Girls...whatever theory you wanna put up to defend it, I DONT GIVE A F**K! Truth is, to most guyz, STRETCH MARKS SUCKS! You"re definitely spitting all these coz you have em on you...stay with it! but guess what..there are a lotta pretty honeys out there without stretch marks! And who said stretch marks are permanent? No wonder the Bible says our people die of "lack of knowledge"
Yes actually i do have them, on my boobs (am expecting more later on so pls feel free to be disgusted), does'nt stop me from flaunting them, nothing a can of spray tan can't cover. And since you seem to be the expert and know the cure, could you please share, it could make u very rich. Ok now that am done being nice, i really do not give a shit and No, i am not spitting bcoz i av it but i am however pissed at the amount of pure ignorance surrounding me(prove me wrong, wtf is ur cure). Oh did i mention, guys have them too, just u know saying.
You are one hell of a down to earth lady.Lol