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Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Is it wrong to date ur ex boyfriend's friend? |
on: 13-01-2011 03:57 AM
| If the new dude on block is cool by you !! Kindly make it official to the public and also let him tell his friend, been your Ex about that. is not a bad thing, as long as both of you are not together anymore !!
I just hope you didn't cheat on him with his friend before you start dating him, if not, all is cool, stop hide and seek, Nothing is hidden under the sun !!
na 9ja we dey...pple wud start blamin d guy bout dier break up... Was in diz kind of senarior after ma ssce bestfrnd nd hz girl bruk up smhw...d girl nd i were getin veri klose...fank god sey i quickly enter skul if nt tins 4 hapen | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Is it wrong to date ur ex boyfriend's friend? |
on: 13-01-2011 03:56 AM
| If the new dude on block is cool by you !! Kindly make it official to the public and also let him tell his friend, been your Ex about that. is not a bad thing, as long as both of you are not together anymore !!
I just hope you didn't cheat on him with his friend before you start dating him, if not, all is cool, stop hide and seek, Nothing is hidden under the sun !!
na 9ja we dey...pple wud start blamin d guy bout dier break up... Was in diz kind of senarior after ma ssce bestfrnd nd hz girl bruk up smhw...d girl nd i were getin veri klose...fank god sey i quickly enter skul if nt tins 4 hapen | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Ma view on d 26 yr old girl saga... (Page 2) |
on: 13-01-2011 03:08 AM
| @ mcpat>>>>>>>. The power of Sex is tremendously high when it occurs, it doesn't know eve a midwifery or practical doctor, Maybe the girl is in need of it and no condom at the moment, and once a girl is in her Ovulation period, they seems to be more horny than anything, something must have lead to another that makes the girl got preggy. and as a medical student, she knows the side effect of abortion and so on.
If is not a mere mistake that cause the 4million white blood cell to run into the girl's egg...... I Really can't guess what could make the girl want to have a baby for such toddler........ what could be that ? Money or Fame ?
what kind of beginin to doubt d stori..bkuz i 4 don dey hear d stori sync 4 common rum | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Translate please! |
on: 13-01-2011 03:01 AM
| Can someone give me an approximate translation of these Igbo lines into English? My husband wrote it to me and told me to find out what it means.
kedu onye ga abu oyi mu, kedu onye ga abu oyi mu,onye ga abu oyi mu,afugo mu oyi mu,afugo mu oyi mu....Emily bu oyi mu
is actually a tales by moonlight song !! Normally is sang by a group of friends and they dance around. is very good thought of him to send you that. quite romantic!! I neva still sabi speak moi language.. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Ma view on d 26 yr old girl saga... |
on: 13-01-2011 02:56 AM
| This should serve as a lesson to others.ITS BIG TIME CHILD ABUSE.and I wish Nigeria is good country ,that can try to treat everychild special and protect them.if the country's law,cant protect then who will?.I mean if our country have got a law for such issues AND REALLY STICK TO IT, i dont think anyone in their right sense will want to break i wont blame the kid,not at all.I bet almost everyone of us,mostly the guys on here must have done sumthing silly when they were as young as this age.Guys are fun of being wild at early age.mostly when it comes to sex,they like hitting older many guys in Naija lost their virginity to older me,i have heard of so many stories.Which is not the same in england.the minute an older person ,gets to know that you are underage ,they will run fast for life.cos they know exactly wat will happen to them.the parents and the Government will make them pay badly and will make their life possible is it that this 16yrs seduced her?.For me,i blame her 100%.and she shuld be really paying for all this mess,and probaly apologising to the guy's family.I pray Nigeria will wake up,please i'm praying so hard.Cos whenever i see or read things that happen to kids in that country,i cant help but cry.
tru talk..buh i no agree wit dat place wey i use ma blue biro touch..research shwz dat femalez start masturbatin at a age earlier dan dier male counterparts i'm not talking about masturbation.guys are really fond of being wild at early age.for them its an adventure.well,sum guys though.but so many guys.i don see things with my two eyes.  i don hear u oh | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Ma view on d 26 yr old girl saga... |
on: 13-01-2011 02:49 AM
| @DK is true..the youngest mum is 10years from spain.but not a spanish.
is that a charm ?? If that will happen in Nigeria, it will turn to charm, Come around here and see 15,16,17yrs old girls that are Mum here, pushing their kids around. is it because is not happening in Nigeria like other parts of the world, anything we see, will turn to be different. why is it like that ?? Don't you know the same 16yrs old boy can pregnant 35yrs old lady if they mistakenly sleep together when the lady is not free to have intercourse. will someone call it charm? what kind of charm is it ? from where is it coming from ? u guyz re getin me wrng here...a 16yr old guy kud impregnate anybody...y i brought up d charm matter z dat i kant picture a 26yrs medical student havin unwanted preggy...even if her mummy didnt orientate her she z in medcol 4 christ sake... | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Ma view on d 26 yr old girl saga... |
on: 13-01-2011 02:38 AM
| This should serve as a lesson to others.ITS BIG TIME CHILD ABUSE.and I wish Nigeria is good country ,that can try to treat everychild special and protect them.if the country's law,cant protect then who will?.I mean if our country have got a law for such issues AND REALLY STICK TO IT, i dont think anyone in their right sense will want to break i wont blame the kid,not at all.I bet almost everyone of us,mostly the guys on here must have done sumthing silly when they were as young as this age.Guys are fun of being wild at early age.mostly when it comes to sex,they like hitting older many guys in Naija lost their virginity to older me,i have heard of so many stories.Which is not the same in england.the minute an older person ,gets to know that you are underage ,they will run fast for life.cos they know exactly wat will happen to them.the parents and the Government will make them pay badly and will make their life possible is it that this 16yrs seduced her?.For me,i blame her 100%.and she shuld be really paying for all this mess,and probaly apologising to the guy's family.I pray Nigeria will wake up,please i'm praying so hard.Cos whenever i see or read things that happen to kids in that country,i cant help but cry.
