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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: victimising boss on: 9-04-2009 01:00 PM
The decision is all yours to take, all opinions herein stated are devoid of good understanding of the situation and as such can never be a basis for your eventual decision. Also, if you are the only person being victimized, maybe you should just try understand the reason for that (A problem defined is half solved) and with that you should know if it's a situation you can handle, leave to God and just live with or leave alone for some other person(s) to handle after you. You are all it takes to handle that challenges. HOW WE FACE CHALLENGES OF LIFE DETERMINES HOW FAR WE CAN COPE WITH LIFE AND SUCCESS. Ostacles are not meant to stop you but to make you fly and also note that God may need to take away your bread to give you cake.