Aight I got something for you to think on. You are using logic, reason, and science to disprove Christianity correct? I think we can both agree on that. I think we can also agree that logic and science come from reason, so the way people disprove Christianity is ultimately through reason.
So, what exactly is reason? Webster says reason is "the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways." So reason is being able to think well and figure things out. So for reason to be able to make one thing false, and another true, it must be ALWAYS correct. In other words you cannot question reason, because reason is how we question other things. Reason is transcendent, or it governs all other things. I think we can also both agree on that.
So, where does reason come from? Well according to those who don't believe in a God, it comes from ourselves, it comes from man. Therefore, if we were to create a new way to reason tomorrow, it would have just as much authority as the reason we are using today. But wait a second, we just said that reason, in order to use it, must be transcendent, it must ALWAYS be correct, which means only one type of reason can truly be right if we are going to use it to question all other things. So if we WERE to create a new reason tomorrow, it would HAVE to be wrong, if today's reason is right. But that can't be either, because both come from man, therefore they both are equally legitimate.
In other words, if reason truly was created by man, then it has NO authority to critique other things. To do so it must be transcendent, and to be transcendent it must have not been created by man. Cause if it was created by man, we could change it tomorrow and have no way of saying that today's reason is better or more legitimate than the one we create tomorrow.
Therefore, in order you use reason, a transcendental principle, which we agreed on, you HAVE to believe in some god. Because humans cannot have created reason if it is able to govern all other things. So a transcendental being must have created it in order for it to be a transcendental principle.
I'll admit that most Christians are horrible at defending God, but there are some of us who can. Just some food for thought, tell me what you think.
Does a Cow reason, does a dog reason, does a human reason?.......yes!!!
They all have brains, and can see or perceive things as well as have feelings.
If you say reasoning comes from GOD, you may be right, but I employ you to see that other non-Godly things reason too.
Now my point is this....................
You and I have never seen GOD, But we have experience of life.
You and I have never seen Jesus. You have never seen the spirit world nor a spirit of anyone be it yourself.
Why do you want me to use my reasoning to believe what no one has never seen before, and a knowledge that was introduced by hatred and genocide?
How can a reasonable human, know that many different humans have inhabited this planet for yonks, yet GOD only came to the Isrealites to convey his message to the world? was he scared of the black people, that he never showed himself to them?
Has any other person that you know, or have heard of seen GOD?
So my pal, what is reasoning in the sense of religion? Is it not just a foloow follow to the grave as nothing will ever be known?
Phew!!! let me stop here!!!
@demoncrazy - I repeat. I have seen God.