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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: My target was Chris Oyakhilome on: 14-01-2010 02:08 PM
 Smiley,This is an intrested story that is i can see that nigeria is growing big in diffrent way now,plaese let them ask the young man for me if he can make another gift for ASO ROCK?bucs i see kno reason why or if a nigerian can generate bomb why not use or test it on this stupid people in ASO ROCK that spoil our image to go on sleep.than wetsing there time for unnecessary bombing that kno one can even suport.
2  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Pete Edochie kidnapped on: 17-08-2009 06:41 PM
what a phyukin do they want from this man?Who is this moda phyuker that send these phyukin hungry kidnappres to do this phyukin behevious???
 If you kno you are one of the moda phyuker or you kno something about peter edochi kidnapping hit me up here am gonna treat ya phyuk_up and phyuk you dawn when ever.get it into ya skul oook,dont try...?