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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Relationship without Sex. on: 8-04-2011 08:36 PM
Quote from: onchedu on  7-04-2011 01:03 PM
Quote from: Sexyjeni on  7-04-2011 10:16 AM
Do u think relationship without sex will last? They are 7 things in this life i know that can make relationship strong: MONEY, LOVE,SEX,UNDERSTANDING,TRUTH,GOOD HEALTH AND TRUST but de most important one is SEx and monEY.
U can make ur relationship last only if u got de right person abi i Grin i need ur view about dis can relationship without sex last??

Babe, I don't see FRIENDSHIP, GOOD COMMUNICATION and RESPECT on Ur list and those two would probably influence the quality of a relationship more than anything else.

Good relationships can survive very well without sex. Matter of fact a relationship built on sex will more often have a more turbulent end for those involved.

It takes more than the indiscriminate use of cement to build a good house that is sound in structure.
I really agree with you.
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop David Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 (Page 7) on: 8-04-2011 05:13 PM
Quote from: Niceone1 on  8-04-2011 04:36 PM
Some times I wonder the reality and rationality of Religion.

Its all CAPITALISM!!!!
My broda, xtianity is not a religion, but a relationship in which we connect to God the Father, through the Son and via the Holy Spirit.
Religion is man's way of doing things to make one acceptable to God.

In Father-Son relationship, the son enjoys whatever the Father has.
Millions of xtians today and waxing and thriving in the blessings of the Father; the blessings touch every area fo human life, be it spiritual, intellectual, financial, moral, material, marital, what have you.
3  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop David Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 (Page 6) on: 8-04-2011 04:07 PM
Quote from: betty55 on  8-04-2011 02:27 PM
l went to nigeria inside the church l see how people were agressive to one another.on the street the same everybody is angry in that country on a slitest provocation.l ask myself with all this preaching and churches everywhere l thought people will so humble living a christlike now l know that this people carry their problem in their head everywhere jumping from one miracle joint to the other l called it joint cos that is what it is.PASTORS PROPHET AND PROPHETESS are the God they see not the real God.that is why some people can still comment here in the favour of them even if they do wrong.we should learn to seek God through christ the only way and nt been follow follow.dieing in poverty same time enriching their pocket and u will be made to go and fast for 7days no food so that u will be bless.and after then u remain in same sictuation.may God open save us.
My dear sister, if you see any believer fast for money, you just need to run, I mean run away from them becuase they are only serving God because of their bellies. In these last days, people go to church with different motives. Any motive aside from loving God the way a mother will love her child is not good at all.
In fact, if one is watching pastor or the prophets, one can miss the kingdom of God because they are men prone to commiting errors. The Boerean church never considered Apsotle Paul, as highly anointed as he was, a gospel superstar but carefully compared what he said with what the scripture (the ultimate and final word) said. People  who are bankrupt go to church, I am sure you will agree with me that it happens here in Nigeria and in almost all part of the world all in the name of seeking "blessing". All these are signs of end times. Hardly will you go to one church today, I mean one church, and not find one thing that will irritate you; this will and must be because we are in the end time, where deception and lies will surely thrive. Only those who believe in God and His Christ can be saved. Jesus said one thing "if I come back, will I ever meet faith?"
Oyedepo is indeed a blessed man, but he does not live by what the church gets from tithes and offerings. He writes books but never take a dime from the money obtained from the sold books. This man is committed and always committed to blessing lives around him. People do not know it because they are just underground works done in the secret, which do not need to be announced at all.
God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop David Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 on: 8-04-2011 03:37 PM
Quote from: kenfineboy on  8-04-2011 01:59 PM
Where is the source of that money coming from self, a pastor with four private jet, can't u see what TB Joshua is doing for the people,the poor, the needed n as well as the people who are hungry, all he can do is to give a white man money in the name of private jet what for as a pastor, people are staving in ur own church still u cannot help them. pastor i swear try get sense o, or no think say some members of ur church are not happy with what u did. this is nothing but Stupidity.
My brother, leave jet or no jet aside, Oyedepo is a man and not a God. Many people worship their General Overseers because it has been stated in the scripture that men shall deviate from the love of God in these last days. True worship exist in serving God and not a human being.
If you cut your hand and give it to another human being, will you go about and say what you did for your fellow human being?
Do not think I am trying to defend a man of God; nope.
5  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop David Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 on: 8-04-2011 01:31 PM
Quote from: popo2009 on  8-04-2011 01:16 PM
Why cant all these money be used to
better the lives of many dying of hunger and poverty
Pls i mean no disrespect...dnt attack me!!!
My brother, Morris and Barbara Cerullo Ministries in the U.S still come down to Africa and Asia to provide amenities for communities. That which governement might not do or neglect to do.
These men of God do the very same. They may not let it burst out to the public, but believe me, they do so.
6  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop David Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 on: 8-04-2011 01:14 PM
Quote from: Zorah on  8-04-2011 01:03 PM
Dat is madnesss 4 jet for what when people are dieing of hungry and one have 4 jets and he calls himself a bishop..... hissssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!! bullshit!

