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101  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Telling Parents You're Pregnant! on: 14-11-2010 01:48 AM
Quote from: Emmandazie on 12-11-2010 11:43 AM
Quote from: dorro on 11-11-2010 03:34 PM
i'll just let any one use his eyes for a child cannot be denied no mater the source; it brings joy to the world

True a child is agift from God but know that statement has led many persons out of tract. Contextualising this Proverb, know that the child that is a gift from God is that child that comes to bless a married couple, bcos children born out of wedlock are from God but serve as punishment for those disobeying God and having extra_ marrital sex.
A child is never punishment regardless.
102  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Ladies wearing their man's clothes (Page 26) on: 14-11-2010 01:39 AM
I think naija men enjoy seeing women wear their clothes.  Some other cultures may not be so inclined.  Good to know that majority of naija men enjoy women wearing their clothes.
103  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: What really happens in honey moon? on: 14-11-2010 01:02 AM
Quote from: blessedme on 12-11-2010 03:24 PM
Quote from: xena15 on 11-11-2010 03:41 PM
Couple dem dey Lick honey when moon dey shine.
Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Cheesy Cheesy
Wink Wink Wink Shocked Shocked
104  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: IS LOVE A MATTER OF "FEELINGS" OR "DECISION" on: 14-11-2010 12:51 AM
Quote from: Jbabygirl on 13-11-2010 05:20 PM
Love is a decision or choice, some feelings are really fake, it fades away with time, expecially when u r expecting so much and u r getting less from dat person, the feelings diminishes straight away. But decision otherwise known as choice will neva elude you, u will forever remember dat this was ur decision or choice & nothing can change that, not some kind of sensitivity or warmthness dat are seasonal.
Grin Grin Grin
105  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Nigerian men are the most unromantic men in the world on: 14-11-2010 12:42 AM
Quote from: Josamase on 13-11-2010 08:22 PM
@ emepretty, I understand ur point, not just French Guys, try Americans as well.. u will get off ur skin Holla at me.. will give u more jist... if thats the idea of been romatic, am the chief.. Holla back
Grin Grin Grin Grin
Here comes an honest guy.
106  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: what should i do? My brother wife slapped me. (Page 2) on: 14-11-2010 12:20 AM
Arrange to audio record, and if possible, video record her with her segxwal harassments.  Make a few copies and keep them in separate safe locations.  Take one and give to your brother's wife and tell her to back off or else, your brother will receive these tapes in the mail at his office.  Make sure your recordings include mentioning the slap she gave you.

You will win this battle.  If you are living with your brother and not working, it may be difficult to move out right away.  It is time to give the jezebel adulteress her own medicine.  Watch what you eat after that because she may try to poison you thereafter.  You may want to let her know that you have instructed certain people to disclose these tapes should something happen to you.

Watch her start behaving.

107  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: men normally quote this... which i don't get at all? (Page 2) on: 14-11-2010 12:05 AM
Men that lie are demonic regardless of their reasons.
108  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Assault: actress threatens to sue Speaker on: 14-11-2010 12:02 AM
sorry for what happened to you.  Like somebody suggested, try to see if you can get your property back, especially your contacts and laptop.  See if you can settle out of court if it is possible.  If the Senator does not respond out of court, do write to the President, etc., follow all the channels of complaints and pursue it in the court of law as well.  Your safety is important still so protect yourself while you are challenging the system.

Good luck.
109  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Nigerian police combat unit mobile police[aka Mo-Pol] displaces madskills in LAG on: 13-11-2010 11:50 PM
Quote from: fireman on 13-11-2010 10:17 PM
nawa....this one pass be careful
police are human beings as well.  They do get into disagreements and forget professional decorum just like everybody else.  Their supervisor should discipline them.
 Grin Grin
110  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: IS LOVE A MATTER OF "FEELINGS" OR "DECISION" on: 12-11-2010 04:16 AM
Quote from: dorro on  5-11-2010 02:27 PM
i love u, l love u, i love u! is love a felling or a decision

The "feeling" love is temporary and needs to be refilled for the lover to be fulfilled.

The decision love is more permanent because you are more sure of the one that you love after much search.
 Grin Grin
111  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: IS LOVE A MATTER OF "FEELINGS" OR "DECISION" on: 12-11-2010 04:07 AM
Quote from: Treasure2 on  5-11-2010 04:00 PM
Quote from: dorro on  5-11-2010 02:57 PM
Quote from: Treasure2 on  5-11-2010 02:30 PM
Love is a feeling.
does it mean if u feel for 5 different men u love them all?? Shocked

U can't love two at the same time.  Whoever loved more than one is not love.

For God so loved the whole world  Grin Grin Grin Grin
112  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Controversial List Of 11 Most Influential Nigerians Under 20 on: 11-11-2010 06:35 PM
I wish to see a list of successful  youth entrepreneurs as well.

