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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Nigerian Parents Refusing To Teach Their Children Their Native Language on: 4-07-2009 02:36 AM
why is it that most nigerian parents ,  especially the igbo ones refuse to teach their children igbo ,
when i asked some of my uncles and auntys they said its because " they don't want their children to have accents"
,  what is that suopposed to mean ? THEN when they see children like infants to teenhers speaking the language
they are amazed and i always hear "i wish " responses ,  why is that
i really dont get it ?
2  Forum / Naijapals / new on naijapals ... help ? on: 4-07-2009 02:29 AM
whats it about ?!
ive been browsinq the site
for about 5 months but i don't
really know whats so special about it ...
3  Forum / The Buzz Central / Jim Iyke Vs Van Viker ?! on: 4-07-2009 02:18 AM
what the heck ! is it even possible,  some nigerian magazine is annoncing Jim Iyke as the "sexiest" man of the year ,  he knocked out Van Viker , Ramsey Nouah , AND Majeed Micheal . WHAT ?! i disagree ,  all three of these men look way better that Jim Iyke .! what is your opinion ?!