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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / 12 Secrets Women Will Always Hide From Their Men on: 4-07-2020 03:37 PM
Secrets Women Will Always Hide From Their Men – We’ve all been there; you start dating someone and you want to present yourself as the best possible version of yourself but what that usually means is hiding some embarrassing things or habits that you don’t want your partner to know about. This goes both for men and women, but women are truly masters of the art of hiding their little secrets.

No matter how well you think you know someone, there are always things about them you have no idea about, and sometimes, that is actually a good thing. After all, you don’t want to know about all the places your girlfriend has been plucking hair from before you went on a date with her, do you? And she doesn’t want you to know about them either, so where is the harm in that?
On the other hand, there are some secrets she is keeping from you because she might be afraid how you would react if she told you, and they often involve her ex-boyfriends or some financial issues she might be having. Why do they do that? Well, every girl is different but there are some things most of them do have in common. So let’s dive deeper into the subject and talk about 12 things girlfriends will ALWAYS hide from their boyfriends.


If your girlfriend and your mother get along really well, you are one lucky dude because that really doesn’t happen very often. The key problem here is jealousy. Your mother is not happy about the fact she no longer is the most important woman in your life, while your girlfriend doesn’t like your mother trying to get too involved in your relationship. Of course, she will never EVER tell you that, especially if you are one of those guys who really care deeply about his mother. In fact, she will do anything to hide the fact she is not fond of your mother at all. After all, she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings and she also might be afraid it could have a really bad impact on your relationship.


You and your girlfriend might be just perfect for each other and, although you love each other dearly, that doesn’t mean you are the best lover she has ever had. Of course, she will never admit that! Sure, it might have crossed her mind once or twice, but she won’t talk to you about that ever. Instead, she might try to navigate you to do some things her ex did just right in the sack, but you’ll never know that is what she’s been doing. Keep in mind that she doesn’t like to be compared to your exes because that feels just awful, so she is actually doing you a solid by not comparing you to hers. On the other hand, every lover is different, and so is the chemistry between two people.

2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / 10 Things All Women Do When They Are Cheating on: 4-07-2020 12:11 PM
Things All Women Do When They Are Cheating – We have been conditioned and programmed to believe that men cheat most however the gap is fast closing. More and more women are stepping out of their marriages and partners for reasons best known to them.

While it may difficult to find out exactly when a woman is cheating, there are certain behaviors she will display that can give her away.

To identify whether she is cheating, below are signs you need to watch out for.

#1. She nags a lot

Granted women can nag and that is nothing unusual. But what you need to watch is her constant nagging. She will nag about everything from the smallest to the biggest issues. If this is happening it could indicative of trouble. She will begin to magnify her partner’s imperfections and if she is smitten by the other man she will use that as an excuse to break up.

#2. The ‘We’re just friends‘ line

This is a classic explanation women used when asked about the other man. If you ask her, pay attention to how acts and answers. If she’s uneasy and refuses to give you eye contact and divulge more, chances are she is seeing him.

3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / 10 Dating Mistakes Guys Make — and How to Avoid Them on: 28-06-2020 11:06 AM
10 Dating Mistakes Guys Make – Guys do some really dumb stuff, particularly when around a woman they like. Making too many stupid mistakes while still in the courting process can end a relationship before it had time to get off the ground. And that happens all too often in today’s world.

Here are 10 dumb dating mistakes guys make and (despite their ineptitude being in the best interest of guys with a little common sense) how to avoid them.

#1. Show up without a gameplan
While you should never have a rigid plan for much of anything in life, you should at least have a concept of how you want your date to go. Have a loose plan for what you’ll be doing and where you’ll be going on the date, and it’ll show that you’re capable of making decent decisions as well.
How to Avoid It: Ask yourself before you leave for the date “If everything goes perfect, what will we do on the date? Where will we eat? What will we do after? Etc.” Then go over the answers to the questions on your way there, so you can say them semi-assertively when the moment arises.

#2. Forget (or not listen to) what you know about her
How annoying is it to be asked the same question multiple times? It’s pretty frickin’ terrible. Don’t be that guy, and keep in mind all of the hints she’s dropped already about her likes and dislikes. Women are way better at subtle hints than guys are, so think of it like a game of Clue.
How to Avoid It: Pick out a handful of important things to remember about her and use whatever methods used to work for you on high school tests to keep them fresh in your head before a date.

#3. Say things directly opposing their best interests
This one’s for those guys who say, “I’m not looking for anything serious,” and then immediately catch feelings. Or “Maybe we should just be friends” mere minutes before they hook up. If you know you’re looking for one thing, you don’t have to be blunt about it but don’t outright deny it. Maybe she wants what you want but you keep telling her it’s not what you’re looking for.
How to Avoid It: Be honest with yourself about what you want so you can be honest with her.

#4. Bring a terrible wingman
Shoutout to the dudes who bring their married/boring/unattractive friend to “entertain” a woman’s friends while he tries to get lucky with the isolated target. If your wingman isn’t at least good enough to hold the friend’s attention, how is he supposed to give you a shot with the one you’re interested in?
How to Avoid It: Get a wingwoman (really), or fly solo, or at least use a wingman who knows what he’s doing.
Too much confidence can also be a killer, but coming up short on it is a lot more common. Confidence can be faked as well as anything, so there’s really no reason not to pretend to be at least remotely cool with yourself no matter how self-deprecating you really are.
How to Avoid It: Whenever you start to get nervous around a date (or potential date), think of a song that makes you feel like you’re the greatest, even if it’s “All Star” by Smash Mouth.

#6. Not offer to be a gentleman
You don’t always have to pay for a lady’s meal, but it’s polite to at least ask for the first few times. Same thing with holding doors and table manners. Plenty of women will decline the kind gestures, but the thought alone is worth more bonus points than you can count.
How to Avoid It: Hold doors open, offer to pay for her meal, suggest other little things you can do to make her life better that she’ll probably turn down.

#7. Act outright mean
Yeah yeah yeah, women dig A*#Ss or whatever. Being a little snarky can sometimes work in your favor in the dating world, but there’s a line crossed all too often these days. Don’t be mean just to be mean; nobody likes that.
How to Avoid It: Make sure that every “mean” comment you say is at least as funny as it is mean. People like funny.

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