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121  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Funny Joke on: 16-11-2009 02:37 AM
Two old ladies were waiting for a bus and one of them was smoking a
cigarette. It started to rain, so the old lady reached into her purse,
took out a condom, cut off the tip and slipped it over her cigarette and
continued to smoke. Her friend saw this and said, "Hey that's a good
idea! What is it that you put over your cigarette?
" The other old lady said, "-It's a condom."
"-A condom? Where do you get those?"
The lady with the cigarette told her friend that you could purchase
condoms at the pharmacy.  When the two old ladies arrived downtown, the
old lady with all the questions went into the pharmacy and asked the
pharmacist if he sold condoms. The pharmacist said yes, but looked a
little surprised that this old woman was interested in condoms, so he
asked her what size she wanted. The old lady thought for a minute and
said, "one that will fit a Camel."

122  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Blond=dumb?? Not this one.... on: 16-11-2009 02:32 AM
A blonde walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan
officer. She says she's going to Europe on business for two weeks and
needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some
kind of security for the loan, so the blonde hands over the keys to a
new Rolls Royce. The car is parked on the street in front of the bank,
she has the title and everything checks out. The bank agrees to accept
the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its
officers all enjoy a good laugh at the blonde for using a $250,000
Rolls as collateral against a $5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then
proceeds to drive the Rolls into the bank's underground garage and
parks it there.

Two weeks later, the blonde returns, repays the $5,000 and the
interest, which comes to $15.41. The loan officer says, "Miss, we are
very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked
out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we
checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles
us is, why would you bother to borrow $5,000?"

The blond replies, "Where else in New York City can I park my car for
two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there when I return?"
123  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: whats this.... on: 16-11-2009 02:26 AM
lol.....i like this joke
124  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Granny and her grandchild on: 16-11-2009 02:24 AM
125  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Pregnant wife and the BOOK! on: 16-11-2009 02:23 AM
126  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Max and his sister... on: 16-11-2009 02:21 AM
some like it some do
127  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: whats this.... on: 16-11-2009 02:19 AM
how is everyone??
128  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Max and his sister... on: 16-11-2009 02:16 AM
lol...which pron?? hehehehhe
129  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Danfo Driver on: 16-11-2009 02:12 AM
what meaning@size
130  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Danfo Driver on: 3-06-2009 07:55 AM
131  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Igbo Man, Yoruba Man and Chinese Man at Lunch on: 3-06-2009 07:54 AM
132  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: cheating on: 29-05-2009 12:35 PM
well my opinion is....sorry to say...but leave him...u deserve better.....
133  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Poem of the week! on: 27-05-2009 12:11 PM
u don kolo.....@emmy....
134  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: LAUGH OFF 2008 on: 27-05-2009 12:10 PM
r u out of ur sences?? who r u shishing??
135  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Do u want a DOG? on: 27-05-2009 12:09 PM
Quote from: emmymth on 27-05-2009 12:08 PM
who r u shishing??
136  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Dear Husband: on: 27-05-2009 12:08 PM
i know u do...heheheheee
137  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: dis is just too funny!!! on: 27-05-2009 12:07 PM
or maybe not.....
138  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Obasabjo in hell.... on: 27-05-2009 12:06 PM
Quote from: emmymth on 27-05-2009 12:03 PM
who asked u??
139  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Poem of the week! on: 27-05-2009 11:55 AM
140  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Obasabjo in hell.... on: 27-05-2009 11:38 AM
Quote from: quinzee4me on 25-05-2009 04:48 PM
how far ladybig2009 long time
i dey ooo...wetin de shele??
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