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21  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: ladies,cooking and chores... on: 15-04-2008 05:59 PM
in that case you're on your own, literally...
22  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Who is to blame ?? !! Only blame one person :-d on: 15-04-2008 05:14 PM
Quote from: Engineer on  9-02-2008 09:20 AM
There was once a poor man , His loving wife was kind enough and understanding to cater for the family while he was job hunting.

One day , he went for a job interview outside town and after 15 years of a successful and blissful marriage , decided to get a prostitude with the little change he had left in his hands.

He woke up the next morning, went to wash his face and when he came back from the bathroom, found his wife dressing up to go ...

Ehem, am sure you get the drift  ...

But am looking for one ... Just one human being to blame here ....

Please tell me who you blame


both of 'em are to blame
23  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: You May Not Realize It But It's True on: 15-04-2008 05:09 PM
@vixen:too bad.always thought u were a quack doc. anyway Grin
@2xrated:nope, more lyk sarcasm.but i cant help but sense a double meanin' in that statement...
24  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: i need a galfriend on: 15-04-2008 05:04 PM
a lil' 2-X-RATED wouldnt u say? Grin
25  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: ladies,cooking and chores... on: 15-04-2008 05:03 PM
Quote from: 2xrated on 15-04-2008 04:50 PM
who says females have to cook all the time?

no one.but who says females should not cook AT ALL?
26  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: what's the difference? on: 15-04-2008 05:02 PM
na wa o... what are you, lyk his THIRD chic?
27  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: You May Not Realize It But It's True on: 15-04-2008 01:53 PM
28  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: beyonce and jay z married?! on: 15-04-2008 01:21 AM
yep, definitely sme on-stage chemistry.but dude chris kept it all for ma lil story, well there y'all have it, ive got a witness in da house Grin
29  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: beyonce and jay z married?! on: 14-04-2008 11:02 PM
from what i heard...
jay was creepin' 'round with rihanna
beyonce got vexed n startin' doin' Prince
Usher heard she wuz available n made some moves
rihanna ditched shrek jay and fell for chris brown
chris got fed up with rihanna n decided to give jordin sparks a try
(hence jordin gettin' all "touchy-feely" with chris on the Idols performance the other nyt)
and jordin...well lets just say she's been flirtin' 'round with that deadbeat omarion

30  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Worst Pick Up lines on: 14-04-2008 10:52 PM
"girl your feet must hurt cuz u've been goin' thru ma mind all day"
31  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHY DO NIGERIA WOMEN LIKE LYING? on: 14-04-2008 10:42 PM
nope.but it can wait
32  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHY DO NIGERIA WOMEN LIKE LYING? on: 14-04-2008 05:38 PM
@meikkie:first of all,think you need to adjust your screen a bit i cuz aint talkin' 'bout math.secondly, who's talkin' 'bout lyin to get chics?(these pple sef...). we've all lied at some point(even if we try not to) so there's no point actin' all holy.

@monkey:well i ges your name sez it all.but b4 you call any1 a "young man",i think you should look down at a certain somethin' that has refused to grow since you were FIVE.thanks Grin
33  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHY WOULD CHICKS REFUSE TO SPEND CASH on: 14-04-2008 11:29 AM
so the "you" im referrin to is the dude, nt the ladies
34  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHY DO NIGERIA WOMEN LIKE LYING? on: 14-04-2008 11:27 AM
truth be told we all lie every nw and then,dont think singlin' out the chics makes that much sense
35  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHY WOULD CHICKS REFUSE TO SPEND CASH on: 14-04-2008 11:12 AM
im referrin to the dude who's askin for chicks to spend cash on him
36  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Worst Pick Up lines on: 14-04-2008 02:50 AM
"hey girl, you look so good i wish i could plant you n grow a whole field 'a y'all"
37  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHY WOULD CHICKS REFUSE TO SPEND CASH on: 14-04-2008 02:46 AM

cuz you(or whoeva it is) aint worth a dime Grin
38  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: You May Not Realize It But It's True on: 14-04-2008 02:34 AM
Quote from: nigerianvixen26 on 29-01-2008 12:39 AM
I've been a victim of number #3 so so many many times Grin

and i'm the prince of wales...
39  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: i need a galfriend on: 14-04-2008 02:29 AM
once again we have a "one-post wonder" who's beggin for a girl on our hands...sad
40  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Is love madness or just a passion.... on: 14-04-2008 02:26 AM
Quote from: Donx on 13-04-2008 07:30 PM
What da hell is dis thing called love, is it not just madness of the mind and the heart. It might be a passion to some but its total madness, it does have eyes now it no more blind because so many have discovered the truth.... love is total madness, run now or forever be freezed to heart break!

sounds lyk some1's been getn the short end of the love stick,if u catch ma drift...
It's an emotion like any other,only it makes you do "crazy" stuff.but hey, who's complaining? Grin
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