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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: VIDEO: Boko Haram Leader Explains Why They Kill Christians And War On Jonathan on: 12-01-2012 02:03 PM
This boko haram or whatever they call them are animals. i don't tink they are Muslims they are just bunch of ignorant bastard that want to destroy Nigeria and spoil Islam. talking about peace u don't make peace by killing and keep saying its Allah work. am a muslin and am proud to be one  coz they is no place in the Quran where its says kill people if they don't follow ur religion or kill the Christians especially.what the quran says is dat " to you be ur religion and to me, my religion. this foolish bastard is here saying is the work of Allah its not, its the work of boko haram because in one of the hadith of the prophet- the prophet said, "None is more patient than Allah against the harmful and annoying words he hears (from the people: they ascribe children to him, and yet he bestows upon them health and provision" he did no kill a whole family. if ur desire is to kill and die ..then INSHALLAH u guys shall die in HELL!. BOKO HARM STOP SPOILING ISLAM FOR MUSLIMS.