tru talk..buh i no agree wit dat place wey i use ma blue biro touch..research shwz dat femalez start masturbatin at a age earlier dan dier male counterparts | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Ma view on d 26 yr old girl saga... |
on: 13-01-2011 02:29 AM
| Regrading Charges on this as child abuse can only apply if Nigeria laws are right and is been implement, But who cares in Nigeria about such cases , i doubt if there's anything like law for such... the story can only be heard along the streets of city in Nigeria where the scene occurred without the body in-charge of such case doing anything. You have to come bribe them and so on before anything could be done. if police will come into it, they will start using their useless ideas and force in the case.
The best thing both families should reach an agreement, what has happened has happened!! I have seen 15, 16yrs European girls with kid, and when you see the man that pregnant her, is almost 23 to 24 yrs. is similar issue regarding this 26yrs lady and the 16yrs boy. is happening around the world.
I read also one news about the youngest mum in Spain, she's just 10yrs old and she delivered the baby already, that means she was around 9yrs and some months when she was preggy.
dat spanish girl get luck oh...wen VVF dey katch her mate for kano | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Ma view on d 26 yr old girl saga... |
on: 13-01-2011 02:23 AM
| like i told u it can happen.i dnt believe there are charms there............ .....i ve many ordeals wit university girls wen i am in secondary skool too. so i dnt think there are charms in between them i had phone sex wt a 27 yr old girl wen i waz 17...tinz lyk dat do happen buh nt too d xtent of unprotectd talkin bout ma skul girl here...wt d number of karz dat trup into hall 2 car park everyday,d number of yung doctorz in UBTH...d girl fall ma hand jare... | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Heaven pls, I gat a question.. Should he let go after 5yrs? |
on: 13-01-2011 02:14 AM
| He can't just walk out of her life now... They started dating right from sec. sch, the r/ship is 5yrs now and the guy wants quit... Oh heaven, am not asking much but should he back out now, after 5yrs? My question now is- is it healthy, wise to keep a r/ship for that long?
b4 i komment abeg make i ask,were u dey see ur own stori.. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: help |
on: 13-01-2011 02:10 AM
| hi guys,
Am a vry lovely, and fun loving gurl. Every guy dat am arund wanna marry me, gurls wanna ave me to themselves and all dat...buh anywaz i ave a lovely guy and i dnt care abt them. my problem is dat my bff(princess) was kinda actin weird last month coz she thinks all the guys come to me. she bought me a lotion n said dis wuld be gud 4 ma skin coz am light skin. Buh because ma skin is already smooth lyk a baby butt, i decided to give out to anoda friend of mine. after abt a week, her face got burnt n stuffs lyk dat. Now evryone thinks i am responsible 4 wot happened. i confronted ma bff abt the lotion to ma surprise she denied eva givin me any lotion. Now wot do u guys wot me 2 do 2 dis gurl coz i feel so bad abt the whole suitation. PLZ gurls be careful abt people yuh call friends and the way yuh relate 2 dem..some are beast.
Well, Being Friendly and Accommodate is Nice, but yu Should never Forget to be Aware of yur Surroundings l Guess yur Friendliness Blinds yu to People's Faults Yu need 2 be More Careful But, Don't yu think dat maybe yu Raise yur Shoulders a little bit too High? Or maybe yur BFF thinks yu do dis? Maybe there are some Actions yu Exhibit dat Causes Her to Dislike yu too Much and yu never Noticed her Anger She Might just be Jealous, but yu need to Check yurself too ya itz jealousy...buh gyals get wahala oh...6 guyz fit stay together wivout probz buh 2 girlz if z nt boy itz klotes...i bow 2 una oh | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Ma view on d 26 yr old girl saga... |
on: 13-01-2011 02:00 AM
| I don't support abortion, no matter who convince who among both of them into the act, it doesn't matter any longer, what they did in secret is already revealed, The two families should resolve it. is not a must that when a guy pregnant a girl, He must marry the girl... No !! I never heard of such rules before, The girl should go on and have the child, and also take care of the child till the guy will be matured enough to be a father.
sori if diz might anoy u buh if it waz ur sis wud u still paste wat u just postd | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Ma view on d 26 yr old girl saga... |
on: 13-01-2011 01:43 AM
| I woke up yesterday mrnin,read d dailies nd watched a.m newz,it wz nt untill i logged on to NP dat i found d topic "26 yr old girl impregnated by 16 yr old sec. Skul student.
If d reverz had bin d kase,d dailies wud hv dat haz dier headlines,NP,NL,NBF,VILAGE SQUARE,FB nd oda naija social site wud b full of insults on d guy,d verb wud hv changed 4rm "impragnatd" to "raped"...sum might add subject complementz i.e diz mrnin diff Ngo's fitin 4 d right of female children wud b spitin tunder storm...
But datz nt d case here instead of talkin bout d segxwal abuse inflictd on d kid we re busy discusin on hw stupid d girl z nd wat d 16yr old guy z lukin 4 btw d legz of a woman.... Enuf of d stori nd letz kum dwn to naija terms,d big quest on ma mind is hw wud a 26yr old matured naija girl wey don open eye get pregnant 4 a guy dat she z far older dan nd doesnt wantz to abort it if she z nt lukin 4 sumtin.... [/color] | | | |