1. She didn't say her man must be handsome because 9ice is certainly not a handsome man. 2. The men calling her ugly are IMO ugly too. Plus I can say without a doubt that they are penniless. No looks, no money yet you have to guts to criticize someone else. Imagine a fat, ugly and poor man like that poster saying someone is ugly.
Just read a few lines and I needn't read further to say that the OP is a pack of crap. ARE AFRICANS SO DAFT THAT THE WHITE MEN HAVE TO CHOOSE WHOM THEY LOVE FOR THEM? As an African, I refuse to be talked about as a brainless being, whose white masters have manipulated to the extent that my identity is no longer mine but that my superior masters have built for me. I am not gay but if I were, I'd be highly offended by this post, cuz it's not just ignorant, it's also offensive, disrespectful and degrading to anybody of African descendance.
hmmm, I thought Ugly face could make one start reciting Psalm 23, esp when you suddenly jam the carrier along lonely road, Then your spirit could break as well even when reciting Psalm 23.. You can only pick courage when you get to the verse that says " Even thou i walk thru the valley of shadow and death, I shall fear no evil"
1) Means (Wealth, possessions, gifts to them or providing for them) 2) Power (Influence, Leadership, provide safety) 3) Fame 4) Looks (Including height) 5) Exclusivity (Royalty, already married, hard to get, affiliation) 6) Personality (Humor, creativity, romance, intelligence, mystique
They are compatible and absolutely not in conflict with each other. If a man thinks an independent woman won't submit to him then he gotta check himself to see if he is up to her standard. Being a man doesn't make you entitled to any type of woman. Stick to your level and you won't have submission palaba.