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61  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: HELLO on: 12-04-2008 08:46 PM
yup.besyds,russians aint rili ma type...
62  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: HELLO on: 12-04-2008 08:41 PM
jus checkd,disappointed rili... boob job looks lyk an inflated balloon about to pop.think ill pass
63  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: HELLO on: 12-04-2008 08:28 PM
still undecided.till i know hw "appealing Shocked" dem russians are that is...
64  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: HELLO on: 12-04-2008 08:16 PM
mayb,mayb not... Cool
65  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: virgin or not on: 12-04-2008 08:14 PM
ges we'll have to see 'bout that,im pretty hard ta satisy...
66  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: HELLO on: 12-04-2008 08:10 PM
figures... Roll Eyes
67  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: virgin or not on: 12-04-2008 08:08 PM
myra where u at? you owe me sme tossed salad... Wink
68  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: HELLO on: 12-04-2008 08:05 PM
darn... jus my luck Grin they bettr be bak soon or else...
69  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: virgin or not on: 12-04-2008 08:03 PM
still no good.and here i thought y'all were "exotic chefs".oh well,ges i'll find me sme better chefs... Roll Eyes
70  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: HELLO on: 12-04-2008 08:01 PM
russian girls? where they at...? Cool
71  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Pls, advise me!!! on: 12-04-2008 06:54 PM
Quote from: madeonline on 30-10-2007 10:13 PM
Tbaby glad to see you here ... longtime!

ma guy, this aint flirtpals any advise or not?
72  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: HELLO on: 12-04-2008 06:50 PM
Quote from: Sexyasakenke on 12-04-2008 06:45 PM
sexyBosom ............lo
cant even see the boobs self...

aint like we can see yours...*whistles*
73  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: virgin or not on: 12-04-2008 06:48 PM
@myra:Bosom  salad too crunch, and dem thinghs aint meaty enuf. know u can do better... Wink
74  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: what's the difference? on: 12-04-2008 06:39 PM
ah, there it is... hold up, who's the fat dude in the clown suit?
75  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: ladies,cooking and chores... on: 12-04-2008 06:37 PM
let's say i agree with you that it's an "old tradition"(for the record,EVERY culture in the world,past and present,acknowledge the fact that women have certain roles to play,and goin to the spa aint one of em{nufn wrong wif it thou}),whats the justification for discarding it? I mean, cuz we ryd cars n not horses, n wear jeans n not wrappers, don't mean we're better or wiser than they were.besyds, they weren't STUPID,so they had reasons for havin such "traditions" in the first place
76  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: what's the difference? on: 12-04-2008 06:20 PM
checkd.still nufn...
77  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: ladies,cooking and chores... on: 12-04-2008 06:17 PM
y'all dont "belong" there, its jus lyk a job description for being a mom/wife.dont mean a brothr cant cook for y'all, but that y'all should just be sittn around lookin' pretty sounds a tad selfish(not to mention lazy...) 
78  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHY DO NIGERIA WOMEN LIKE LYING? on: 12-04-2008 06:12 PM
Quote from: meikkie on 12-04-2008 01:01 PM
naija women lye to show that they have been unfaithful to men right from d origin of man. Remember the case of Adam & Eve. If not 4 eves in d earth, dis earth would have been  condusive 4 us men... Habith can not b stoped in a day, i think it continues as long as they live with men on earth.

ma guy, think i'll disagree with you on that one.especiali the eve bit...
79  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: ladies,cooking and chores... on: 12-04-2008 06:08 PM
Quote from: nigerianvixen26 on 12-04-2008 06:03 PM
HAHA..I remembered that, and still stand behind my words..WORD! Tongue

figured you would.nufn do u...
80  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: virgin or not on: 11-04-2008 11:29 PM
still chillin for dem "exotic female chefs" you promised...
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