Sister, with what God has given you, how have you helped the poor?
Just a question. Everyone one of us is reponsible for the poor around us and God will ask us.
7  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop David Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 on: 8-04-2011 12:55 PM
Quote from: D-GodFather on  8-04-2011 10:45 AM
Are you sure?
8  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop David Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 on: 8-04-2011 12:50 PM
Quote from: otagermo on  8-04-2011 12:26 PM

You worship the Lord in Spirit, and yet say another man (a man of God) smoke ganja?
9  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop David Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 on: 8-04-2011 12:42 PM
Quote from: abbeyy74 on  8-04-2011 11:25 AM
Quote from: amstel on  8-04-2011 10:53 AM
Quote from: DEXY2007 on  8-04-2011 10:41 AM
those of u praising him should try n have a rethink.fcuked
Nobody is praising him, you hear. Get the right information about this man.
Do you know what pastors do underneath, I mean the tireless effort they do?
This was once a man that was poverty-beaten, poverty-stricken, povery-fathered yet he kept serving the Lord God with all His heart. This was a man that was ready to walk for 17km for God because he wanted to evangelize to people when there was no money to transport his evangelistic team to their destination.
He was a man that worked as the church's sanctuary keeper, chief-usher, yet the General Overseer when the ministry started.
He was the man that many people, his colleagues and others, were all crying for him because he finally embraced God's call to ministry.
Why can't we get the right fact about David O. Oyedepo.
my bruder i respect Bischop Oyedepo alot and i even attended his church before i came acroos the truth with Jehovas Witnesses and i saw alot of differnt from the so called churches of nowadays,walking 17km is not a new thing since our lord Jesus Christ walk thousands of kilometer spreading the goodnews and winning soul 4 GOD likewise his disciples after he has gone and also did the same, today i can prof to u to any lenght that the witnesses are the most highest organization spreading the good news about Jesus christ and our heavenly father without any of them complaining the way u are doing so and going from house to house some even abandoning their work 2 reach out to peolple where they can get them from,they dont force contribution or tithe out of people the way the other churches does so u dont have to be afraid that u cant go the house of GOD to worship becos u dont have money to contribute.their Elders dont go about buying jet or flashy car 4 the ministries which is not neccessary,they give out their books and publications including bibles free to people unless u are willing to give into the boxes to show appreciation to pls my bruder let us not say becos somebody have suffers in the past means that is an excuse for them.
First of all, I want to appreciate the way u responded to my comment; but I still have some things to point out in your response.
You said you attended his church; that was wrong?
Why? You may ask; no man on earth owns a church except Christ Jesus. There is no church, I mean the true church of Christ, that the planter will now say he is the owner. Christ is the owner of the church; he only commissions people to plant them and be like caretakers of the church.
If I may ask you, if God blesses you with millionstoday, don't you think you can give millions to any project that will preach the kingdom of that God? I have been blessed for quite number of times through the Watchtower Publications and so millions of people too have been (including those who do not belong to J.W). I do not need to be a member of A & A Glorious Chapel in order for me to be part of the Kingdom project that is happening there. My sister, with all those millions of Watchtower Publications issued out every month, people do give according to blessing God has blessed them with. They may not tell people to contribute but people will surely do because they know that they are using their resources to advance the kingdom of their God.
Again, though some church doctrines never believe in tithing, I don't think any true pastor will ever harass anybody for not paying tithe or offering. It's never done and anyone that does that is not practising the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Note that somebody provided the colt on which Christ rode to Jerusalem, somebody provided that 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes through which thousands were fed, somebody provided that expensive perfume that was rubbed on His feet, somebody provided that room where the Last Supper was eaten, some people were responsible for the financial help to the church at Jerusalem when they had financial challenges.
God blesses people, not for them alone, but to be a channel through which others will be blessed. People whom God has blessed do have to use the blessings God has given them for humanity and also for divinity.
