Well,all i want to say is this...... NOBODY ("it doesn't matter how righteous you are") has any right what so ever to call anybody fake pastor. Even all the PASTORS YOU CALL real pastors....WHERE YOU THERE WHEN GOD CALLED THEM OR DO YOU KNOW WHAT MOTIVE IS BEHIND THEIR MINISTRY? Its like you have forgotten that God doesn't look at the outward appearance but the heart of man....it is only God that knows who is real and who is fake so DO NOT PUT YOUR HAND,MOUTH,PEN OR PAPER AGAINST THE LORDS ANNOINTED (REAL OR FAKE).if you have trouble with their doctrine,you have your bible so let Gods word be your GPS.
I will encourage everyone to just take sometime to read about DAVID who God called a man after my heart....a friend God.If it was many of you judging pastors now....you will not even think twice before killing Solomon but David didn't. But he said far be it from me that i should put my hand against the Lords anointed. As far as everyone else was concern,Solomon didn't show signs of a true man of God he consulted BNABALAWO, HAVE WOMEN ALL OVER THE PLACE and now trying very hard to kill David but that wasn't David concern to Analise if he was truly a man of God or not. He just left it for God who is the true judge and when he judges, He does it very well.
For your own good, leave who ever is called a man of God alone...you don't have to agree with his doctrine and if you think he has missed it,pray for him or go to him and hear him out.Also,do not be ignorant of the fact that the media is in business and the goal of any business is to make profit therefore my brothers and my sisters, be wise ......a word is enough for the wise.