You are dating the wrong person, seeking the wrong information at the wrong place at the wrong time. Nigerians dont need parasites on their soil. Stay there where you are and be proud of living and dying as a slav we dont want people who hate our color for no reason, people who have nothing to offer life but pure hatred, we dont need coperate beggars and cheap wh*res live your problem and we would do something about ours too.
As for your stupid husband sorry he dont love you, you would have to deal with that for the rest of your life marrying for sex. find your way to the embassy if you really need information and dont come here to gain cheap attention cos its not working at all.
just so you know this are what you know how to do best, envy successful blacks(Nigerians) in your Country
Racism on Black Football Players in POLAND !!!doomed poor racist nation, dont come here we really wont welcome you.
bongo man
Dont understand why attacking me... I just wanted to know point of view from ppl living there currently... and You attacking me.
My husband wasnt there for more dan 2 years now, so he doesnt really know how tings r der...
The video you sent is video only about black football players in Poland. Sorry but polish ppl goin to matches, are stupid young guys, dont have nthg to do,so dey go for small matches (cause this Nigerians play in SMALL polish teams) n abuse dem.
Judging me because of some polish A*#Ss that abuse black ppl cause of their colour or cause u met some bitchez here its PITIFUL.
I met many nigerian guys here and not only here, dat act crazy like DAMN. If i will judge all Nigerians from the ones i met n from wat ive heard i WOULD never marry Nigerian person.
But fortunately im not like you. I dont put all ppl to one box... thats stupid.
Im sorry u need to abuse just because i ask for small info...
take care n STOP HATING