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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Dating a Stripper on: 18-09-2009 05:45 PM
I think u mean Dating a Hoe?...yea its much orgy den watch it coz u myt hav jst signed ur death warrant...lolss
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 200 Level- Unillorin Student commits suicide on: 14-09-2009 07:21 PM
3  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Nigerian Army prepare for bloody showdown in Niger Delta! on: 14-09-2009 07:12 PM
Honestly,..we Dnt hav any idea about what is looming over our heads
4  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: How does sex affect a sincere and true relationship? on: 24-08-2009 12:22 PM
Quote from: Kennee on 22-08-2009 11:31 PM
Quote from: sabizy on 22-08-2009 12:36 PM
Too many questions run thru ma mind when I think of it...I've got a best friend whose so into his girl and she feels thesame to..I mean the love is crazy and mutual...50:50 crush on both ends...and they're both sex freaks..I mean crazy sex. According to words from som ends, Sex, they say, diminishes the love in a relationship...which is true for most cases (lust-incurred cases) but thiz is diff for ma frends...they so irritate me when dey cuddle in ma presence..ugghhhh!...So naijapals, do u guyz think its gonna colapse eventually or stand...coz they've been at it for 3yrs now and counting...they also engaged in distant relationship for 8months in that same period when they both left for studies at diff countries and recently came back hotter dan d summer is spain!!!....What ya'll think?..

l wonder why yu're so Concerned

Am as concerned as every loyal friend who wants d best for a friend shud be....while I keep tellin em'... they think am just jealous coz I envy what they both hav..which is true in a way (Hey! a human being)..but I really don't want to see anybody get hurt at d end of d day...they're both very dear to me...I mean we've been together for a long time I jst care dat much....r u ok now?
5  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Another week, Another Kidnap on: 24-08-2009 11:53 AM has gone past the stage of askin questions and havin immaginations....something needs to be done and fast...China & Italy had similar security problems in the past with druglords and stuff but dey overcame with the help of training and intelligence from the U.S...We're by far no different...we need help.
6  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: How does sex affect a sincere and true relationship? on: 22-08-2009 05:49 PM
Beats me too...Its Something else I'm telling you...but wateva it is that's sparking so much attraction btw d 2 of em'....I knw pple who wud cry blood to hav such a doubt am no. 1....but am happy 4 dem (atleast while it lasts..coz they ma frends/buddies).
7  Forum / Relationships & Romance / How does sex affect a sincere and true relationship? on: 22-08-2009 12:36 PM
Too many questions run thru ma mind when I think of it...I've got a best friend whose so into his girl and she feels thesame to..I mean the love is crazy and mutual...50:50 crush on both ends...and they're both sex freaks..I mean crazy sex. According to words from som ends, Sex, they say, diminishes the love in a relationship...which is true for most cases (lust-incurred cases) but thiz is diff for ma frends...they so irritate me when dey cuddle in ma presence..ugghhhh!...So naijapals, do u guyz think its gonna colapse eventually or stand...coz they've been at it for 3yrs now and counting...they also engaged in distant relationship for 8months in that same period when they both left for studies at diff countries and recently came back hotter dan d summer is spain!!!....What ya'll think?..
8  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Ghana to Become "A Major Exporter" of Electricity to Nigeria on: 8-08-2009 04:05 PM
Quote from: meetashley on  6-08-2009 06:49 PM
why wont it be a shame? since common Malam is rulling nigeria. what does he know? he does not think just like Olodo called Obasanjo. Obasara Abasa were joo Njo. Nigeria needs help in skull expecially the prasident. Ghana of yesterday Become "A Major Exporter" of Electricity to Nigeria? Chei i don eat aboki shit. I don see yoruba yansh oooo. its a big shame. lol

Babe! Easy o!...try and b patriotic abeg.
9  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Ghana to Become "A Major Exporter" of Electricity to Nigeria on: 6-08-2009 06:01 PM
It so breaks my heart to even consider myself a citizen of our so called "9ja the Giant of Africa"...9ja..Na wa o!...Chai!

Mayb its part of the rebranding
10  Forum / Sports / Is This How Nigeria didnt qualify for the 1st ever World Cup Hosted in Africa!!! on: 30-06-2009 03:58 PM
Imagine this quote from a High Profile Personel in the Nigerian Sports Authority..(who doesnt want us 2 qualify for the 1st world cup ever hosted in Africa)..claiming that d Super Eagles won't hav a warm-up before Playing Tunisa who are on the verge of throwing us Out of this elite competition.

"The European season would have commenced fully by August 12 and our players would be struggling for first-team shirts at their respective clubs," argued Ojo-Oba.

"If we get them to play the friendly, that could affect them in that regard.

What wrong with Nigeria Sef.
11  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: For the one and only ZIE !!! on: 29-06-2009 06:22 PM
DeFinITEly NoT My kINda tOPiC
12  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: can u do d laundry for ur gf? on: 29-06-2009 06:17 PM
SuRE Y nOt!!! JuSt As LoNg aS ThErE'S DrY-CleAneRS eVERywHERe, AnD sHE dOEsNT iNcLUDe HeR UnDERweaRS....hEHEHE!
13  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: can sex settle problems in a relationship? on: 29-06-2009 06:07 PM
Quote from: Savelife4real on 25-05-2009 09:32 AM
Quote from: rbest on 23-05-2009 03:53 PM
i dnt know cos am a virgin

Since wen did u regain ya virginity?

14  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: AM IN LOVE WITH DGUY (Expression of Love) on: 23-06-2009 06:30 PM
D GUY....Better Watch ur Back Man!!!!
15  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: why are igbo girls fair and more prittier than other tribes in Naija? on: 23-06-2009 06:25 PM
16  Forum / The Buzz Central / SHout out to em' Rappers!!! Test your Skills on: 23-06-2009 06:19 PM
Ya'll knw wassup...I thot it wud b cool + fun to show off some skills on this post...Do a few lines...Upload and Post the links here...dat way we laugh if ur wack, yab if u aint got jab,...u knw..jst, I'll lead by xample..

Video not supported." width="100%" height="20px" wmode="transparent" quality="high" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="never" pluginspage="" autoplay="false" autostart="false" />

Rate me over 10...

NB: instrumentals not really needed oh!...feel free to criticise..dats d fun part.
17  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Tuface Loses N40m to hypertek on: 23-06-2009 06:12 PM
18  Forum / Technology / Re: Lagos permanently seals computer village on: 23-06-2009 05:51 PM
Damn!...Just when I wanted to visit it again..for my next contract purchase!
19  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: The cost of marrying an Igbo lady on: 23-06-2009 05:50 PM
Its never been easy living wit and around them in the first place.
20  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Who's your favourite naijapals member? on: 23-06-2009 05:49 PM
Ya'll a bunch of self-centered!...I like it proud o'ya'll...dat makes all o'ya'll ma favourite members..hooray!!!
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