And lastly, I am not saying that the fact people have suffered in times past now makes it a neccessity for them to be xtravagant. NO!!!
When a man serves the Lord, the Lord God in turn blesses him in return. You will agree with me that Christ died so that we can prosper. Prosper spiritually, morally, intellectually, physically, financially. And like I said, these men of God people claim to be rich or xtravagant always have some things they do for humanity and also for God.
Oyedepo writes books, but never collects a dime from the proceeds the books he writes. As a pastor, he pays his own tithes too, give offerings too. The man also builds churches for some other denominations too, these things are done without anybody knowing it except the closest people. I will agree if you say people go to church or serve God because of financial gains (a sugar daddy approach to God) instead of serving Him with their total hearts whether they have anything or not. That is not what the Gospel teaches.
God bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
10  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop David Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 on: 8-04-2011 11:17 AM
Quote from: babebose on  8-04-2011 09:56 AM
this is extravagance of the highest order
Do you believe in the Abrahamic order of blessing?
If you do, you will know that it's the Lord that blesses. Most pastors, whether in Nigeria here or abroad had a terrible beginning that no one would ever wish. Name them. Daddy Adeboye never wore a shoe throughout his secondary school days; Daddy Abiara almost called an angel of God a liar when he (the angel) showed him the map of the world when he was somewhere praying and God said (through the angel) that he would take him to everywhere he would see on that map; Dr Daniel Olukoya almost used a kettle to cook rice; Kenneth Hagin never knew that prosperity was meant for people in Christ; Frederick K. C Price said people thought it was a taboo for people in the church should get rich, Samuel O. Folahan (late) changed the feeding formula for his then twin babies all because there was no money to get baby foods; Daddy Oyedepo said he never minded starving to death because he was not ready to beg anybody for any amount of money (what does that mean)? What about Late Benson Idahosa, and many others like that.
God Almighty is the owner of wealth and prosperity and he gives them to people on earth. Many were paupers yesterday, yet big men today.
Oyedepo never cruises around in these jets. Hardly does he jet out of the country except on ministerial assignment. These jets are being used by missionaries who are always sent out on evangelism to foreign countries.
These men are blessed, yet they are not that extravagant like people portray them to be.
11  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop David Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 on: 8-04-2011 10:53 AM
Quote from: DEXY2007 on  8-04-2011 10:41 AM
those of u praising him should try n have a rethink.fcuked
Nobody is praising him, you hear. Get the right information about this man.
Do you know what pastors do underneath, I mean the tireless effort they do?
This was once a man that was poverty-beaten, poverty-stricken, povery-fathered yet he kept serving the Lord God with all His heart. This was a man that was ready to walk for 17km for God because he wanted to evangelize to people when there was no money to transport his evangelistic team to their destination.
He was a man that worked as the church's sanctuary keeper, chief-usher, yet the General Overseer when the ministry started.
He was the man that many people, his colleagues and others, were all crying for him because he finally embraced God's call to ministry.
Why can't we get the right fact about David O. Oyedepo.
12  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop David Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 on: 8-04-2011 10:40 AM
Quote from: GOLDENMEDAH on  8-04-2011 09:19 AM
Money is speaking, but come to think of it, doesn't  4 jets too much for a man of God...
But when he was riding his rickety volkswagen, what was speaking?
13  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Pastor Albert Odulele Sentenced to 14 Months in Prison on: 8-04-2011 10:18 AM
Quote from: monday3 on  7-04-2011 09:29 PM
Pastors are like captains on the battlefield that face the fiercest side of the war because they are the commanders.
They confront the devil on every side and attack his kingdom so as to deliver God's message of liberation (Salvation) to those captured by the devil. Hence, the devil always fight them more than people in the pew.
They need to be prayed for every now and then. Remember Elijah, who slaughtered 70 prophets of Baal, yet went panicky when Jezebel came ranting at him and prayed that God should take his life away.
The pastors need to be prayed for every now and them. Not only Christian clerics, but also the Muslim clerics too.
If I will ask you, how many time have you prayed for any cleric?
14  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 on: 8-04-2011 10:05 AM
Quote from: AJALA on  7-04-2011 08:58 PM
hmmm 4!! what for? if i may ask