I wish to see a list of successful youth inventors.

113  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: DOESNT KNOW HOW TO COOK!!! on: 11-11-2010 07:56 AM
Quote from: onyin on 11-11-2010 04:20 AM
Quote from: omatu on 11-11-2010 04:04 AM
Quote from: onyin on 10-11-2010 01:51 AM
Quote from: omatu on 10-11-2010 01:46 AM
Quote from: onyin on 10-11-2010 01:42 AM
Quote from: omatu on 10-11-2010 01:29 AM
Quote from: onyin on 10-11-2010 01:26 AM
Quote from: omatu on 10-11-2010 01:15 AM
Quote from: onyin on  9-11-2010 09:19 PM
I will go to my mom's house for help.I mean anyone can learn how to cook,tht's if you really want to.
your mothers cooking is not the issue.  He is not going to like your mothers cooking.  There is a certain way that the man wants his food, just learn from him.

It is different from the way your mother cooks in the first place.
 Grin Grin
And how do you know he's not going to like my mothers cooking?.Well,I dont need to learn from anyman how to cook.I can cook myself.I was just going along with the poster. Grin
your mother very likely taught you how to cook and that is where you learned how to cook?

If he does not like what you have already learned assuming your mother trained you, it is not advisable for you to return back to your mother to learn how to cook because he still will not be happy.

Learn from him how he wants you to cook for him, and you will have peace in your home.
 Grin Grin
Well,a man will reject your food if your food has no taste.Cos if you are a very good cook,he will neva eva say no  or reject it.But lucky  me,cooking is sumthing i'm very good at(Cos i have been cooking since i was 8yrs).Infact ,sumtimes i make up things myself.And leave people begging for more.My boyfriend is a good cook,but the first day i cooked for him,he was pleased and even till today he loves my cooking.My kitchen is my own personal business,and all i need a man to do is just sit and enjoy. Grin

There are many different cultures, diverse ethnic groups.  They all cook differently.  You can be the best cook in the world, if it does not match your spouse taste buds, you are still not a good cook to him/her.

Well,I'm marrying a man who's from my country and also from my state..So I'm fine,absolutely fine.

Let the shoe fit whom it wants to fit.  Everybody is different.  There are many that are not concerned about marrying from the same country, the same state, etc.  All they want is the right partner regardless of where they come from.  We are all one body of Christ Jesus.
 Grin Grin

Madam,seems you are getting me wrong.Its a free world.Marry who ever you feel is right for you,its not my business.The man I love ,is from my state.Tht's my business,you dont expect me to go marry a chinese man and leave him.I only mentioned my state ,just to let you know that i dont need to learn anything from him,simple!.
thanks for the clarifications.
114  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Man’s illicit affair with 11-year-old stepdaughter on: 11-11-2010 07:55 AM
Quote from: Lilliansteve on 11-11-2010 06:07 AM
dis man get mental problem as I see am,you no see d face like person wey jus com  from kiri-kiri prison,he do n dey do am wit d gel tee-tee,na who send am message say,make im rob cream for d gel private room?,dis man na real devil ooo,even d gel too like am,make d 2 of dem go assylum togedar,d gel na real akuna-kuuna,real asawoo,yeye gel,d man too need help.
why are women not understanding the plight of this girl?  why attack a child that is absolutely not responsible for what an adult has done?

115  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: DOESNT KNOW HOW TO COOK!!! on: 11-11-2010 04:06 AM
Quote from: Teeteeylaryor on 10-11-2010 01:54 PM
Quote from: adewalefisayo on 10-11-2010 12:16 PM
simple. she goes back to her mum for two months of intensive training!
didn't you court her for you to have know wat she's good at and not......
i bet you won't dear send her back.........
My husband courted me, ate my food, never complained.  He took me out a lot to eat though so I can see what he likes to eat.  I was the type that was curious and I would comment that I wish I knew how to cook what we ate at the restaurant.  He never said anything.

After he married me, he then started to teach how to cook the way he likes it.  I would recommend that you learn from your mother inlaw instead of your own mother.  Your mother inlaw knows exactly what your husband likes.
 Grin Grin Grin

 Grin Grin Grin
116  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: DOESNT KNOW HOW TO COOK!!! on: 11-11-2010 04:04 AM
Quote from: onyin on 10-11-2010 01:51 AM
Quote from: omatu on 10-11-2010 01:46 AM
Quote from: onyin on 10-11-2010 01:42 AM
Quote from: omatu on 10-11-2010 01:29 AM
Quote from: onyin on 10-11-2010 01:26 AM
Quote from: omatu on 10-11-2010 01:15 AM
Quote from: onyin on  9-11-2010 09:19 PM
I will go to my mom's house for help.I mean anyone can learn how to cook,tht's if you really want to.
your mothers cooking is not the issue.  He is not going to like your mothers cooking.  There is a certain way that the man wants his food, just learn from him.

