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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Enugu Airport on: 31-12-2010 03:39 AM
NYC to Enugu...can't wait
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Aggrieved passenger attacks KLM flight in Abuja on: 8-09-2010 06:47 AM
Quote from: donuche on  7-09-2010 02:07 AM
some people in this forum are just hell bent on tarnishing our image and always branding us hungry nations with hungry people even when it is a clear case of provocation. you that are calling the man a hungry man,do u in any way know the person in question with his background?. you call somebody who went to an airline office and bought a ticket for himself a hungry man even without knowing why he acted that way. have you been unjustly denied a service that you payed for or treated without respect in your own fathers land by this stupid foreign airlines that always see every nigerian like an animal. you don't even know if he was trying to claim a lost baggage from his previous trip. what he did is not right no the treatment he might have been meeted with by the airline official that made him that angry, but pls lets keep hungry out of it until we know why he did what he did. was it not a journalist that throw his shoes at george bush in iraq,was he asking for for food or money?, but he was only trying to protest what he calls an injustice by the american government to the iraqis. if that man does not have any justifiable reason to even challenge the airline officials from their office to the airport the security men that arrested him wouldn't have been that lenient with him to allow him to escape in the first place and he also wouldn't have got even the moral right as well as the courage to enter inside the tarmac to haul stones at the engine of the aircraft.the police too in abuja would have paint the whole scenario like we have caught an armed robber or a terrorist if that man was completely wrong. people protest with worst manner than that abroad if you have been denied of your right or justice. though i am not in support of what he did because there is so many other ways to seek for justice without really being violent.
u r absolutely rite the same thing happened to me when i travelled to naija they took all the london suit
i bought from naija on getting to NY i could not believe my eyes my bag was in good condition when i claimed it
i opened it at home half of it was gone i had to drive an hour back to the airport.i didnt c no 1 2 speak 2.i called their number
they said i should lodge my complaint to their office at the airport and the door was locked 4 the whole 4 hrs i was there
 i even pushed a note under their door uptill today no 1 contacted me. i was so angry not bcos of the suit but bcos i
walked under the sun in naija. i can tell anybody DESIST and RESIST KLM.
3  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Aggrieved passenger attacks KLM flight in Abuja on: 8-09-2010 06:34 AM
Quote from: oceannaija on  7-09-2010 04:45 AM
No comment, just passing.
u r absolutely rite the same thing happened to me when i travelled to naija they took all the london suit
i bought from naija on getting to NY i could not believe my eyes my bag was in good condition when i claimed it
i opened it at home half of it was gone i had to drive an hour back to the airport.i didnt c no 1 2 speak 2.i called their number
they said i should lodge my complaint to their office at the airport and the door was locked 4 the whole 4 hrs i was there
 i even pushed a note under their door uptill today no 1 contacted me. i was so angry not bcos of the suit but bcos of the sun i
walked under in naija. i can tell anybody DESIST and RESIST KLM.
4  Forum / Politics / Re: YORUBAS ARE TROUBLE MAKERS. WHY? on: 9-07-2010 05:53 PM
whalai omo ale bastard toju bastard lo loje ...go find ur mother n ask her who ur real father is because am sure ur a bastard that u claim u r. me am IGBO but i respect yorubas a lot u have the right to point fingers @ a particular tribe wat abt the hausa's if i may ask u. u know history so u refuse to know the history of others bcos u r a lost dog that must eat shit BASTARD!.
5  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bayelsa Declares 7-Day Fasting for Yar’adua on: 9-12-2009 03:53 AM
this Goodluck man i hope is luck his not pushing him towards the presidency
6  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bayelsa Declares 7-Day Fasting for Yar’adua on: 9-12-2009 03:52 AM
this Goodluck man i hope is luck his not pushing him towards the presidency
7  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: I’m Pregnant For My Uncle, Can Abortion Do Any Good? on: 2-12-2009 02:58 AM
A woman said i never knew these kinda tins happens in real life i tot it only happens in nollywood