There are specific foods that cause fibroids to grow, and if you would like to shrink your fibroids naturally, you will need to avoid eating these. I explained the link between fibroids and estrogen, and xenoestrogens and fibroids. I’m going to continue this theme by telling you which types of foods will make fibroids worse.
Meat, Fish & Dairy Products
Eating animals that are high in the food chain can increase your exposure to xenoestrogens. For example, eating large fish that survive by eating smaller fish. This is because microscopic creatures eat algae already been contaminated with the chemicals, so they accumulate the chemicals in their bodies. Because these chemicals are artificially created, animals are not able to break them down and neutralize them, so instead accumulate them in their bodies.
These microscopic creatures are eaten by the smallest of fish, which then accumulate even more of the chemicals, and they’re eaten by larger fish, which accumulate even more of the chemicals. Xenoestrogens accumulate in fatty tissue, which means that each animal in the food chain substantially increases its xenoestrogen levels by eating smaller animals. Since we’re at the top of the food chain, we are most likely to be affected.
This is one of the reasons why women who eat less animal products are less likely to have fibroids, and if they do have fibroids, they’re less likely to suffer from the symptoms of fibroids.
I talked a lot about fish, but red meat and dairy products, especially when they come from non-organic sources, can make fibroids grow, and aggravate the symptoms of fibroids. This is because commercial farmers add synthetic hormones, antibiotics and drugs to the feed given to livestock, so they can grow fast, gain weight and be sold for a high price.
The chemicals fed and injected into livestock are transferred to you whenever you eat meat from non-organic sources, or consume dairy products that come from non-organic sources, or consume dairy products that come from non-organic milk.
Many of these chemicals are xenoestrogens and others are growth hormones. You’d never take a supplement containing artificial estrogens and growth hormones, but whenever you eat commercial meat and dairy, you’re consuming these substances indirectly.
Fruits & Vegetables
Non-organic vegetables and fruit, especially those imported from overseas, where regulations are not as strict, are a common source of xenoestrogens. Commercial produce, is typically sprayed several times in its lifecycle with chemical herbicides and pesticides in order to protect the crops from disease and being eaten by insects.
The most dangerous of these chemicals are no longer used in the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, but they’re still used in other countries around the world. At the moment, it is possible for supermarkets to import overseas produce sprayed with dangerous chemicals, or for food manufacturers to use these fruits and vegetables as ingredients for their packaged foods.
Packaged foods, especially those that are not organic are likely to contain xenoestrogens, this is due to the food preservatives, artificial colourings, flavorings and other additives put in the foods. They’re also stored for several weeks in plastic containers, and since many packaged foods have a high fat content, you’re likely to consume estrogenic chemicals that have melted into the fats.
Food Storage & Preparation
Plastics are a major source of xenoestrogens, particularly when you store your food and water in plastic. The worst type is the soft platic wraps like clingfilm or saran wrap, which is more likely to leak xenoestrogens into your foods. Xenoestrogens, as with most chemicals, are fat-soluble, so wrapping fatty foods in plastic will almost guarantee that these chemicals will get into your food.
Similarly, heating your food in plastics, especially in the microwave, and keeping plastic boottles of water in the sun or near heat, can dissolve xenoestrogens into your food and water.
more to come thank u for reading............. |