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481  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: How long could you abstain from sex? on: 20-12-2010 08:24 PM
yea...still have to talk true
482  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: How long could you abstain from sex? on: 20-12-2010 08:11 PM
Actually, according to God, sex is for married people ONLY.  So married couples have it the best!  Unfortunately, some who are married have been tricked by some in the mass majority who are single into thinking they are missing out on something, when they are not missing out on anything at all, at all.  Of course, there are unspoken considerations and situations too numerous to include in this response that go one in a marriage relationship.  Just the same, good and bad, husband and wife are suppose to push through it all together.   God made sex for marriage only because every person one has sex with, one is also bonding with that person.  This type of bond is only suppose to happen between husband and wife.  If one bonds with so many people this way, right decisions that should be made won't be made and bad decisions that shouldn't be made will be made, based on the improper bond between the two.  As well, if males or females make sex a habit outside of marriage, the habit usually over takes the person.  Even when they now marry, the habit may now have them to the point where being faithful to their partner is a challenge or not possible which will definitely causes problems in the relationship. Some singles talk much as if sleeping from one person to the next is a game, or some type of fun and positive activity or entainment to occupy some minutes.  If one is not married and is having sex with the same person or sleeping around, it is unsafe nor what God wants because he wants the best for all involved. Sex is an unhealthy habit outside of marriage and has taken many to an early grave.  Something else to we control our body's or are our body's suppose to control us?  Sex is also in the mind, so if one says they don't want to go without it they usually won't and if one says they will do without it they usually will.  Though, either way it must be what the person truly wants and desire...not just lip service.  We are suppose to and CAN control our body's but it first starts in the mind...control one's thoughts and one WILL control their body too .   So to every married couple, stay together with God as your center and keep intruders out & enjoy enjoy and enjoy each other well well!!! Smiley
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