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1  Forum / Politics / Re: CRUEL! Gov Fashola Sacks All Striking Doctors In Lagos on: 12-05-2012 12:57 AM
Well I won't blame the dr's.... When a yankee nurse makes x5 of thier salary with benefits and insurance.

To d govt: I give you the credit for all you have done but on this, I want to hope you made the right decision..... The community needs dr
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Does Money buy Class on: 17-03-2011 06:54 PM
I agree and disagree to the point that money is strogly correlated to class.... Hum, maybe money is corollated to class. For example; the founder of Microsoft "bill gates" was never a graduate. Yet, he was awarded some high degree to honor him, has given  speeches to graduating student of various university.
Another case, was the case of mark the founder of facebook, he was treated as a minority while in college even though he fell in the majority category. Immeditally the rich kids in school discovered he has got some genius talent; they approached him and wants to make friends in days.
Just my opinion; I don't think one sees him/her self as rich.... The people around you will tell you that and the social relationship you get also will make you fell that way. If you pass thru bridges before you make your N1(1 naira) you will know what I'm talking about.