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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: I’m Pregnant For My Uncle, Can Abortion Do Any Good? on: 3-12-2009 11:41 AM
some how sef,me too i no believe the story
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: I’m Pregnant For My Uncle, Can Abortion Do Any Good? on: 3-12-2009 11:31 AM
u said ur uncle sent his wife away bcos of where u bin dey b4 ur uncle marry in wife. and again u see say them dey get problem bcos u too fine and still u still dey 4 the house. u no serious,home breaker.
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: How can one handle a long distance love affair on: 11-11-2009 01:40 PM
i'm facing such case now and the guy in question hardly communicate with me now, don't know what to do. i need help.
4  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Can you kiss in the public? on: 11-11-2009 01:31 PM
unless am not proud of him
5  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Jim Iyke romancing a pastors wife on: 11-11-2009 10:34 AM
abeg me una give mi beta stori,this one dey live fairy tale

'and they lived happily ever after'

6  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Nkem Owoh, Top Nollywood actor kidnapped on: 11-11-2009 10:23 AM
if them get mind to kidnap osuofia,i wonder who go be the next
7  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Strippers in Lagos state arrested on: 11-11-2009 10:02 AM
they shouldn't have been arrested rather the clubs should have been closed down only 'cos that job is clear indecency,the girls should do better things with their lives