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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why do women moan during sex? on: 27-08-2011 01:52 PM
Sex is an emotional touch or feelings that goes in the head of every human beings God has created when in practice. So the reasons why it seen so enjoying by the female more is because they are the hole holder of the man's body. So it is sometimes easy for them to cum bigger and always as you have sex together, so for the issue about they moaning nature and sometimes the girl do not know even that they do moan because it is an enjoyment fully with pains and happiness.
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why are men scared of pregnancy news from their babes?! on: 26-03-2011 07:51 PM
I love to carry my baby if my girl friend gives me one. Why should i be afraid when i know that i am human being with good and healthy blood running over my vain and when a woman is pregnant for me then i will deny it. Dem the man and it is my advise that any man who is not up to the tax of taking care of a pregnant woman or her baby, should not have sex with the girl un-protective. This issue suppose to be a law to protect our girls and the nation, also from AIDS, because it's real. NA BEG I DEY BEG.
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: I am having a relationship with my exboyfriend and boyfriend on: 19-03-2011 02:30 AM
Try to know the different between the word called LOVE AND LIFE. Money is important in life but it is not everything. The person you love when you stick with him and encourage him in doing something good, can't you see how you would build future within a period of time. I mean instead of sleeping for money when after doing it you will not be happy. What you are doing to yourself is the greatest SIN that God hardly forgive, do you know fornication is a SIN but some people believe when you do it and enjoy it and be happy and it is not SIN again. YES, in some degree of thoughts, it is no longer a grate SIN, because sometimes you are happy when having done it finish. Listen, what am all saying is that you should stop doing what doesn't make you happy after doing it moreover having sex which should be a desire from your heart of hearts, bye and try learn before it is too late ok.
4  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Women's Submission Vs Men's Love on: 19-03-2011 02:14 AM
Quote from: kinkino on 15-03-2011 01:18 PM
"How many men love their wives like Christ loved and still loves the Church?"  there ar men who lov ther wives but dey ar few

"Is it necessary for a gal to submit to a man that hasnt paid her bride prize?" e get as e b if dey don dey liv together oooo... livin together wen d brid priz is not paid is against wht is writtn in d Holy Bible...d gal might not b submisiv if her eyz is stil outside....

"Guys, do you think that a gal that refused to submit to a man while they were dating would eventually submit when they marry?"  mmmm for guys sha...but ana eji isii ahuru amara uto nsii....

"Gals, would you submit to a man you arent married to?..." yah i wil b submisiv whil datin and after marriag...but he must play his role kwa...

isii ahuru mara ma na di uto. kinkino, ahuru ga di uto maka isii nsii. HAAHAHAHA, LOVE YOU BABY AND YOUR RIGHT IN YOUR EXPRESSION, COUTO.

5  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Masquerades strip 2 women for wearing trousers on: 19-03-2011 01:53 AM
Tradition is Tradition, but depending on the kind you are thinking. She should have been inform about this period of they community tradition, but all the same she is still alive. Some tradition even kill the person, thanks to God she was only strip and not killed.
6  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Actor, JOHN DUMELO, Pledged $40,000 USD To Build School In Ghana (Photos) on: 13-02-2011 03:52 PM
God will reward you my guy!. I pray for you and this year is your supper progress in your finances, just watch out. The bible said: because you have done this great work, in reward, i will reward thee and in blessing i blessed thee. So what you be waiting for now my guy is reward from he that sees the heart and good work of mankind, keep it up.
7  Forum / Politics / Re: Scores Crushed To Death At Jonathan's Presidential Rally In Port Harcourt on: 13-02-2011 03:31 PM
Quote from: seungbadebo on 12-02-2011 11:37 PM
is this some kind of joke or tale? it is only in Nigeria that d lives of people are treated like that of chicken!. there is virtually nothing held in Nigeria without bloodshed. 1st, it is said to be a rally not a protest, y the sporadic shooting? 2ndly, there is no respect for the president atall if such "crime" can be committed in his presence(unless he ordered it) and lastly, this is an embarrassment to the entire nation. i suggest we emulate d egyptians....

