.

18  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: CHRIST EMBASSY: Worshippers Pay N1,000 To Enter Oyakhilome’s Church on: 9-01-2011 08:54 PM
Quote from: verilyboy on  9-01-2011 05:51 PM
People who  criticizing the men of God should be careful before they get their self into trouble that they can never escape from it. all the days of their life
Please give us the names of the men of God that people are criticizing?
19  Forum / Family / Re: Woman delivers ‘twin’ padlocks in PortHarcourt on: 9-01-2011 05:40 PM
Quote from: Lakeside247 on  9-01-2011 12:28 AM
Next story pls

20  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: CHRIST EMBASSY: Worshippers Pay N1,000 To Enter Oyakhilome’s Church (Page 17) on: 7-01-2011 06:25 AM
We continue to pray that people will allow God to direct their paths.
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