It is different from the way your mother cooks in the first place.
 Grin Grin
And how do you know he's not going to like my mothers cooking?.Well,I dont need to learn from anyman how to cook.I can cook myself.I was just going along with the poster. Grin
your mother very likely taught you how to cook and that is where you learned how to cook?

If he does not like what you have already learned assuming your mother trained you, it is not advisable for you to return back to your mother to learn how to cook because he still will not be happy.

Learn from him how he wants you to cook for him, and you will have peace in your home.
 Grin Grin
Well,a man will reject your food if your food has no taste.Cos if you are a very good cook,he will neva eva say no  or reject it.But lucky  me,cooking is sumthing i'm very good at(Cos i have been cooking since i was 8yrs).Infact ,sumtimes i make up things myself.And leave people begging for more.My boyfriend is a good cook,but the first day i cooked for him,he was pleased and even till today he loves my cooking.My kitchen is my own personal business,and all i need a man to do is just sit and enjoy. Grin

There are many different cultures, diverse ethnic groups.  They all cook differently.  You can be the best cook in the world, if it does not match your spouse taste buds, you are still not a good cook to him/her.

Well,I'm marrying a man who's from my country and also from my state..So I'm fine,absolutely fine.

Let the shoe fit whom it wants to fit.  Everybody is different.  There are many that are not concerned about marrying from the same country, the same state, etc.  All they want is the right partner regardless of where they come from.  We are all one body of Christ Jesus.
 Grin Grin
117  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Food-hungry Lagosians Hack On Dead, Smelly Whale on: 11-11-2010 04:02 AM
Quote from: 2skulls on 10-11-2010 02:17 AM
This is how useless the nigerian government can be. it shows a clear view of how much the nigerian government care about the nigerian people. Out of hunger and illiteracy, this people could cause a great harm to this nation and this is the time where the whole world is trying to be secured...  What if this thing leads to an epidemy? Nobody knows the cause of death.......what kind of country is this? What is the work of the military, police and who the hell is suppose to handle this issue? Now this people have eaten this thing and are mixing with the public..GOD  i ask that you handle this issue and let no harm come to us.

The government is not to be blamed.  The people are to be blamed for not looking after each other.
118  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Man’s illicit affair with 11-year-old stepdaughter on: 11-11-2010 03:59 AM
Quote from: omoyewmen_lriah on 10-11-2010 10:13 PM
oooooohhhhh yuroba again, how can a 55years old man did that to small girl? anyway i think the girl like it. cos she should have told her mum when she got home. it was not the first time they have sex?
Do you have any idea the type of threats children are under when they are being abused, molested, and raped by an adult?

This is not sex with adult to adult!  This is abuse.

119  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: DOESNT KNOW HOW TO COOK!!! (Page 17) on: 10-11-2010 01:51 AM
Quote from: mydicksweet on 10-11-2010 01:48 AM
Just wouldnt go thru i dont know why
go through what?
120  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: DOESNT KNOW HOW TO COOK!!! on: 10-11-2010 01:46 AM
Quote from: onyin on 10-11-2010 01:42 AM
Quote from: omatu on 10-11-2010 01:29 AM
Quote from: onyin on 10-11-2010 01:26 AM
Quote from: omatu on 10-11-2010 01:15 AM
Quote from: onyin on  9-11-2010 09:19 PM
I will go to my mom's house for help.I mean anyone can learn how to cook,tht's if you really want to.
your mothers cooking is not the issue.  He is not going to like your mothers cooking.  There is a certain way that the man wants his food, just learn from him.

It is different from the way your mother cooks in the first place.
 Grin Grin
And how do you know he's not going to like my mothers cooking?.Well,I dont need to learn from anyman how to cook.I can cook myself.I was just going along with the poster. Grin
your mother very likely taught you how to cook and that is where you learned how to cook?

If he does not like what you have already learned assuming your mother trained you, it is not advisable for you to return back to your mother to learn how to cook because he still will not be happy.

Learn from him how he wants you to cook for him, and you will have peace in your home.
 Grin Grin
Well,a man will reject your food if your food has no taste.Cos if you are a very good cook,he will neva eva say no  or reject it.But lucky  me,cooking is sumthing i'm very good at(Cos i have been cooking since i was 8yrs).Infact ,sumtimes i make up things myself.And leave people begging for more.My boyfriend is a good cook,but the first day i cooked for him,he was pleased and even till today he loves my cooking.My kitchen is my own personal business,and all i need a man to do is just sit and enjoy. Grin

There are many different cultures, diverse ethnic groups.  They all cook differently.  You can be the best cook in the world, if it does not match your spouse taste buds, you are still not a good cook to him/her.

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