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21  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Man to die by hanging for kidnapping on: 24-11-2010 11:34 AM
Very good judgment, if  those embezzler politicians that theft our money abroad could be giving the same judgment our dear Nigerian would better than this.
22  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Assault: actress threatens to sue Speaker on: 23-11-2010 11:35 AM
hey sorry o babe, I like the way you stand with them had it been you re  just somebody who doesn't know her wright, they will just oppressed you for nothing. I beg no agree for them let them pay for it. they are all useless.
23  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Nigerian Comedian (Ali baba) buys truck head for N200 (180,000 USD) on: 22-11-2010 04:21 PM
Why people con dey alah se the guy (Ali baba) no try, I think is going to make money from it, beside Yoruba do say market whey will u money buy we are going to sell it to make money, ride on joo I mean carry go I dey feel u.
24  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Nigerian Comedian (Ali baba) buys truck head for N200 (180,000 USD) on: 22-11-2010 11:54 AM
Hey Ali baba big money, big boy.
25  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Not only Calabar; Lagos is also beautiful; Which is more Attractive? on: 27-12-2009 12:03 PM
For my observation Lagos is more attractive and more beautiful than Calabar. Thanks God bless
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