My dear seungbadebo, I don't know what to say again to contribution more ideas to our people, because you have said it all. All i could say is that i support your ideas. If all Men should listen into your directive ideas written in your comment, i think we all should learn that sporadic shooting wasn't a good answer or rally as the name may be called. Can't we all learn about the American way of rallies by dialogs instead of bloodshed. It is very shameful to hear such story from a rally that involved the present of Nigerians number one citizen. I'm sometimes afraid to return back home because of this common killing and crimes in Nigeria. Lets us join hands to emulate one good life and stop embarrassment ourselves with mess killing and shooting. 
8  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: God didn’t ask me to run -Bakare on: 7-02-2011 10:09 AM
I just believe the Pastor can make a change if giving him the chance, what do you think Nigerian's abroad?. We need a good leader to that Nation, being a Pastor or whoever, all we need is a good and God fearing Leadership. But if you ask me, I will tell you that Pastor Tunde Bakare can make a good leadership to Nigerian people both home and abroad.
9  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bakare: God Told Me To Run With Buhari on: 1-02-2011 11:11 PM
I believe in one Nigeria and if God told Bakare to rule Nigeria for betterment of all, there is no disappointment/appointment when God has spoken. Nigeria need only a good leader and not membership/Religious. So we should all get it to our ears that God doesn't lies and if he raises a king to rule, it is good thing to count better nation forward. The Pastors/Ministers who are saying it is not good for a Minister to join Politics, I hope because there are already living find. My question is: Doesn't it mean we don't need massive changes to all peoples of Nigerians, home and abroad?. Bad leaderships has lead us many Nigerians to rout out in all African countries and Europe in search of good fortunes. We are insulted in common African countries that Nigeria is more than because of mismanagement and bad leadership, corruption and money laundering of leaders, giving us bad names, mostly those of us outside the country. All we are saying give us good Leader-----ooooooooooooo.
10  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Edo girls demand an apology on: 17-12-2010 08:19 PM
But, tell me who do you request Apology from?. I can see that you just want to put fire on Nigerians or trying to insult us because your sisters are a disgrace to woman hood both home and abroad. Well, may be you don't know or you are not wise enough. So brothers, lets not be angry with her, and let us think the other side of it, may be the girl who is requesting for apology is ignorant of what is happening among her sister both home and abroad. Baby HOPEA23, you are too pretty to depend evil, lets called a spade ( A SPADE). Just advise your sister to repent and God will forgive them all. I will also put them in prayers for God to forgive their evil did. Listen Prostitution and Lesbianism is not good in the face of man and God, that's all we are saying. Try to get that to your understanding before you start asking or requesting for nonsense apology OK.    
11  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Edo girls demand an apology on: 17-12-2010 07:54 PM
Apology fire! Instead of u to start apologyzing on behalf of your fellow girls for the shame u girls brought upon The Great People of a Great nation, u are here saying nonsense. God forbid my wife come from Edo. Edo Girl are disgrace to woman hood. Una level don even pass ashawo, na lesbeee uwa be now. God forbid.

My brother, this Edo girls has been a big disgrace to our great Nation Nigeria. I don't really know what the government of Nigeria is doing over this God forbidding girls on the street of every countries of the world, even in all African countries. I really Support your opinion, Lets see what the government will say about them. Just imagine this prostitutes Edo girls requesting for apology from who?.
12  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Nigerian men don’t believe in successful women –Bukky Wright on: 6-12-2010 10:58 AM
Honestly I love this woman, I dream the day i could touch her. I am not saying to have any funny with her, but mature mind thinking person would know what a mature man is saying. She is very pretty woman to my liking despite the age in between, I guess that she looks more pretty when she was in 20's.  Don't laugh, it is my opinion, better share yours opinion for our mind free. Her daughters should be every man's dream, well I wish you good luck and whatsoever you wish yourself. Still remember my words!, I LOVE YOU Bukky.
13  Forum / Politics / Re: Audio Recording Of $50,000 Bribe Scandal on: 2-12-2010 02:09 PM
The issued here is that money was giving to SNG under the leadership of Pastor Tunde Bakare and the same money was returned back. But the question there is, what the money was giving for?!. A Bribe money or Gift for Transport to the visiting delegation of the Save Nigeria Group?. Well follow Nigerians, lets solve this issued with this question above, I think we can find the answer. Before you called one a goat, make sure he believes like one. Pastor Tunde Bakare comments speech on the tape about the $50.000.00 giving to SNG, he didn't say it was a bribe money. Now corruption of the Nigerian political Master has open ears and eyes on ground: The Name: Audio Recording Of $50,000 Bribe Scandal. hahahaha show us who is the giver, i promise we shall punish any bribe giver in this time of Nigerian political Master. Be away the young ones are watching, we do not allow any bribe this time, if not blood will share. If you are giving bribe or you have already collected, just return it now, indirect way you can return, fine the way OK. Please Let us build Nigeria for better, we all Nigerians scattered all over the world, messing up by little nonsense other Africa countries because of all these rubbish news. May God guide and protect this great country Nigeria, Pastors unite and we shall win.

14  Forum / Politics / Re: Atiku to Obasanjo: “We too dey laugh ooo!” on: 28-11-2010 06:00 AM
In next generation, both of you will rot in prison. Old fools, why can't both of you go ahead and tell us how much each of you embezzled while in power. International criminals like both of you should be punish for embezzlement. Well, if both of you think Nigeria the great country will fall by laughing at each other over your mess, we shall live greatest than both of you. Believe me, it is animals that will eat up both of your flash for laughing at your embezzlement. God punish both of you!.
15  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: 2face Is EMPTY!!! - Sir Shina Peters on: 20-11-2010 02:04 AM
But what is the concerned between Shina Peter and the young simple guy called 2face?. To my suggestion , I think there's a make of greedy existing in the eyes of Shina Peter, what's your thought's, so aid your view fast. I mean how can you say someone is EMPTY!!!, when you are not his Master.