Mister, you aint correct with this o.
Reason: Bishop David Oyedepo sponsors students personally from his hand, and also helps people. Try and get the message of this man of God, especially one on financial prosperity, and your perspective about him will change.
4 jets are not for one man, though he bought them, yet they are for the ministry.
15  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop David Oyedepo Acquires N4.5bn Private Jet, Bringing His Private Jets to 4 on: 7-04-2011 10:54 PM
I think people should get the messages right. The said jet was not bought this year but in the year 2009 (except if it was nother one, making it 5th).
That is one. The second one is that the jets are being used majorly by the foreign missions department of the church and not by the Bishop himself because he does not criss-cross countries like the way people portray him to be. Go to Canaanland and you will see him there.
We just need to get the stories about men of God right. Afterall, Kenneth Copeland has more than he does.
How many times have you heard that Copeland was globetrotting about about? Yes, this Kenneth Copeland sponsored Bonnke's evangelistic missions for almost 6 years or more.
We do not see or hear what are happening underneath these men of God's ministries but we only or majorly hear about what God bless their ministries with.
16  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 750,000 women commit abortion yearly – NURHI on: 30-03-2011 04:11 AM
Quote from: zander on 29-03-2011 04:47 PM
Dear, it's a bad thing 2 take away d life of an unborn child bcos it is murder. They 2 are living beings.
17  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: GSM Madness on Nigerian Streets, Before Blackberries on: 29-03-2011 07:48 AM
Quote from: Ajento on 27-03-2011 02:51 PM
After blackberry wetin go be the next now??
Na Blueberry go come o
18  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Five Cops Raped, Tortured Female Polytechnic Student In Cell (Page 2) on: 16-03-2011 06:40 AM
The police?
They are damned shameless fools parading themselves as protector of the citizens of the country.
Many of them are just dignified psycopaths in black uniform.
19  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: CHILD'S Bosom FEEDING on: 15-03-2011 10:24 PM
Quote from: truenaija2 on 14-03-2011 07:17 PM
yes its very wrong to use formular when ur child is not an orphan or bastard or when u r not sick , nigerians always use oyinbo things without knowing what its meant for or the side effect even oyinbo that has a premature baby in incubator pumps her breatsmilk to give it to the nurses for the baby in the incubator its only babies dier mother is dead dat use formular

You made a good point here pal!!!
Some of our people here in Africa, not in Nigeria alone, will always want to "oyinbolize" themselves
20  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: How long does alcohol remain in Bosom milk? on: 15-03-2011 08:27 PM
Why should a nursing mother even consume alcohol in the first place?
I think the answer depends on the quantity of the alcohol consumed and also the rate of absorption in the bloodstream.
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