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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Igbo Parents And Traditional Rites Of Their First Daughter? on: 24-04-2011 08:42 PM
He aint serious, cus if he was he would have found out from he's girl or her family first before making unnecessary noise.... Roll Eyes
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Tiger woods phyuked 120 women in just 5 years on: 1-05-2010 03:23 PM
Quote from: onchedu on 30-04-2010 12:53 PM
U'r making it sound like the guy slept with 120 women in a day.

For real I bet most of the guys here has done more than that, I would  been surprised if it was 120 in a year or a year and bahd loooool